
Appearing back in the throne room James didn't need to wonder anymore who this Zaeus was. He could pretty confidently say that it was the big man on the purple throne that was empty the last time he had been here.

"Excellent performance young adventurer, you are more than worthy of gaining my blessing. As an extra reward for not only completing all the trials but doing them with such ease at Tier 0, I will award you with an extra 150.000 merit points. You can spend these in a moment but first I will give you our help regarding the 7 treasures."

Before James could even introduce himself Zaeus was already channeling divine mana into the ball in the middle of the hall, even with his high concentration standard it was nearly impossible to keep conscious while being in its presents. All the silver throne elders soon fell unconscious after a little struggle, this process went on for about 5 minutes before the ball seemed to be completely full. At that moment Zaeus himself started to sweat while condensing all the mana in the ball in a single drop of liquid that fell from the ball right on James's forehead. At that moment he couldn't hold out anymore, it felt like his body was being invaded, destroyed, and rebuilt at the same time. Falling on the floor for the next several minutes he struggled to keep awake until everything suddenly became clear as day. He couldn't fathom that he had just felt any sort of pain, that is how quickly the feelings subsided.

Now back in good health James stood up and looked at his notifications before confronting Zaeus.

System: Congratulations! The Player has obtained the Purple Stigmata. Reputation with the War God's Temple increased by 10,000 points.

System: Player has become Worshipped in the War God's Temple.

System: Congratulations! The Player has become the first person to become Worshipped in the War God's Temple. The player received a Fragmented-Legendary Treasure Chest.

System: Player has evolved from Human to High Human. Attributes increased by 150% for each Tier, with +20(40) free attribute points per level, for each tier.

System: Player has become the first to evolve into High Human. The Player gained the Legendary title "Blessed".

[Blessed] (Legendary Title)

The player gains the status of Marquis in every human faction/settlement.

System: Legendary ranked Main Storyline Quest "Seven Treasures" accepted.

Quest objective: locate and gather the Seven Treasures

Duration: 2 years

Difficulty: Unknown

quest failure penalties:

-lose 30 Levels

-All attributes were permanently reduced by 70%

-All EXP gains reduced by 90%

Quest Rewards: Unknown.

James felt rather complicated about his rewards, he was happy with them for sure, but he had already planned to become an apex race, the golden divine dragon. He knew that if he were to transition into a golden divine dragon it would only be a halfling, half human half golden divine dragon. What he didn't know is whether his human half would be replaced by High Human or not. To resolve this uncertainty as quickly as possible James decided to ask Zaeus for his input, but before that, he took a look at his insignia.

[Purple Stigmata]

Automatically perceive the presence of the Seven Treasures within a radius of 15,000 yards. Detect can be used once a day to search for the specific location of the Seven Treasures within a radius of 150.000 yards. In addition, player will receive Stigmata's Power, providing player with Ignore all level +30 and resistance +80. For every five levels, all attributes of player will increase by 10 points, in addition to receiving 10(20) Free Attribute points and 10(20) Free mastery points. Due to player having a superior eye skill the Eyes of Truth failed to manifest.

James felt extremely satisfied with the Stigmata and looked back up at Zaeus, who was looking at him with a smile.

"Good job young man, that power isn't easy to take, but it seems that you have not gotten the eyes of Truth. In compensation, I will grant you a reasonable wish. Before that though, why don't u use your merit points."

"Thank you, Lord Zaeus, but before all of that, I would like to ask you a question. I happened to plan on converting into a halfling in some time, will the High human race stay with me at that time?"

James was full of anticipation, if he could combine the power of a high human and of the golden divine dragon, he would be unstoppable.

Zaeus took some time to answer, looking to be deep in thought.

"Well, if you managed to change your race to a halfling, then the High human race will indeed take the place of your human half. This is only however if you managed to do so if the race you are changing into isn't stronger than the High human, I'm afraid that the High human will overpower it, and the transformation will subsequently fail."

James made a slight bow, hiding his big smile.

"Thank you, sir Zaeus, as for the favor you have granted me, I have something in mind. As I understand it, I will only be able to exchange 1 item of each grade above Fragment-Legendary, I would like to exchange my favor for an extra such exchange."

Zaeus looked at James for a moment with a stern look before revealing a smile.

