Creating the Guild

Now that James sent a message to Iron Forge to meet up he also decided to send a message to all other team leaders.

"Everyone meet up in the capital of the black dragon Empire."

He was first planning on letting everyone develop in their different cities and do their quests along the way, but now that he had these extremely powerful stats, he could get Everyone to level 20 and ready for their Tier upgrade quest within a couple of hours.

Breezing Rain: how come we're meeting up James?

One: now that I have these high attributes, we are going to level together.

He could pretty much take on level 50 lords all by himself, they had around 1-2 million HP, but with James being able to do at max 50.000 damage per hit that shouldn't be a problem. And while he was at it, there was a level 50 field boss somewhere around that level zone too, taking that thing out would be a little troubling but he thought he could do it. Clearing that a field boss of that level for the first time would give a worldwide announcement and generous rewards to all participants.

Breezing Rain: okay, we will be there.

James then met up with Iron who only managed to craft 1 more Sword thanks to the short amount of time they were gone.

"Okay Iron, we have to hurry up and get towards the capital, the other teams have already made it towards the big city's so they will be in the meeting location in no time when using the teleportation structures."

James didn't even give Iron any time to respond, he just picked him up and started sprinting, Iron seemed to protest but he knew as well as James that if they were to rely on his speed they would be traveling for hours. With James's speed, the journey only took a short 30 minutes.

"2 silver per person please."

The guard at the front of the gate asked, James paid without any qualms and send a message to everyone to meet up at the adventurer's association, where they would be officially making their guild.

"ONE, over here"

Once he arrived at the adventures-associated building 20 people were already waiting for him, all in black cloaks, one of them being particularly loud.

"nice to see you silent, it is good to see that everyone is doing well."

James looked as he heard whispers from the little crowd of people, he didn't mind as he found this only normal, he was their boss and they barely ever met him, much less talk to him.

"Okay, everyone trade your crafting designs and materials to Iron, and Silent trade him the ancient book of forging too, and trade me the guild token."

One of the normal members, a young girl then asked a question shyly.

"Uhhm, Guild leader, I have a couple of potion designs too, to whom do I give these."

James then cleared his throat, clearly about to speak to everyone.

"Everyone, Iron will be our main crafter, for any lifestyle profession, you might think that's crazy but he has the skills, so any design that he doesn't have already goes to him."

Everyone then started sending Iron Forge trade requests, getting him over 15 designs in total, the best of them being a level 10 mystical Iron staff.

While everyone was busy trading James had already walked into the adventurers association.

"Hello there sir, how can I help you on this fine day."

The young lady behind the counter asked him.

"I would like to create a guild, here is the token. O, and I would like to call it ONE."

The young lady took the token and turned around.

"I am just going to verify this sir, please wait a moment."

She left for the backroom, only coming out after 5 minutes.

"Congratulations sir, your guild, the ONE guild has been established with you as its guild leader."

James was about to thank her for her work but a system announcement interrupted him.

World system announcement: congratulation to the ONE guild for being the first guild to be created. The guild is rewarded with 100.000 reputation points and a direct upgrade to 2-star, the guild leader, player 'one' will be rewarded with a skill book from his class and a fine-gold treasure chest.


At the same moment in the Dragon-Phoenix pavilion:

"So you are telling me that he could instantly kill one of our core Assassins and bar him from playing the game for 7 days? And on top of all of that, he is level 14, he doesn't seem to be appearing on the leaderboards, so he must've hidden that.?"

Said an elderly man with a curious look on his face.

"That's right guild leader, I tried to recruit him but he told me he wasn't interested, he also seemed to be of an extremely high combat standard, from what I could tell he should be able to kill Domain Realm expert without a problem."

At those words, the man started stroking his beard.

"I presume that one shot kill used some kind of consumable, there is no way anyone could do that much damage, but that's not important, that he is a beyond Domain Realm expert in his twenties is. We can't afford to offend someone like him, even if his organization isn't strong."

When hearing this an even older man In a extremely luxurious chair's ears perked up.

"O, I think I know that young man you're talking about, I gave him some tips on how to reach the beyond Domain Realm."

All of the members that were sitting at the table just looked at the man in shock. That was black dragon, one of the 2 beyond Domain Realm experts they had, their true powerhouses, anyone would kill for a training session with him, yet he gave free advice to some kid.

