Witnessing what happened to his father was not an easy thing...
First of all, saying goodbye to him, knowing very well that he may not be back ever again.
Then, waiting to see him during the countless amount of days on end of coming back home to an empty household, having to look after himself, when he didn't have any form of income.
And then suddenly going through all of the horrific things that he went through, all because of that monster of a man that was Luna's father.
And speaking of Luna, he didn't even know if he would ever see her ever again. Mainly because of the fact that he doesn't know where she is.
He's lost in so many ways and is filled to the brim with frustration, because of the amount of questions he had about the whole situation that he was in.
What exactly happened in the past few days?
Why is he so deeply involved in so much already?
Where is Luna and who the hell is her father?
How do his parents tie into the whole situation?