What do you mean?

With a gentle touch, Richard reached out and took Adela's cheek, their fingers intertwining in a silent celebration of their shared victory. The weight of the moment washed over them, leaving them in awe of the magic they had brought forth and the transformative power of love.

Adela's eyes met Richard's, shimmering with joy. In that gaze, Richard found a reflection of his own happiness and a deep gratitude for the woman who had enriched his life in countless ways.

"You did it, my love," Richard whispered, his voice filled with tenderness. "You brought back the light to Ezra's eyes. I am so proud of you."

Adela's smile widened, her heart brimming with a mix of accomplishment and love. She leaned into Richard, finding solace and comfort in his embrace. In that moment, they shared an unspoken understanding of the impact their united efforts had had, not only on Ezra but also on their own journey as a couple.