Start the journey

Richard's heart ached for the guidance and love that only a mother could provide. He missed the gentle touch of her hand and the unconditional support she had always given him. Her absence created an emptiness within him, a void that seemed impossible to fill.

But amidst the longing and sorrow, Richard also felt a burning determination within him. He knew that his mother would want him to be strong and carry on, even in her absence. He drew strength from her memory, reminding himself of the lessons she had imparted and the love she had bestowed on him.

Though he missed her deeply, Richard knew he had a responsibility to fulfill. He vowed to honor his mother's legacy by fighting for a better future for his kingdom and for all those he cared about. With a heavy heart, he steeled himself for the challenges ahead, knowing that his mother's love would always be with him, guiding him through the darkest of times.

A charming voice abruptly cut off his train of thought. "My prince,"