First Encounter

Mayapur, from its very beginning housed big statured and strong, intelligent peace-loving but high tempered kind of beings. It was made up of giant apes like human beings. Their major abilities consisted of strength and agriculture. Some appeared intellectual in herbs and medicines and the ruler category of peoples among them had flying and war abilities.

But suddenly their widest nightmare appeared out of nowhere.

"Hey! You said it was safe but where did it bring us huh!?"

"Huh! Ah! Um.... I don't know. I put the right coordinates in it though. I think it's the ego of the dragon which caused it to malfunction."

"I don't want to listen to that. Let's return. We can't waste our time here."

"But Sir Saber!....."

"What is it?"

"Devices need to charge up and we have no material left."

"Tch! Now of all times."

Saber looked far away but found nothing but grass and tree patches everywhere.

"How much time would it take?!" Saber asked annoyed with the situation but,

"Time is not the problem Sir Saber but the ingredients for it to work."

Saber looked at him with cold eyes but could do nothing with the situation.

They walked around for days but no sign of any population could be seen.

Finally, At the end of the weeks of travel, they arrived at the village which later would be known as Mayapur Fortress.

Small but robust population, working in farm patch lands and some working with the woods. Stone houses would be barely seen.

Saber approached one of the woodworker and asked,

"Which place is this?"

The language which they spoke was not the common language of the worlds they lived in but ancient language.

"Huh! What do you want? And who are you?" Woodworker stopped and looked at him suspiciously.

The place common for giant figured beings, such medium and small sized beings to appear, it really was outright imagination.

"Demon!!! " Woodworkers could only think of demons, they heard from childhood in folklore.

Changing the language to common language, Saber asked with a smile,

"Which place could it be? We lost our way arriving here due to a magic spell from demons."

Hearing they were victims from a demon's spell, woodworker introduced himself,

"Umm! This is our Mayapur village. Chief is outside right now. Wait for sometime, he will be back soon and tend to you. And I am Nuel, the woodworker."

Hearing the name for the first time, Saber thought about how it could be. As he has already traveled most of the world and has records about them.

"Oh! Mayapur is it?" Looking at his companion, Saber send telepathic message to him,

"Act along. I have a way for materials."

Acting along, both stayed there and about three hours later, the Chief of the village appeared.

Seeing the new guest there at the door, he was quite cautious but also thought what could it be that they need from him.

At that same time, Nuel spoke out loud with care and interest,

"Chief! They were attacked by demons and when the demon's spell misfired, they arrived here."

Looking at Nuel, Chief could say that they were cautious too but to stay at the village where there's nothing to gain from,

"What could be the motive?!" Chief thought.

It was a silent moment and people besides the Chief coughed.

Coming back to senses, Chief ordered,

"Prepare for the rest. Our guest must have been tired, finding the way here."

Chief left for home. Nuel and another person guided Saber and his friend to the guest house which was just finished building.

Looking at the interior Saber praised them,

"Quite a nice design. Do you all know the art of wood?'

Nuel with shy and proud voice said,

"Not all. But some are blessed with the spirit of the forest so we can do this much."

Hearing that, Saber could understand that abilities are ever-existing and common in all worlds.

He took his time and analyzed all the things happening in the village.

On the other hand, the Village Chief, whose name was not conveyed to Saber, was cautious of him.

Saber doubted plans may go awry and acted quickly.

The Village Chief with most other elders in the village were discussing the missing people from the village in the past month.

The reports from the expedition, the Village Chief which he had just returned from, showed the existence of another party or tribe and at the same time the appearance of the person named Saber seemed not so coincidental.

As they were in the middle of meeting, a loud noise arose outside and attracted their attention.

Villagers were shouting and running everywhere to save themselves from the tornado of energy which was sucking them inside.

"Run! Save yourself!"

Among them Nuel was shouting for the loved ones he had.

"Baali! Vasu!"

And was crying heavily. Nuel was an orphan, who lost his parents to the disease and was left alone for, was saved and looked after by the brothers Baali and vasu. They were also the fighters of the village.

Saber and his companion who were not present there made the Chief suspicious about them more but to his shock, one of the people came reporting that Saber and his companion tried to save a family and got themselves heavily injured.

That was the complete opposite of what he expected.

Soon, the tornado disappeared and Nuel who was crying his heart out sat sobbing on the floor.

On the other side, at the infirmary, Saber and his companion were on the bed looking at each other.

Saber looked quite annoyed at his companion but what they planned to test was successful.

"Looks like the spell book of demons had this way of acquiring an even more powerful source of energy for the device." Saber's companion's comment made Saber smile with a sense of accomplishment.

Door of the infirmary bust opened and the Chief entered with a not so happy face and looked at their state.

But left without any words.


"Sir Saber! Won't they find out we were killing their people? What will we do when that happen?"

"Don't think about that when they are all going to die anyway. Activate the device quickly and check if that spell helps or not?"


He turned the device around and inserted the spell-stone he had. Device shone brightly but with a crack sound, the colour of energy turned blackish-red and the device got destroyed and opened the portal. The energy from the spell was too much and the portal ran out of its position and engulfed the warriors who were training in the enclosed building nearby.

Saber thought they can't return like this and tried to control the portal with his space distortion ability which also helps him travel worlds.

People in the village saw the rampaging tornado coming towards them and the commotion grew bigger.

At theat incident, Baali and Vasu got swallowed into it but when Saber and his friend were trying to control it, a family got nearly taken, but Saber jumped at them pushing far away and his friend helped him pull out of the tornado's way.

Incident also gave Saber and his friend a lot of wounds.