mental strength grandmaster

James took a second to think everything through, giving them his advanced training method for the Refinement realm wasn't that big of an issue, in the bigger Gods domain most big powers had these training techniques, so they would get their hands on them sooner or later. General info about Gods Domain wasn't that big of a deal either, at most it would give them a leg up over some super powers, but that wouldn't be enough to make them the strongest. And besides, he needed something that he could only get from them at the moment.

"Giving you my training method for reaching the Refinement Realm and giving you guys some basic info are things I can do, as for the exclusive right to the products of our forger, that is something I can't do I'm afraid, but I can give you priority on them at the verry least. The things I want in return are not that big, I want to have a meeting with a representative from the Green Gods company, ask for especially someone who knows of the existence of star points, I also want a invitation to the real life auction held by the secret pavilion in a couple of months, and last but not least I want to have priority on buying crafting materials from you guys at a 20% discount. I have to warn you though regarding the training method in the refinement realm, it will give any geniuses the chance to reach it dozens of times faster than normal, but not to the level that you have seen from my pupils, they are so talented that comparing them to others would be a disgrace."

Hearing his demands, the room turned quiet, the Green Gods company wasn't someone you could just have a meeting with.

"Mister matthew's, we can accommodate your 2 other demands just fine, but a meeting with a higher up in the Green Gods company is not something we can even arrange with full certainty for ourselves, and we certainly wouldn't want to embarrass ourselves by mentioning something like star points."

James just frowned at the remark given by the guild leader, star points where a currency used by one of the biggest trading firms in the Greater World. By now the Green Gods company must've had access to the Greater World for many years, to say that they probably have a little bit of wealth build up in some lower cities is selling them short, so any employee that didn't know of star points simply wasn't high enough on the ladder to be worth his time.

James was desperate to negotiate with the Green Gods company to get some tickets to the Greater World, the longer he and his team stayed on earth, the more losses they would gain. The greater world has a way bigger supply of any kind of mind enhancing substances like life potions which where necessary for him and his team to increase their mental strength, but not only that the environment there was generally way better than a barbaric planet like theirs. In third rate cities, the life expectancy was already up to 300 years in the greater world, 200 of them being in your prime, this was for normal people though, mental strength masters and grandmasters could outlive them multiple times, compared to the life expectancy of 80 on earth and only 25 of them being in your prime, the difference was insane, so every second he and his team stayed on earth, they where wasting away their prime.

James also knew how desperate the Green Gods company was for star points, they may have some resources, but even staying in a Third-rate city was probably too expensive for them, not to mention second and first-rate ones, or above that. He currently didn't have any star points, but he had some opportunities that would even tempt a big corporation like the star trading firm, so as long as he found a way to enter the Greater Gods Domain in-game, he would have no trouble selling those for Ludacris amounts of star points.

"Listen, I understand that setting up a meeting with someone like that isn't something you guys can do, just tell someone that has knowledge of star points that a mental martial arts grandmaster is willing to buy tickets to the greater world with star points and is willing to pay a lot."

Silents yet again fell over the room, everyone was just looking at James in amazement, mental strength grandmasters where extremely rare, currently only one was publicly known, and that is the great elder and founder of the Green Gods company, but he was saying he knew one and that he was his backer.

"That would certainly guarantee you a meeting James, but you have to understand that we can't believe these claims without evidence, would it be possible for this master to come and visit to show his validity?"

James just sighed, living in a world that was filled with mental strength masters had made him forget the details, he did remember that mental strength masters where extremely rare at this point, that is the reason he brought it up just now, to show some confidence, but he totally forgot that without the mental strength training that was provided while Tiering up through the tiers in game, this planets martial arts standard was horrible. The only mental strength grandmaster other than himself and Iron was currently the elder of the Green Gods company, someone who was basically on deaths door. This was also quite a good thing for him, the Green Gods company would surly help him in any way they could ones they find out about him being a mental strength grandmaster, especially when they find out he became one at the age of 20, even in the Greater world he would be treated like a king.

"You don't have to wait on him, I'm already here."

