Was that an immortal stone?

Instinct kicked in, and they scattered, finding cover behind rocks and trees. The monster's presence sent shivers down their spines; its size and power seemed insurmountable. Fear threatened to consume them, but they clung to their determination and their belief in each other.

Ian's voice rang out above the chaos, his tone resolute. "Hold your ground!"

Drawing strength from his words, they rallied, their weapons at the ready. The monster charged forward, its thunderous footsteps shaking the very foundation of their resolve. Adrenaline coursed through their veins as they met the monster head-on, striking with precision and skill.

Lucas, his agility unmatched, darted around the monster, slashing at its vulnerable spots. Jessica unleashed a flurry of arrows, each finding their mark with deadly accuracy. Nikita's powerful blows rattled the monster, driving it back with each strike.