Charlotte's Team

Walking up to his desk was a shy girl with long blue hair, Charlotte. With only a few glances of eye contact, she sat down across from James, staring at the desk. In the beginning, James was worried that this shyness was going to be a problem when she was going to command 4 other members, but from what he heard she really stepped up to the plate and was doing amazing. Even if she wasn't James was willing to let her keep trying, after all, she had been within the top 3 witches of all time in his last life. Even though she was at number 3 many speculated that she would eventually overtake the number one spot as the other 2 witches were long retired from actively seeking opportunities and improvement.

"If you feel ready you can start your report, Charlotte."

Charlotte nodded and took a deep breath before finally making eye contact with James, her shyness around her own team may be easily put to the side but doing so in front of her boss still seemed difficult.

"I managed to complete the task you gave us, I got a SSS grade and received 50 Legacy skill points which I didn't spend just like you asked. I found nothing special during the trial, the only thing that happened was that I managed to have some enlightenment regarding the way to control mana, but I feel like something is suppressing me."

James nodded, he had long suspected that she would make a breakthrough, the only question is, how much did she discover? The fact that she felled suppressed was also pretty normal, the free combat system wasn't active yet making it impossible for her to control the mana while performing skills, and she didn't have a mana body either, making it impossible to use her mana freely outside her body or control the ambient mana around her. The only way to currently use magic semi-freely was to make magic arrays with the magician sub-class.

"What did you discover about the way to control mana, don't worry about the suppression, that is totally normal and will disappear after reaching Tier 3 and the free combat system is unlocked."

"Well, it is just when I use spells, I feel my mana forcefully pushing a bunch of elemental mana toward some kind of circle, but only a specific bit gets used and it seemed very hard to force it. I thought that maybe it would be more efficient to guide the elements instead of forcing them, that would be much less stressful on my mana. I also thought that separating the elements and guiding only the element I needed would not only make it a lot easier since that would take less mana, but my spell would also be way stronger. I know it may be stupid and maybe it's not possible but that's what I thought."

Charlotte seemed uncertain of her observation, in contrast, James was totally baffled. The first fact was that she could feel mana and the element clearly enough to observe the precise working of spells while only being at Tier 0. These were only Tier 0 spells but that was still amazing, James guessed that her natural talent for anything to do with mana was already on the level that in sensing mana she was equivalent to someone with 3 to 4 world affinity. He could confidently say that because he himself can observe mana about as closely right now as her, and he had 4 world affinity. And unlike straight-up world affinity, her natural talent applied to so much more than just sensing mana. James could only smile in excitement when thinking of providing Charlotte with extra world Authority, Affinity, and Elemental Affinity through quests and items. She was going to truly become the best magician in existence.

That her talent for magic applied to far more than just sensing mana could already be seen through the observations she made, even without testing things out for herself she had roughly described the advanced way to control mana that most Tier 5 players used, only some Tier 4 managed to grasp it. James could only imagine how sophisticated her way of controlling mana would become once she experimented herself and rose the Tiers. She would make an excellent teacher in the way of mana control for the rest and even himself down the line.

"Those observations are rather sharp Charlotte; you have a true talent for mana. Now I'll tell you what I expect from you before we start attempting our Tier 2 quest. The first thing, and I know this will be hard, but I want you to become a Grandmaster Magician. I know that is going to be hard even whit your talent, but I need you to do it because it will be necessary when you attempt the void saint trial. That trial is the second thing I want you to do before becoming a Tier 2. You also need to reach a 90% completion rating on skills, but I guess that wouldn't be a problem after becoming a Grandmaster Magician."

Charlotte nodded and was seemingly already ready to leave before she could, though James had one last thing to ask.

"I'm sure you know this already, but I am planning on revealing the secret behind god's domain to your team members, anyone who might have problems with this on your team."

Charlotte just shook her head from side to side rapidly before shuffling outside the room.

James spent the next half hour listening to the reports and disturbing the personal task of all the team members on Charlotte's team. None of them had anything special to report and the tasks James gave were the exact same as the ones he gave to the people before them.

The first one was a reserved young man with a bigger frame, he had black hair and light green eyes, that was Jasper Stephens. His name in-game was Gentle Leaf, and he was a Guardian Knight. The only noteworthy thing he had to report was that he managed to reach the first realm in the realms of truth.

