Dine together

[The scene changed to Adela's palace]

Adela stepped out of the carriage, and Francis followed her. They went into the castle together.

Adela saw her cousin Ian standing in front of the entrance. "What are you doing?" she said as she narrowed her eyes and approached him.

"Oh, my darling little sister, how's the prince?" Ian questioned.

Adela inhaled deeply and responded, "Well, he's sort of alright. I'm feeling a little worn out right now. But what exactly are you doing here?"

"I need to discuss something important with my uncle," Ian remarked on this while flashing his teeth at Adela. Adela's eyes grew droopy. Ian always made fun of her, which made her so angry.

Adela answered with an arched brow, "Stay here tonight. I also need to talk to you about several things."

Adela moved toward her chamber while Ian furrowed his brows. Francis and Ian looked at each other. Francis sighed as Ian smiled at him.

"Did you guys fight again?" Ian questioned.