I appreciate your trust, Prince

"I don't know about that much, Camilla." James said, but his curiosity deepened, his mind racing with possibilities. He asked her, "What abilities do you possess, Camilla?"

Camilla's eyes met Prince James's with a steely gaze, her expression veiled with a newfound resolve. Deep within her, a secret lay hidden—one that she would guard at any cost. The pact she had made with the devil and the presence of Anesthesia's spirit within her were truths she could never reveal.

"I possess certain abilities, Your Highness," Camilla replied, her voice steady. "But the nature of these powers is a personal matter. I have my reasons for keeping them concealed."

Prince James studied her, a mixture of curiosity and concern crossing his features. "Camilla, I trust you. If there is something you wish to share, know that you have my support."