The second young man that stepped into his office was also a defensive class, a shield warrior that looked similar to Jasper, he was only missing the green eyes. He was Jakub Garza or Lone Jade in-game. He may have looked nearly identical to Jasper, but his personality was the total opposite, as Jasper was more reserved, and Jakub was more outspoken and over-the-top friendly.

The third member was a skinny-looking young man with dark purple hair, if you just took a quick glance at it, you would mistake it for black, he didn't seem to be shy or anything like that but he definitely was a man of few words. Of all the reports so far, he felt that he had connected with this young man, Owain Hunter, better known as Shadow Omen, the least. As you might expect he played the assassin class in-game. He also managed to reach the first layer of the realms of truth.

The final member was the healer, and the only girl except for Charlotte in her team, Brooke Rojas, Ghost Dragon in-game and she's a druid. She had brown eyes and hair, but James really couldn't say much more about her. Her personality was kind of all over the place so he didn't know how to describe it but if he had to he would say she was overly casual.

Now that the last member of Charlotte's team was done James could start on the reports of the last team, Team Livia.

The first member to come in was the commander, Livia. With her red hair, kind smile, and elegant posture it was obvious that she came from a well-to-do family.

"Tell me, Livia, how did it go?"

"Very well James, I was able to complete all the tasks you gave us, I didn't find any items while doing my quest though. I also managed to get a little bit of enlightenment regarding mana but while discussing this with Charlotte it seems that I am still very lacking in that aspect."

Her tone seemed to go down a bit when talking about Charlotte, which James found reasonable. He found it only natural that there was some friendly competition between two girls who came from the same school, especially in this environment. It was only too bad that Charlotte was too far out of Livia's reach, she may be a future saint but that was nowhere near enough to compete with the raw amount of talent Charlotte had.

"Don't worry about it too much Livia, you are talented when it comes to magic, but Charlotte is a whole different beast. I would be surprised that anyone in the greater god's domain had as much talent for magic as her. So, let's just be happy she is a good friend of ours and hope she can pass on some of that knowledge to her."

Livia nodded, her mood lifting a little but still a little frustrated.

"I'll tell you what I expect you to do before reaching Tier 2. I want you to reach the Master rank in the magician subclass and reach a 90% completion on skills when I unlock the free combat system. I know it's going to be hard, and our team is undoubtfully going to fall behind in terms of level and Tier, but that doesn't matter. I can defeat them anyway if they're not Tier 4 anyway. O, and one last thing, I'm sure you know of the fact that I'm going to reveal the secret of gods domain to everyone, would anyone on your team have a problem with that."

Livia shook her head, clearly still in a down mood, and she promptly left the office after that.

The next member to come in was a cursmanser named Myah Thomas, also known as Black Jade. She had long black hair and seemed to be really excited to meet James. He didn't really get any more on her as she seemed awfully nervous, but all in all, she seemed like a lovely girl that really had loyalty to the guild. From what he heard her family was in some problems before she joined so she felt extremely grateful to James.

Next was Ghost Sword, Karl Sharpe, a berserker. He was a rather big guy with short blond hair and blue eyes, from what James heard he also had a lot of pride but seeing him now in James's office you wouldn't say that. At least he knew when to turn it down.

Defensive Dragon, Mike Atkinson was the next person to come into his office. He was a 6'5" guy with short black hair and black eyes with a mean look on his face. The second he entered James's office though that look disappeared and was replaced with a respectful one, he even took off his hat that he was wearing and gave James a little bow before sitting down. James would have thought that Mike was one of those people with 2 faces, but some of the other members had already notified him that that was just a bad habit of Mike's and that he couldn't help his passive face. That was a good thing because James couldn't stand those types of people.

The last person to come through his door was Blue Omen, Levi Mclean, he was the healer and Oracle of the team. He was an exact copy of Karl but just a lot smaller and thinner, whit the exact same blue eyes and blond hair, even their faces were awfully similar.

Now that all the reports were complete James sighed with relief while sinking back into his chair, only to remember that his most important report was still waiting for him. After a few minutes of rest, he decided to get it over with and send Iron in.