Better Call Reinhard.

"AUGH! That fucking hacker! My fucking hand, god this hurts so much!"

Tomura, in a position that feels oddly familiar to him, was beginning to regret not asking for reinforcements from the Doctor. Having been too eager to get revenge on Reinhard, he decided he would try and take out the speed hacker himself and ignored his Sensei's suggestion to bring more Nomu.

"Tomura. I see your plan failed. Where is the Nomu? Did he at least damage All Might?"

Another thing Tomura had forgotten was that he needed to kill All Might. Though, the singular problem lies in the fact that he never fucking came anyway. Having gotten too into fighting Reinhard, he didn't pay attention to such a detail.

"Sensei, the kid, Reinhard, he was too strong. He treated the Nomu like a fucking tutorial boss! He took off my hand, Sensei! He killed Kurogiri for fucks sake!"

Cogs were turning in All For One's head, and he was reaching a conclusion he wasn't liking. The current holder of One For All is far too strong, far too quickly, especially given the nature of the power and how it increases over time. He hadn't accounted for this in his plans. The Doctor assured him it would harm the wielder too much to thwart him. Then, the final piece of information registered.

"Killed Kurogiri? You mean to say he knew of Kurogiri's weakness, and managed to fight both him and the Nomu at the same time?"

"Yes! Thats what I've been saying Sensei! He's a hacker! A filthy fucking cheat!"

All For One activated one of the few Quirks he used for sight to try and assess the damage Kurogiri suffered, and would have winced if not for his Composure Quirk. Complete severance of the brain stem, with that special unhealable trademark he was beginning to hate so much.

This was a tremendous setback. It seems as though he was going to have to escalate.

"Doctor. Try and salvage whatever you can from Kurogiri, the Nomu is a lost cause. Tomura, as of now I am disappointed in you, far more than I have ever been. One of the first lessons I taught you was to know when you are outclassed, and you have ignored it entirely. Call Giran, and ask for more subordinates. You can't rely on yourself anymore, especially without Kurogiri."

Tomura, holding his blackened wrist as he trembled slightly, on the verge of tears, nodded shakily as he once more swore in his heart that he would make Reinhard fucking pay, and that he would revel in his death.

All For One, on the other hand, was preparing several of his contingencies. One For All had grown too strong too quickly outside of his view, perhaps he had grown complacent. The problem is that Reinhard's public record was classified, most likely something UA had a hand in. With his several technomancy Quirks, though he can easily hack into the government's citizen registe-



Name: Reinhard van Astrea

Age: 16

Education: UA Heroics School.

Blood Type: AB

Blood Relatives: None.

Birthday: 25/12/2132

Quirk: Divine Blessings. As long as user truly desires for said power, any power no matter what can be granted to the user. Known examples include Sodium Knowledge, to differentiate between salt and sugar, and Swiftness, allowing user to control speed up to a limit of mach 43 with instantaneous speed disregarding acceleration.

Threat Level: EX.

Holy shit. No wonder there was so much red tape around Reinhard's file. That Quirk, just thinking about it makes his brain tremble. If he could have such a thing, would he ever need to care about One For All?

Would Divine Blessings become a part of One For All? Because if that was the case, then they could simply wish to control the power and instantly be more powerful than All Might. No wonder the boy was so fast.

Does he even have One For All? The Quirk would explain why he was so powerful, would One For All be necessary? Was this All Might's plan, disguise the current user of One For All and use Reinhard as a front?

How does he even counter a Quirk? Couldn't the boy just wish to be unable to lose his Quirk? Couldn't he just wish to be immortal?

So many plans need to change. He must consult the Doctor, perhaps he should assume a more direct control of the League. The boy must be living life like a king, and here he was hooked up to a chair running windows vista.


Currently, I was living like a fucking criminal. Upon having the facility cleaned out after the villains were taken in by the teachers and police, I was met with two policemen taking me away.

My classmates, who were extremely confused barring those who had witnessed the Plaza Battle, so those such as Mineta, Tsuyu, Izuku and Todoroki, had been told that the police needed further explanation from me.

Then, I was unceremoniously thrown into an interrogation room and left on my lonesome for a while. I assume they plan to bring in Tsukauchi given our previous rapport with one another. I can also see through the glass that several policemen alongside All Might and Nezu were watching me.

I just give a wave in their direction, uncaring of the situation I am in. While it is annoying what is occurring, I can understand the hesitation, plus in their eyes I kinda killed someone.

While I am here, I may as well just think about possible [Divine Protections] I can attain. I still can't use Mana through a Gate and produce magic, and I won't ever be able to, which I am definitely not going to be pissed about forever. Honestly, I'm hesitant about wishing for new [Divine Protections] given that it would require interaction with God. I suppose the best thing I could get my hands on is either a healing power or a restraining one.


