More recruitment

By the time James woke up his plane was already close to landing in country A, he had some time before he could go to the private school the 2 girls attended, that's right, Fire step and Breezing rain went to the same school, James was pretty shocked when he found out, but it didn't look like they were friend, which seemed logical, they lived in 2 different worlds, after all, Fire step, Livia, was an only child of a wealthy family, while Breezing rain, Charlotte, was from a middle-class family, the only reason she could attend was because her mom worked the front desk.

Since he had some time to kill before the school would even open, James took his sweet time getting there, he had some breakfast and just looked around, he had been here a couple of times before he moved to the greater world but he never really cared for it.

After a couple of hours strolling around James arrived at the school and since he already wasted his whole morning he went straight to the front desk.

"Hello there sir what can I help you whit?"

The receptionist said, with a way more welcoming smile than the one at Olivia's school.

"I'm James Matthews, the CEO of the new multi-million credit gaming company 'one gaming', I would like to have a word with the principal about 2 students."

The receptionist seemed surprised but not scared or anything just curious.

"I will give him a call, to see if he is available"

After a couple of minutes, the receptionist laid down the phone and smiled at James.

"he has some free time now, his office is on the second floor of the A block."

Before she could dive back James made 1 last comment.

"Would you mind accompanying me mam, it would be nice to have you there, since one of the students I have something to discuss about is your daughter, Charlotte."

After that statement the smile on her face kind of faded, she seemed almost a little scared.

"O no, don't worry mam, I'm not here to get Charlotte into trouble, on the contrary, in fact, I'm here to give her a great opportunity."

The kind of scared look then replaced itself with a more confused one while she was quietly following James.

After a couple of minutes of walking, James knocked on the big wooden door at the end of the hallway on the second floor of the A block.


A deep voice replied after a couple of seconds.

"Come on"

He seemed kind of surprised when the receptionist walked in behind James, James could this look and instantly explained.

"One of the 2 students in question happened to be her daughter, so I asked her to come too, I hope that won't be a problem."

"o, if that's the case then of course it's not a problem."

The deep voice said, with a hint of worry, he clearly cared a lot for his staff.

"let's get staid to the point, the student other than Charlotte is Livia, she should be in the same year as Charlotte, would you mind calling both of them over?"

" I can do that, just give me a minute, and would you mind keeping it short, I don't want them to miss too much class"

James nodded in agreement and the principal called over the 2 girls with the intercom, and about 5 minutes later.


"come in"

2 girls came in, both with the same outfit, one of them with red curly hair and a rather kind smile, James was quite surprised when seeing her like this, this was Livia, in the future she seemed to always have a passive bitch face, James always thought that this was due to her privileged upbringing, but it seems he was wrong, the girl walking behind her looked very timid, she had dark blue hair and eyes and she looked a little disheveled.


Charlotte said, seeing her mother sitting next to James.

"just sit down sweetie, this nice man wants to have a word with you 2."

The girls both sat down and directed all their attention to James.

"Before I start my whole rant, do you girls know about the realms of Refinement?"

The girls nodded politely, and Livia's face lit up like she saw a lite in a long dark tunnel, James found this only natural, according to his report, she had been trying to buy info about Refinement Realm training methods for herself for 5 years, but she was unsuccessful.

"that will make this easy, I am James Matthews, the CEO of 'one gaming' a multi-million credit company, we have scouted both of you to be part of our internal elite team of 20 for the upcoming game, Gods Domain, you will be paid 1 million credits a year and ample resources such as S-grade Nutrient fluids and training methods, for the next 2 years before the game releases you will be trained in the realms of Refinement, how does that sound ladies?"

Both young ladies were stunned, but not for the same reason, Charlotte was amazed by the money, while Livia was amazed by the resources this company could provide.

"Here is the contract, and my contact info, Charlotte, if you wouldn't mind could you read it over with your mom right now and give me an answer, and Livia.."

Before he could speak up Livia was already asking him a question.

"James, if you wouldn't mind me asking, could you go into deeper detail containing these resources, that is the real thing I'm interested in, if they are ample, I will leave school right now and make my parents sign this."

James couldn't help but chuckle, the girl had practically stars in her eyes, these were the things she always wanted as an avid gamer, but never could get, even whit money, so he found it reasonable.

