Red Dragon tame

James marveled at the stone's beauty and complexity, recognizing that its appearance alone hinted at the immense power it possessed. He knew he held in his hands a relic of immense significance—one that would shape his path and the destiny of their world. But he had to know if that stone was immortal or not, he thought, as he put the stone inside his coat.

Camilla noticed everything, and with no reaction, she walked from there and stood at the corner. From her appearance, it was obvious that it was not new to her. It seemed that stones were nothing for her, and she used to see those types of stones many times. Ian stepped toward Camilla and stood beside her while saying, "Camilla, do you think stone is immortal?"

Camilla said instantly, "No, it was not. They are just normal magic stones."

Ian narrowed his eyes as he heard her. He asked out of curiosity and doubt, "How do you know?"