Am I dreaming?

Adela began to gush over Richard's attractive appearance as she curled over his face. She couldn't help but want to touch him. Adela's fingertips grazed Richard's cheek with the lightest of touches, sparking an invisible connection between them. His eyelids fluttered open, and a mixture of surprise and intrigue shone in his eyes as he beheld the enchanting figure before him.

"Adela?" Richard whispered, his voice laced with wonder.

She offered him a gentle smile, her eyes filled with a depth of emotion that words could not express. "Yes, my prince. It is I."

A hush fell over the room as time seemed to stand still. At that moment, the boundaries of their respective stations and titles melted away, leaving only the undeniable connection between the two souls.

Richard slowly blinked his eyes and extended his hand, his heart yearning to touch Adela's. She accepted his invitation, allowing their fingers to intertwine, creating a tangible bond that transcended their differences.