"I don't mind at all, with our training methods, talents such as yourself should have reached at least the void Realm when it comes time to enter gods Domain, and about S-grade Nutrient fluids, the 2 members that started training yesterday both got a 100 bottles in their fridges, that should say enough, no?"

Livia was so shocked she left her mouth hanging slightly open, without saying another word she stood up and headed for the door, only to say one final phrase before departing.

"You will be receiving a call from me shortly."

While this was going on Charlotte and her mom were already going through the contract, James decided to give them some room and take a stroll around the school for an hour, the school was beautiful, as expected from a school whit such high tuition prices, so James had no problem with strolling for an hour.

After the hour was done, James made his way back to the principal's office, where Charlotte was looking at him with excitement while her mother had more of a sad look.

"Have you 2 decided?"

Her mother tried to speak but in all her excitement Charlotte spoke right over her.

"Yes, I will be going, this is a ones in a lifetime opportunity, after all, we have already signed, and I am ready to go to the office at any time."

At that exact moment, James also got a call.

"It seems miss Livia has also decided, excuse me for a second."

James picked up the phone and before he could even get a word in another girl, seemingly more excited than the one before him started speaking.

"I have signed the contract, and I will be going to the office later today, if you are also ready to depart meet me at the airport at 3, bring Charlotte too, daddy arranged a private jet for us."

In the background, you could hear tens of butlers scurrying around to pack Livia's thing, and before James could even thank her, she hung up.

"She seems to be in quite a hurry, nonetheless, Charlotte, get to the airport by 3, Livia has arranged a private get."

At those words, Charlotte's mom seemed to get a little sadder, but she didn't say anything.

"I will be going, see you at the airport Charlotte."

James spend the rest of the day relaxing, he also had a phone call from Olivia, she mentioned that she had already gotten close to the 1-minute mark, this left James utterly shocked, by the time he would be back she would most likely already have reached the Refinement Realm, James knew how big of a genius she was, and considering the level of his training and the S-grade Nutrient fluids, he expected her to be fast, but this, he couldn't help but grow excited.

At exactly 3, James, Charlotte, and Livia left on their private jet to country B, where their office was located, they would be arriving around 8, so James decided to inform the 3 other team members so they could wait for them at the airport.

Just as planned, when the 3 of them arrived at the airport, Olivia, Rick, and Mike were waiting for them, Olivia, without even acknowledging her 2 new teammates went straight to James with the biggest grin plastered on her phase.

"James James, I did it, I did it, I reached the Refinement Realm, I'm even way ahead of Rick and Mike, both of them still need at least a day!!"

Mike and Rick both frowned when she said that, but James was over the moon, all 3 of them, managing to reach the Realm of Refinement in 3 days, that was insane.

"all right all right, we will be starting our next phase of the training tomorrow, let me introduce you to our newest team members, Charlotte and Livia."

After some brief introduction, everyone was prepared to go back to the office.

"You guys go to the office and show our new teammates around and get them a room, I will be going to pick up some more S-grade Nutrient fluids."

Olivia put her hand up to her forehead and did a playful salute.

"Aye, captain."

After paying another 50.000 points for 250 S-grade Nutrient fluids and 5.000 for a private VR room that could mimic the basic environment of gods Domain he only had 46.100 points left, and that was all he had until the next tournament.

Now that his shopping was done, James went to the office and immediately tasked the staff to stock the 2 new rooms of Livia and Charlotte with 100 bottles of S-grade Nutrient fluids each, then he messaged the 2 new teammates to meet with him in the gym.

5 minutes later they were all gathered there.

"The reason why I've gathered you here is to give you this."

James said while handing out packets and sending the same information via their smart bracelet.

"that is your workout schedule, 2 hours a day, that is mainly to improve your physical but more importantly mental strength, the second part of the bundle includes the movement routine you will have to do to reach the Refinement Realm, when you can do them in under a minute you will have reached the 1st Realm, the Refinement Realm, after that you can come to me and we will start the next phase of your training, but before all of that, I will demonstrate the exercises."

James proceeded to do the movements in about 10 minutes so the 2 girls could follow, and then proceeded to walk out of the gym.

"o yea, I almost forgot, there is a fridge in each of your rooms with 100 bottles of S-grade Nutrient fluids, don't waste them, I don't have a truckload, but don't hesitate to take some when your mentally drained, even if you have to take a couple in a row, you might get a breakthrough."

James then walked out to get some well-deserved rest, he had had a hectic 2 days behind him, but it was all worth it.