"Don't look at me like that, I spectated the young man's battle at the God's Domain association tournament, and I got quite the insight from how he controlled his body, it was like he could get more power out of the same body, it was amazing. So naturally, I had to pay him back, and I indeed would befriend him phoenix, he managed to go from the first level of the Domain Realm to the beyond Domain Realm in around 1.5 years, if I had given him that tip a little sooner, he may have been faster, he's a true monster. Sooner or later he is going to stand on top of gods Domain in terms of combat stance, far above me or gold dragon here."

The old man beside black dragon just nodded his head.

"I agree, I watched his tournament too after black dragon informed me, he is a monster. He would have reached the beyond Domain Realm without black's help anyway, and now we're in good grace with him."

The guild leader was just sitting there with his hand on his head, frustrated that this is the first time anyone told him this when.

World system announcement: congratulation to the ONE guild for being the first guild to be created. The guild is rewarded with 100.000 reputation points and a direct upgrade to 2-star, the guild leader, player 'one' will be rewarded with a skill book from his class and a fine-gold treasure chest.

Black dragon just lightly smiled.

"speaking of the devil, it seems his organization isn't that weak after all, don't you agree guild leader?"

The old man just let out a deep sigh.

"yes you are right, phoenix, do everything you can to form a partnership with him."

Phoenix left the room immediately, kind of baffled, not because one managed to create a guild, she had long expected that, but because the guild leader gave in like that, normally when a core member gets killed they hunt down that person for as long as possible.


Back in the capital, James walked out of the adventurers association while everyone was cheering happily, he instantly invited all 21 members and promoted all 4 leaders and Iron to vice-guild leader.

"Everyone, wait here for a second, I am going to rent an advanced forging room with Iron, when I'm back we'll start leveling."

There were actually 2 reasons for him to go with Iron, the first one was so he could place the soul fire in the room, and the second was that he needed a safe place to open his treasure chest.

While walking he also remembered the new skull book he had, so he took a look at that.

[Parry] (Action-type)

Requirements: Weapon

Blocks 1 attack from the front by deflecting it with your weapon.

Cooldown: 30 seconds


James was extremely happy with the skill and so learned it immediately, he didn't have a life-saving skill yet, all he had were damage skills.

Next was the treasure chest, he didn't want to open this outside thanks to the attention that would bring, no player may have reached the city, but NPC's told things between themselves, he might be able to defeat a [Tier 3] NPC if he was a little lucky, but a [Tier 4] was out of the question.

When opening the chest only 1 item seemed to have come out of it, a fine-gold-grade longsword, perfect for James.

[Ice piercer] (fine-gold grade) (1 handed longsword)

Level 15

Requirements: 500 strength

Attack power (25% of strength)

Attack Speed (1% of Agility)

Additional passive skill [frozen touch]

Decreases the enemy's speed by 5% for every hit, the effect lasts 5 seconds and can stack 5 times.


James was delighted by the Sword, not many fine-gold grade weapons had attributes based on your own, even amongst Dark-gold weapons this was extremely rare, and even the Additional skill was excellent. The only downside of this Sword that James could see would be its requirement, 500 strength was a lot more than most level 15s would have, but of course, for James, this wasn't a problem in the slightest.

He put the weapon in his back until he was level 15 and went to meet with his teammates.

"Let's go, the leveling zone should be around 3 hours away if we run."

On the way there they came across many level 30 zones that they all avoided, that wasn't worth their time, and after 2.5 hours of constant travel, everyone made it to the leveling location, James, just like everyone else managed to level up along the way, giving him the level to equip his new sword. Increasing his base damage up to 14.000.

After some time preparing James saw the first group of beasts coming.

[Sand worms (common) Level 50]


There was a group of about 50 of them rooming around the sandy desert landscape.

"Everyone stay back and try not to attract their attention. "

James could take these out with no problem, but having to look out for all his teammates was another matter.

They all nodded their heads and tried to stay out of the eyesight of the giant worms.

James then jumped in and instantly activated his holy aura and also his soul fire for a second, when he was in the middle of the group he used [Lightning discharge].


Close to half of every worms HP was gone with 1 skill, all the party members couldn't help but gasp, they knew that James was strong but these were level 50 monsters, and he seemed to be toying with them, now that all of them had severely reduced HP James just stood back and shot out Sword arcs at them, he continued doing this for another minute and then.

[Lightning discharge]


All of the remaining ones fell down, filling everyone's EXP bar with about 20% in one big lump.

James then hurriedly looked for another group, maybe if he was lucky he could kill another group while holy aura was still active. But alas, the only group he found was 30, they gave them 12% of their EXP bar.

"okay everyone, for the next hour we will be picking of individual ones so you guys can improve, then we will be doing a big group battle again, but this time you guys will participate. This pattern will continue until we reach level 19, then I have something special in store."