You did not like him

Before Camilla could react, suddenly James lifted her hand to his lips, pressing a playful kiss upon her skin. Camilla's shock deepened, her heart pounding in her chest. She had anticipated flirtation, but she never expected him to take it to this level.

A brief silence hung between them, the weight of the moment palpable. Camilla withdrew her hand slowly, her eyes searching James's face for an explanation. There was a mix of surprise, curiosity, and uncertainty etched across her features.

"I... I didn't expect that," Camilla stammered, her voice betraying her astonishment. "What was that about, prince?"

James, his expression a mixture of intrigue and sheepishness, met her gaze. "I apologize if I've overstepped, Camilla. It was meant as a playful gesture, nothing more. I wanted to see your reaction."