James then released his aura that he had been hiding the whole time, flooding the whole room with killing intent so sharp and dangerous that it would make any mental martial arts master pass out if they had to take a blunt hit from it. He wasn't hiding the fact that he was a Beyond Domain Realm expert before, but he couldn't go walking around in public with the aura of a grandmaster, countless people would be in danger. The second James's aura got released everyone's eyes widened, at least most of them, phoenix and dragon didn't have any outlandish reactions thanks to the fact that they weren't even close to the realm of mental martial artist, to them this aura felt not a bit different from their old monsters who had managed to step into the 1 star mental martial artist realm, they where still shocked but not on the level Black and Golden dragon where. They were practically shitting their pants, they knew verry well that this aura came from a mental strength grandmaster, them having felt it before when they where in the precents of the head of the Green Gods company, but for it to come of a young boy at barley 20 years old, this was terrifying. All the weird terms that they were wondering about before left their minds and were replaced by utter fear, and a hint of excitement, if he really would be open to a partnership maybe they could acquire some method to train mental strength.

Shortly after releasing it James quickly retracted his aura after seeing that everyone had been made aware of what he was, after he did the little runt Dragon had a pissed look on his face, he obviously hadn't realized how strong James was and was about to lay into him for releasing his aura on him, but before he could even get a word in, Golden dragon, who was sitting next to him, held his hand before the kids mouth to calm him down.

"Excuse my little nephew, mister matthew's, he doesn't know who his messing with. On another note, we will do our verry best to get you a meeting with one of the higher ups of the Green Gods company, but you have to understand that this can not be done in a short time, it will at least take a couple of months, and if it isn't too much to ask, in our future partnership, is there any way of us gaining a method to train mental strength?"

James could only scoff at the remark, the couple of months wasn't a problem, after all, he still needed time to get the star points, as for the request. It was a little too desperate for James's liking, the Golden dragon obviously was verry desperate to get his hands on a way to increase his mental strength, but even with James's special training method, it was already to late for him to progress any further, the resources on this planet where just too limited, and his prime was long past him.

Even giving them the training method for younger geniuses wouldn't make a difference, the only reason that James, Iron and the 4 commanders had made so much progress was because they were all natural talents, the best of the best, even in the greater world they would all be in the top 0.1% of the 0.1%, and even then, limited by the resources on this planet they had all hit roadblocks. People like Livia could've probably already made it into the realm of mental strength grandmaster if it wasn't for the limited resources, the only reason James managed to get there was because he had done it before, so he didn't need to overcome any roadblocks. Iron only did it because James had spent every Gods domain association point that the one company had on life potions for him.

"I'm afraid that isn't something I can do, as you are probably aware, but I'm happy you can accommodate my demands, I will also have to take my leave now, if it wouldn't be too much trouble could you guys draw up a contract and send it my way."

The guild leader, only just being shaken awake from his shocked state replied in a hurry.

"Yes, that won't be a problem, it will be there before you arrive back at your office, is there really nothing else we can do for you."

James just thought a little before replying.

"There is 1 more thing, if I have extra equipment, you will be able to find it at this location. The shop sells the lower quality armor and weapons, if you want to buy the better stuff you just have to ask at the front and confirm your identity. I will be sending all the things including the information about the Refinement Realm and god's domain shortly after I sign the contract."

James then left the room with most executives still mouths wide open, the only 2 people who could react a little normal where Black and Golden dragon, Black dragon rushed out the room with James as soon as he saw him leave, trying to show him some hospitality.

"I will see you out kid, really you surprised me back there, a mental strength grandmaster at the age of 20, I'm ashamed to call myself a monster."

Making their way back to the lobby the 2 of them came across Mia and her team leader again, the meeting hadn't lasted long after all, the team leader was still standing there with a bright red face trying to play it cool, but when he saw James he power walked up to him as to start a big confrontation. Seeing this happen Black dragon intervened and let out his aura, which stopped the team leader in the middle of his tracks.

"W-What are you doing, I'm a team leader of the pavilion, you can't get away with this."

After hearing that Black dragon's calm face disappeared and a angered frown came up.

"You fucking twat, I found it amusing before but now you are going too far, you can't even recognize one of your elders, and on top of that you where about to scream at a new valuable partner of the pavilion, so if you don't want to lose your position scram."

James was kind of surprised by the old mans tone, he had never seen his angry side, but whit these kind of stakes he found it reasonable.

Now that that was handled James made his way back to the airport, leaving Mia and everyone in the lobby flabbergasted.