"As you wish, from this moment forward you have 1 chance to exchange for a Legendary item, 1 chance to exchange for a Divine item, and another chance to exchange for either one."

James gave another slight bow before opening the shop and scrolling through it, the merit points available box in the corner slightly surprised him.


Setting aside the divine items for now he first started looking for a good Legendary armor piece, and after some time he found a cape to his liking, costing 70.000 points and being one of the most expensive Legendary items.

[Nightwalker's Cape] (Legendary Rank, Cape)

Requirements: 8000 Strength, 5000 Agility

When equipped:

All Resistances increased by 300%;

All damage received reduced by 60%; Strength increased by 150%; Agility increased by 120%; Endurance increased by 120%;

Ignore Levels +80;

Movement Speed increased by 100%; Attack Speed increased by 100%;

Reaction speed increased by 100%.

Additional Passive Skill 1 - Nightwalker

When the cape is equipped, no information about the player can be examined.

Physique improved by 60%.

Additional Passive Skill 2 - Divine Speed

Player's starting Movement Speed increased to 100% of player's maximum Movement Speed

Additional Passive Skill 3 - Void Walk

Players can freely enter the void and traverse it. Void Walk significantly weakens the oppression exerted by the void.

Additional Active Skill 1 - Divine Steps

Summons 36 doppelgangers before a maximum of 36 targets for five seconds. Doppelgangers do not possess any attack capabilities and are invulnerable to attacks. Player can switch positions with any doppelganger freely. Maximum cast range of 2,000 yards.

Maximum cast range of 2000 yards.

Cooldown: 5 minutes

Additional Active Skill 2 - Void Shield

Forms a shield with an HP ten times the player's maximum HP for ten minutes. As long as the shield exists, the player's HP recovery speed increased by 500% and Movement Speed increased by 300%. Damage from Tier 5 sources or below is reduced by 90%, and damage from Tier 6 sources is reduced by 60%.

Cooldown: 15 minutes

The Blacksmith God Bayer crafted this cape for the Tyrant of Destruction. It possesses the power to traverse the void.

He couldn't equip it at the moment, but with some Fragment-legendary equipment equipped that shouldn't be a problem. Now that that was done James took a look at the Divine artifacts.

[Luminous Starlight] (Divine Ranked, Two-handed Staff)

Equipment Requirement: Strength 30,000, Intelligence 100,000

Class Requirement: Summoner

Required Merit Points: 200,000

[Skyfrost Blizzard] (Divine Rank, Two-handed Spear)

Equipment Requirement: Strength 10,000

Special Requirement: gain acknowledgment

Required Merit Points: 250,000

James never really paid attention to them so he never noticed the weird requirement of the spear, the 10,000 strength should just be the requirement to be able to lift the thing so the only real requirement was to gain acknowledgment. From whom this was or what this was he was sure to find out soon enough. The requirements of Anna's future staff were more what he expected for a divine weapon, she would probably have to be Tier 5 with full set equipment of Fragmented-Legendary equipment plus some pieces of Legendary to be able to equip it. He didn't have to worry about that though since NPCs got their own equipment when finishing quests.

Now having 39,500 points left James started looking through the Fragmented-Legendary equipment to see what he could use.

He found some nice Gloves and Gorget for 17.000 points each and with the leftover points he bought himself a nice Epic ring.

[Reckoning Force] (Fragmented-Legendary Rank, Gloves)

Equipment Requirement: 400 Strength, 400 Agility

Attributes will be adjusted according to user's level.

Strength +50, Agility +40, Intelligence + 25, Endurance +40, Vitality +30

When Equipped:

Increases Strength by 40%, Agility by 40%, Intelligence by 30%, Endurance by 30%, Vitality by 35%

Damage increased by 10%

Ignore Levels +10

All item's level requirements reduced by 10 Levels

Additional Active Skill – Unstoppable Force

The Reckoning Force has two different modes. Battle Mode and Tank Mode. Only one mode may be activated at a time.

Battle Mode:

Passive Skill: Damage increased by 20%

Activable Skill: Onslaught – User enters in a Frenzied Rage state for 1 minute. During this time, user deals increased damage by 100%, damage taken increased by 50%

Cooldown: 1 hour

Tank Mode:

Passive Skill: All damage taken is reduced by 20%

Activable Skill: Redoubt – User solidifies his defense by 100%, reduces Movement speed by 90% for 1 minute.

