Fate Of A Demon King

He always drags my body to the cemetery and disappears for hours. Chills freezing my body and the slightest sound brings the hell out of me.

'Knock! Knock!'


Looks like he is back again today.


This sound... He is not here... But? Who can come to this floor?

"Open the door!"

"Who's this?"

My voice shook as I always tried to open my mouth in fear.

Seventeen Years... It's been seventeen years since I have been inside this room. He takes me out in only some days in years to the cemetery but no one approached like this before.

"King has called you... Grrrr.... He wants you to come by yourself today... Grrrr... But please don't come if you want to live.... Grrrr..."

"Wh-what do you mean?"

"Huhuhuhu!.... Grrrr.... "

'Tak! Tak! Tak!....'

Huh? he went without answering... but what did he mean by not going out... who? Who was it?

It has never happened like this... he never sent envoys like this but came right in when desired.

His red eyes glowed even more red when he looked at me... I can't face him even if doesn't come by himself and asks me to come.

What should I do?


Door opened a little and outside noise which rarely enters rang out in my empty room.


Hot! Why is the air hot? What is happening?

Moving outside I couldn't see anyone but everything red and hot like as if someone had made the whole building into a furnace.

Urgh! these stairs... I hate to climb these long unending stairs upwards... What's gotten into him today that he called me instead of coming to me!

'Ha! Ha!'

This will kill me if I have to climb like this daily... His arms always carried me up and down. Though I didn't see his face through mask, he never misbehaved with me but being kept like this and treated worser than slave, I would kill him if I get any chance.

Hmmm? What if this is God's signal and his death is near. It must be... I won't let you live more, you demon...

As I was walking, dawdling and thinking of what could never be accomplished and done by the fragile me, I came across the floor which was supposed to be his adobe.

Fragile?! When did I succumb to him? Ah! Leave it...

But this place doesn't feel harsh and creepy... Wh-what is this familiar scent... Hmmm? It's my... But how did he make this just from smell... He even didn't touch me bare handed.

Suddenly my eyes fell upon the sapphire and emerald door and got stuck on it. It was his room's door.

I heard about it one of the days he took me to the cemetery about four or five times. I don't remember correctly but the full moon and hot breath of his warmed me always. Burning and raging heart beat of his never neglected my presence.

His words slowly coming out of his mouth felt like ocean tides hitting the shore damn hard... I could have lost myself hundreds of times, if not for my revenge...

These monsters, One day I will kill them and burn and dance over them like crazy...

Slowly approaching the door, I could feel his dominant presence even more and the clear fragrance of his body. What? Why am I attracted? Bruuhh!!! I shouldn't. Get yourself together..

Ahem! What was my name again? I have forgotten everything from the past and every face and memories which tied me to them.

Only revenge and hatred for him stays like burning inferno forever.. but why does it sometimes tip off and fall into his traps of gazes and warm embrace.

I... I wished to have a happy family and a handsome... Ahem! a... a husband but... This goddamn fate... I hate it for bringing me to this state and not even looking at me once.

'Murmur murmur'

Hmmm? Oh! I forgot that I was at the demon's den. But what did he need me to come here by myself for?

How should I go? Will he get angry if I just barge in? Ha! He is a monster. I shouldn't think this much and just go inside and scold him for doing all these torments to me everyday.

Yes! I just need to barge in. Let's get ready... Umm... One… Two... Thr....

"Come in. Don't have to break the door."


"What happened?"

He spoke so suddenly that I lost my composure but how did he know I was here? I even came silently and hid my presence as much as I could.

"It's your fragrance, Nin!"

Hmmm? my fragrance...

A mumble let out of my mouth. But what I heard except that was a name which surprised me even more.

Yes! It's my name and How the hell could I forget it?

If you will forget even your name like this, one day you will even forget this revenge you carry in your heart,... Nin..

Hmmm? How come my name became so short... Nin... Was it always it and nothing other... What is happening to me?

"Won't you come? Or do you want me to come? Grrr..."

Aaack! He is getting angry. This presence, he is in trouble or what.

Slowly entering his room, I can clearly feel his breathing even from the door and look... my legs shaking like a baby shaking to walk up straight.

One hand on the arm of the chair and head resting on the chin supported on that hand, he doesn't even care if someone is feeling ill... It feels as if he doesn't have a heart to feel.

But his room, the decoration and jewels, I never saw anyone spend this much lavishly stored in one place... Did he loot some kingdom or got Alibaba's treasure?!

"Come I have something to say to you?"

"Wh-what do you want from me?"

Ooops suddenly a bold form of me spoke and came out unknowingly and bursted out. I don't even want to look at his angry face. turning face down I collected myself again.

Well if you are really going to die then why not die brave... so that even when he will remember me later, he won't feel me like some dummy and person made of clay.

But.... something unexpected was waiting for me when I straightened my head up to face him.

What? He is smiling and what is he holding in his hands!

"Do you want to be free?"

Huh? What does it mean? Will I really get freedom at last? No! he might be testing me if I choose to say yes, he will just kill me and toss out. I don't want to lose my life without landing a deadly blow in his heart.

"Ummm! What do you mean?"

"What do I mean? I mean freedom... of yours. Don't you want it?"

What is he cooking now in his evil mind? I don't want to fall for his traps anymore. I want the truth.

"Let me tell you the truth."

What? How? Can he hear my thoughts?

"Yes! I can. I have placed a magic on you so that your free will is not actually free will but my will."

"You demon. I will kill you."

I rose in anger upon hearing those words from his mouth. Being used was not enough but being constantly eavesdropped on... That's another level of evil. No, He is a pure devil.

But my futile attempt was for a short period only to be stopped by his gesture only.

Slammed on the cold floor, I felt a chill run down my spine when he appeared in front suddenly.


It scared the hell out of me. He didn't do such things before. He hasn't lost his patience, does he?

But without doing anything he backs off and pulls a knife out of his waist and throws it on the floor near me.

"Grab this knife and hold onto it very dearly. It has your life written on it. If you lose this, you will fall into an abyss from now on."

He said. But words which only touched my ignorant mind and bounced didn't occured what he meant.

Soon, I felt my head going heavy and my eyes blurred out. I was casted a sleep spell upon. But... why?...