Titan's Heart

When James activated the watch by injecting some of his mana in it a lot of thoughts were racing through his head, mainly all of the things he had done so far and all the quests his team where completing. At some point, his thoughts stopped by Brown Bear, who was currently in the process of completing an important quest in white river city. It was the follow-up quest after he got his title of [Demon hunter], the quest entailed helping a big trading firm recoup their losses of 30.000 gold. This quest would reward brown with 2 incredibly valuable rewards, one of them being a [TIER 4] teleportation scroll which was incredibly useful to someone like James who knew exactly where to go to get the best opportunities, the second was the ability to recruit Anna, the secretary of the trading firm as your guard. Anna wasn't just any guard, she was an epic-level guard that was close to reaching the Legendary level, even in the whole starlight realm James had never heard of a guard starting with that high potential, the only information that he ever heard of such guards was from Higher grade realms and they tended to have at most 1 or 2 that sure as hell weren't able to be recruited thanks to their power. That's why James was so excited about nurturing Anna to become a Legendary Grade guard by giving her all the special consumables and equipment that he could think of for guards. Now even deeper in the rabbit hole, James started thinking about the equipment he could give Anna, there weren't any summoners in the one guild so all equipment could go to her.

After thinking about that James, who was about to step into the purple portal that had materialized before him while he was thinking about Brown bears quest suddenly stepped back wide-eyed, rushing to the teleportation hall to go to White River City.

"Shit, I totally forgot about that."

It was only now that he was thinking about the strongest summoner equipment that he remembered, the 12 Trials. It was 12 battle-oriented Trials that you could take in the war god's temple, but only if they wanted to test your strength. The only way to take the Trials is by starting a Legendary main storyline quest which James originally wasn't going to do thanks to its long-winded nature, but he had totally forgotten about the 12 Trials.

James sighed in relief while rushing towards the location of the start of the Legendary Main storyline quest, it wasn't that he wouldn't be able to activate the quest or anything after he had become Tier 1, but the difficulty would spike tremendously. At the moment James was pretty confident in clearing all 12 Trials without much trouble thanks to the overwhelming advantage he had with his incredible combat standard and basic attributes for his Tier, but since the difficulty of the Trials, scale with the user, his advantage would diminish with every Tier upgrade.

The Trials rewards were things, James simply couldn't miss out on, one would get contribution points for the war god's temple. The amount doubled every trial, so by the end, you could basically buy anything you wanted from the contribution shop, and that is where the immense size of the reward came in. The contribution shop included 2 Dine grade weapons, one of them being for summoners and the other one being a spear, it also included a dozen or so legendary items and tens of Fragment-Legendary items.

The reason James had forgotten about this amazing opportunity was that the prices on these items were incredibly high and normally even doing all the available quests in the war god's temple for ten years would get you at most 1 cheap Legendary item, so they were seen as decorative items in the past. And thanks to the taking of the 12 Trials not being a reward and more of a byproduct of the Legendary quest James had totally forgotten about it.

While running towards the small village where the chain quest that would lead him to the main storyline Legendary quest was located James was racking his brain about the details of the chain quest.

Blackbeard, the mayor of Stonehammer town had a hidden quest that you could do after getting 950 favorability with him, normally this would be a really difficult task but luckily Stonehammer town is in dire need of water, so every 100 water bags or 5 cups of juice could be traded for some EXP and 1 favorability point with the mayor, the only question now was how to get so much juice.

Walking into Red leaf town James started looking around for specific players, lifestyle players. At this moment guilds hadn't fully realized the value of these players so most of them strolled around trying to sell their wares or were trying to make some money for materials by doing beginner quests.

In the middle of the beginner town, James set up a stall with a huge sign above it, "hiring cook lifestyle players who can make juice".

It didn't take long for a lot of cooks to surround the stall, all of them were desperately trying to make money for materials at the moment and no guild would hire them, how could they miss this opportunity?

When James confirmed around 100 players were standing in front of him he yelled at the top of his lungs.

"Everyone, I plan on hiring all of you to make 50 cups of juice, you will be paid 50 silvers when you deliver them to me."

Everyone started whispering when they heard that, 50 silvers were an insanely high price for some juice, and most of them didn't believe he would keep his word.

Noticing this James made another statement.

"All of you can line up and I will make a contract with you, if you deliver 50 juices to me within 2 hours I will pay you 50 silvers."

All of them stared in shock at James, only after the first contract had been made did everyone hurry to get one of their own.

2 hours should be enough for them to make 50 juices, so James wasn't worried, in the meantime, he strolled around and found some time to relax and really take in the game, he hadn't been able to do that for a very long time. He, however, quickly got bored of this and decided to get some skill proficiency while daydreaming about the first time he was going to get his hands on a divine item, 2 of them at that.

