
"You understand that I truly wanted to lead this institution under my name, but it took me a while. I don't believe I can wait much longer, and this is the ideal moment to get everything."

Anesthesia began muttering some magical words as she spoke. The ground began to tremble suddenly. The ground under their feet was quivering so powerfully that everyone arched their eyebrows. They sensed movement under their feet. Draven's eyes became smaller. He found it unfathomable that Anesthesia would turn on him in this manner.

He muttered a vile word at Anesthesia. She had to give him no other choice, as he thought he had put the rings on and was wearing them. If the timing was right, he would take action.

"The name of the powerful demon. Give me your power to damage the earth, my lord; give me your power to offer you more human blood. You are the only one to whom my entire soul and strength belong."