I need to heal the prince

As they stood there, a gentle breeze rustled through the trees, as if nature itself whispered its support. Adela felt a renewed sense of strength and determination, knowing that she was not alone in her struggles. She whispered while looking at him, "Maybe I was missing you as well."

In the delicate dance between moonlight and shadows, Adela and Richard found comfort and camaraderie. They shared a connection that surpassed the boundaries of their roles and positions.

And in that quiet moment beneath the moonlit sky, the world felt a little smaller and the weight of their worries a little lighter. Richard held Adela's hand inside his palm and gave her a kiss on the finger.

As Richard kissed her finger, Adela squinted her eyes and massaged his lips while asking him in a frightened manner.

"Why are your lips so cold, prince? Do you feel okay?"