▪︎Such Greedy Ambitions. Perhaps Not All Of Regulus Died In Priestella. Perhaps He Remains With You.▪︎

Get the fuck out of my head. Leave me alone you piece of shit.

▪︎It Would Be Within Your Best Interests To Listen, Sword Saint.▪︎

Oh? What have you got for me now? You gonna kill my friends just to see how I would react? Gonna build entertainment by making me an S class criminal?

▪︎Hmm. Maybe Later. But Your Ambitions Should Be Addressed. As I Said, Greed Festers Within You.▪︎

Greed festers? You keep talking about Greed, about Regulus, about my ambitions. What's that all about anyway? Do all Gods just become lunatics or are you special?

Wait a minute. Greed festers. Festers. You son of a bitch! You gave me the fucking Authority didn't you?! Take it out, get it the fuck away from me you asshole!

▪︎No. I Haven't Given You Greed. I Simply Wanted You To Avoid Such Thoughts. Though, I Could Grant It If You So Desire.▪︎

Of course I don't want the Authority of Greed. It's powerful, sure, but I don't know how it would interact with my connection to Divine Blessings, nor do I like the sound of such a twisted power.

▪︎You Would Turn Down Power Over Petty Morals? Hmm. He Would Hate You. ▪︎

▪︎Congratulations, Sword Saint. You Have Entertained Me. Consider This A Gift.▪︎

[Divine Protection of The Gate Of Babylon Has Been Acquired]

How? How the fuck does that even count as a [Divine Protection]? How did you even do that? Why would you?

▪︎As I Said. Consider It A Gift. Perhaps This Will Give You Incentive To Respect Me.▪︎

Respect is earned, not bought. I appreciate the bribe, but I couldn't give less of a shit if it means I gotta talk with you. Take your fucking power back, and leave me the hell alone.

▪︎Well, Now You've Given Me More Reason To Let You Keep It.▪︎

You just don't get it do you? The more openly powerful I become, the more people might start fearing me. Restraining me. Rallying against me. I already have a lifetime of being treated like a weapon, there was a fucking law made about me for God's sake. I'd just be way too strong for this world.

▪︎Did You Truly Think Your Entertainment Value Stays With This World?▪︎

▪︎Oh No, Dear Reinhard. You Are Too Valuable To Let Fester In This Reality.▪︎

What the fuck is the point then?! Whats the point of making friends, of being happy if its all just going to be taken away from me?

▪︎I Will Let You Decide.▪︎

The hell is that supposed to mean? Is that all you can give me? Hey! Talk to me you fucking lunatic!


To those observing me through the interrogation room, it seems as if my eyes were randomly hardening and softening in several different points, eventually settling on a strange sadness.

When the detective finally walked in, I sighed and resigned myself to the questioning. Now that I know what God plans for me, I can only assume he wants me to grow stronger. To become more powerful.

It seems as though God didn't want me to go too far though, because it seems my [Gate of Babylon] has locked my EA for now, though it does have Enkidu as of now. Stupid fucking deity. Giving me powers to use against the Divine.

One day, I swear to the Devil himself, no matter how many worlds you send me to, how much you make me suffer, I will kill you God.


"Reinhard van Astrea. We meet again. I must say, I didn't expect it to be in circumstances like this, that much is for sure."

"I'm sure you didn't. One thing I would like to know is why my Lawyer isn't here, and why you expect to interrogate me after a traumatic event where I have just saved multiple lives and stopped a villain attack on my school."

"Ehm... Anyway, moving on. We'd like to ask you a couple of questions, just for an assurance. You've mentioned your Quirk, Divine Blessings previously and we've got it in the register right now, under heavy lock and key, but one thing that is unknown are the limits of range it has. Can you describe them?"

"What answer would you prefer? The one where I reveal that I could quite easily destroy the world if given enough time or the one where I reveal how I don't feel comfortable without my Lawyer here and sue you for malpractice."

The detective, having been listening intently with his Quirk active, instantly leaves the room after hearing that sentence, mainly because both statements were registered as True by his Quirk.

Upon leaving, he turns to Nezu and All Might behind the glass and reveals the information he just received being entirely truthful, asking how the hell he is supposed to handle a brat who can destroy the world before Nezu asks a question.

"Is your Quirk decided by an outside force? Or is your Quirk based on the targets perception? If he truly believes he can destroy the world, then the Quirk would ring true. So, perhaps he's simply being egotistical after thwarting such an attack, Tsukauchi."