The 2 hours quickly passed and every single one of the cooks showed up with 50 juices, some of them even tried to sell James more but he really had no need for them, so he turned them down. Now armed with 5000 cups of juice James made his way towards the mountain range, a relatively big stone entranceway stood in a well-hidden location of the mountain range.

Stepping into the big cave-like town James received the notification that he had discovered Stonehammer town, he didn't waste any time and immediately made his way toward the mayor's office.

"Hello, Adventurer, welcome to Stonehammer Town! I am Blackbeard, the Town Mayor!"

"Nice to meet you, Mayor Blackbeard, I came here because I heard that your town is in dire need of refreshments thanks to the dry weather you have been having. I happened to have some juice with me, and I would be more than happy to help out."

The mayor's face lit up when he heard that, he had been having a really tuff time with the weather.

"You are truly our savior adventurer, I would be willing to pay a reasonable price for refreshments, and I'll take as many as you have."

System: Do you wish to accept the quest, "Blackbeard's Request"?

James smiled lightly at the mayor's words.

"I see no problem with that, I'm here to help after all."

System: Quest "Blackbeard's Request" accepted. Offer 100 bags of clear water or 5 cups of Cold beverages to Town Mayor Blackbeard.

James then immediately took 5 cups of Juice out of his backpack and gave them to the mayor. He kept repeating this process until all of his cups were gone, only then did he read through his notifications and left some time for the mayor to speak.

System: You have completed the quest "Blackbeard's Request" and gained 2 Copper Coins, 1 point of Blackbeard's Favorability, and 100 EXP.

System: You have completed the quest "Blackbeard's Request" and gained 2 Copper Coins, 1 point of Blackbeard's Favorability, and 100 EXP.

System: You have completed the quest "Blackbeard's Request" and gained 2 Copper Coins, 1 point of Blackbeard's Favorability, and 100 EXP.

In total James got 1000 points of Favorability, 100.000 EXP, and 20 silver.

System: Congratulations! Your Favorability with Blackbeard has reached 1000 points, reaching the level of Revered.

After looking through his notification James looked back up at Blackbeard, he seemed to be looking at James with some hesitation on his face. James just sighed.

"Is there anything else I can help you with, mayor, you seem troubled?"

The mayor just let out a deep sigh when he heard this.

"There is indeed, but it is extremely dangerous, I would like you to retrieve the Titan's Heart. It is located in a dungeon in a crater north of here, but I must warn you, it is guarded by a dark magician so I wouldn't take it too lightly."

System: do you wish to accept the Unique Quest "Steel Fortress Barrutia"

"That will be no problem mayor, I will have the Titan's Heart delivered to you within an hour."

At this statement, the mayor just started laughing and pointed James in the right direction.

Only 10 minutes later did James arrive at the giant crater riddled with holes of different shapes and sizes, only 1 of them having an actual door on it. That was guarded by a lot of mechanical-looking giants. To normal players, this would be a great tread, but James was in combination with his high stats also over-leveled for this area.

[Sentinel Guard] (common Monster)

Level 10

HP 200/200

James didn't even bother with these monsters, he directly sprinted past them, not a single one even noticed he passed, the only thing they could see was the big door they were guarding shutting close.

Stepping into the door James descended the long staircase that led down, he came across some monsters along the way but they weren't that much stronger than the ones outside, so he just ignored them for the most part.

Only once he came all the way down did he come across a monster he had to kill, a dark-looking clown with a magic circle below his feet and a hellhound next to him.

"Rachid human, how da- "

James couldn't care less about the whole thing he was going to say, so he just sprinted towards the 2 and used [lightning discharge] to kill both of them at once, normally this boss would stall with his hellhound to try and activate that magic circle. If he succeeded, any being below TIER 2 would be doomed but with James's high stats these tricks were nothing more than that, tricks.

When killed, the magician dropped a key that was used to open the energy barrier protecting the Titan's heart. Without waiting any longer James took the Titan's heart and left the underground cave as fast as he had come, making his way back toward Stonehammer Town.

Walking into the mayor's hall James could see the shocked expression on Blackbeard's face. He had not expected that James could complete the quest within an hour, much less the 30 minutes he actually did it in. He might have thought that James failed because of his early arrival, but the Titan's heart in his left hand clearly said otherwise.

James extended his left hand and gave Blackbeard the Titan's heart with a big smile.

"Here you go sir mayor, if I'm not mistaken this is the Titan's heart."

After his shock wore off Blackbeard just looked at the heart with relief.

"It is indeed adventurer, I, on behalf of Stonehammer Town, sincerely thank you for your help."

System: Unique Quest "Steel Fortress Barrutia" completed. Rewarding 1 Blacksteel Insignia. Obtained Blackbeard's Recommendation Letter. Obtained Advanced Book of Magic. Rewarding 10.000 EXP. Reputation at Stonehammer Town has reached Worship.