Heading to academy

"Your Royal Highness."

James grinned and said, "I was expecting you. Are you okay?" He approached Camilla a bit closer.

"Yes, your royal highness," Camilla responded with a smile as if nothing had happened inside the room.

James had the smarts to go with her to her house instead of just standing there. He then remarked, "Okay, let's move. I'll accompany you."

"What?" After hearing that, Camilla was stunned. Did she mishear or did the prince say it? While adjusting his long, white coat, James turned to Camilla's front. He was looking dashing as he unfastened his long coat... He was even more mesmerizingly handsome with his deep blue flat boots and white leather pants. Camilla batted her large eyes briefly. James replied while flashing a sensual smile.

"Do you have any problems?"