Cooldown: 1 hour


[Brutal Silence] (Fragmented-Legendary Rank, Gorget)

Equipment Requirement: 300 Strength, 600 Agility

Attributes will be adjusted according to user's level.

Strength +35, Agility +50, Intelligence + 20, Endurance +30, Vitality +40

When Equipped:

Increases Strength by 30%, Agility by 45%, Intelligence by 30%, Endurance by 30%, Vitality by 40% and movement speed by 25%

Additional Active Skill – Assassin's Greed

Damage dealt to targets under 20% HP increases damage by 100% for 20 seconds. Upon killing a target, increases Movement Speed by 100% for 15 seconds and puts the wielder in a forced stealth state for 2 seconds.

Cooldown: 1 minute.


[Seven Luminaries Ring (Replica)] (Ring, Epic Rank)

Level 20 – Level 80

Equipment Requirement: Strength 200

Attributes will be adjusted according to user's level.

Strength +45, Agility +35, Intelligence +35, Endurance +30, Vitality +30

Damage +10%

Maximum HP +15%

Ignore Levels +10

All skills +2 Levels.

All items level requirement reduced by 5 Levels.

Additional Skill-

Seven Luminaries Aura: There are seven different Auras: earth, water, wind, fire, time, illusion, and space. Only one Aura can be used each time, and there will be a Cooldown of one minute when changing between Auras.

[Aura of Earth]

Level 1 (Requires 1,000,000 EXP to upgrade to Level 2)

Defense increased by 30%.

Damage taken reduced by 20%.

Activatable Skill-

Absolute Defense: Provides immunity to seven attacks.

Cooldown: 1 minute 30 seconds

[Aura of Water]

Level 1 (Requires 1,000,000 EXP to upgrade to Level 2)

Received healing increased by 30%.

Cast Consumption reduced by 20%.

Activatable Skill-

Life Bloom: Heals selected target for 10% HP every second for 30 seconds.

Cooldown: 1 minute 30 seconds

[Aura of Wind]

Level 1 (Requires 1,000,000 EXP to upgrade to Level 2)

Movement Speed increased by 20%.

Attack Speed increased by 20%.

Agility increased by 15%.

Activatable Skill-

Wind Rider: Enables temporary flight and Movement Speed increase of 100% for 15 seconds.

Cooldown: 2 minutes

[Aura of Fire]

Level 1 (Requires 1,000,000 EXP to upgrade to Level 2)

Damage increased by 30%.

Target's Defense reduced by 20%.

Activatable Skill-

Firestorm: Inflicts 500% damage within a range of 10*10 yards for 5 seconds.

Cooldown: 5 minutes

[Aura of Time]

Level 1 (Requires 2,000,000 EXP to upgrade to Level 2)

Cooldown of all Skills reduced by 20%.

Enemies within a 100-yard radius will have their Movement Speed and Attack Speed reduced by 20%, and Cooldown of Skills increased by 20%.

Activatable Skill-

Absolute Time: Prevents enemies within a range of 50*50 yards from using any skills or tools for 20 seconds.

Cooldown: 3 minutes

[Aura of Illusion]

Level 1 (Requires 2,000,000 EXP to upgrade to Level 2)

All Attributes increased by 20%.

Enemies within a 100-yard radius will have all their Attributes reduced by 20%.

Activatable Skill-

Fantasy World: Immunity to all Magic Damage and 10% of Magic Damage received will be converted to healing to recover player's HP for 10 seconds.

Cooldown: 3 minutes

[Aura of Space]

Level 1 (Requires 2,000,000 EXP to upgrade to Level 2)

Immunity to all control and restricting effects.

Activatable Skill-

Space Movement: Instantly move to any location within a radius of 300,000 yards.

Cooldown: 10 minutes

James Upgraded all skills on his new ring to level 5, putting himself back at level 20, before turning to one of the elders.

"Could I get the 2 Divine weapons for sale?"

All of the elders turned to look at James with slightly shocked expressions, they knew he had the points and kind of predicted that he would exchange for them, but hearing it with their own ears they still felt a little shocked.

The elders didn't react, so Zaeus stepped in.

"I will get them for you, young man."