It's done

As Camilla's cold words echoed through the air, Adela's heart sank even further. It was clear that Camilla had chosen a different path, aligning herself with James and his manipulative ways. Adela couldn't help but feel a sense of betrayal, as she had always thought their friendship was strong enough to withstand any challenges.

Richard's jaw clenched, and his frustration was evident as he watched James and Camilla walk away. He wanted to go after them, confront James for his actions, and demand answers from Camilla. But he knew that doing so would only play into James's game, and it wouldn't change the fact that Camilla had made her choice.

"Adela, are you okay?" Before Richard could ask her, she interrupted him in the middle of his sentence. "I am alright, Richard." The pain she felt from Camilla was clear on her face. Camilla was no longer her friend; Camilla had changed; Anesthesia had changed her totally.

"But Camilla?" Richard added.