"Damn, I hadn't thought about it like that, Nezu. Thanks. Alright, I'll go ask him what I wanted now. What do we do about the threats to sue? He wasn't joking."

"We'll privately settle it. I doubt he would push so far anyways. We have questions we need answers to, detective. Get back in there."


When the detective comes back in after a few minutes, he seems a lot more self confident. A lot more assured of himself as well, uncaring for the threats to sue. Still wondering where my Lawyer is. Anyways, he opens the questioning.

"How did the ringleader, Tomura Shigaraki if our intelligence is correct, know you?"

"Well, the attack on UA earlier this morning was orchestrated by him. I stopped him from getting away with the teacher schedule, though obviously that didn't change much. I knew his Quirk and cut off his fingers to disable it, as well as removing an escape method. However, an outside force took him back."

"How did you know the Quirk?

"Are you slow? I just wished to know the Quirks of anyone I look at and then I found his out. Are you going to ask more useless questions?"

"I don't appreciate your tone. Right now, you're being charged with murder and assault with a deadly weapon. Speaking of which, why did you do it?"

"Well, the Nomu creature wasn't even human to begin with. It was an artificial creation, filled to the brim with foreign DNA and Quirks that don't belong to it. The same was the case for Kurogiri, the warper."

"Hmm. This changes things. What do you mean by foreign power and Quirks that don't belong?"

"Just as I said. The Quirks were planted in it, as if something had given them to the Nomu rather than it having them. They were perfectly made to kill All Might, having Super Strength, Hyper Regeneraction and Shock Absorption."

The sweat that had previously been dropping down his face was now amplified as his brain drew conclusions he didn't like, looking over to the glass and nodding. Afterwards, Nezu ushers the policemen in the room out before walking into the interrogation room alongside All Might.


"Whats this all about?"

"Reinhard. Before we begin, I just want to say that I'm sorry for not being good enough." All Might says in a solemn voice before motioning towards Nezu and allowing him to speak.

"Reinhard, we believe that there is a figurehead behind the League of Villains, one that we are intimately acquainted with. The boogeyman of Japan, All For One. His power is to steal and give Quirks to others, and we fear that if he manages to take yours, Japan will fall."

"Huh. Cool. Well, thankfully I already have a power that stops disruption of my Quirk, meaning it can't be stolen, erased, interrupted nor cloned. So, thanks for the warning, but I don't much need it."

"We fear that he may be able to bypass such a thing."

"Then I'll just wish for that to not work as well. Let me just put things into perspective here, as I am right now I am stronger than you have ever been in your entire life, All Might. Even without half of my [Divine Protections] I would still win against you in a fight. I appreciate your concern and what you're trying to do for me, but I don't need it. I'd rather be the one doing the protecting, not the other way around."

"This isn't the time to get lost in your own Ego, Reinhard! This attack was feeble in comparison to what He will do to you. Please, just listen to us. This is for your own good."

"Fine then. What's your plan?"

"We plan to set you up on UA campus, to have you here on site at all times. All For One wouldn't dare to directly attack UA, so your safety is guaranteed if you stay."

"Your plan is flawed. My marriage record with Momo is public a document, so if he knows about that then he'll already have a target. Likelihood is that he already knows about my Quirk and is preparing for ways to grab it. So, you need to ensure Momo's safety first so that she can't be used as a hostage against me."

He nods, taking that into consideration before continuing.

"Given the nature of the threat the League of Villains presents, especially considering who leads them, I believe it is in our best interests to introduce a Dorm system into the school, keeping the students housed internally to avoid chances of attacks outside."

"Okay. What does that have to do with me needing extra protection?"

"Given the importance you hold in this shadow war, your dorm will be special. We cannot have teachers watch you constantly outside of school all the time, lest they be unable to properly do their jobs, so we have given you a rotating student chaperone to keep you safe, made of the best and finest UA students we have available to us."

"And when will this be happening?"

"Next week. Students have been given a week holiday to rest and recuperate after the events, and in that time people will be asked to move into the dormitories."

"Can I go now? I understand you want me safe, and I appreciate that, but I need to sleep after being given some hard truths to come to terms with."

"Apologies. Watch yourself, and please, enjoy your weekend. I fear it may be one of the last times you will be able to do so."

Its all just Ego to them. They don't believe in my power. But, even still, I have avoided repercussions for killing Kurogiri and the Nomu, and kept every one of my classmates safe. Not a single scratch was on them.

I leave the school at sundown, not looking forward to being so segregated from my classmates but nonetheless proud of my work.

Even now, I can't help but frown thinking about what I've learned today. Will I just be randomly plucked from this world and thrown somewhere else, no choice or warning?

The thought scares me.