Simon, the cat

"My lady," Elise said with a pitying expression.

"Please take pity on me. Don't be so cruel," said Elise.

Adela grinned widely and had to control her laughter as she said, "Girl, I'm not asking you to read them all. Just read the white magic book. You know I am now going through a healing process, so please assist me."

Elise lowered her gaze and gave a little head nod. She couldn't overcome her master. "Well, you start your job; I'll stroll around," Adela remarked after setting the lamp down on the table.

"My lady, are you going to leave me here alone?" Elise asked in a shocked tone.

"Obviously not. Here is your companion." As Adela said, she snapped her fingers and summoned a cat.


Suddenly, a black cat appeared in front of them and landed on the table.
