Ian, she is not Camilla

Camilla's gaze, once strong and unyielding, seemed to waver, as if something unseen was tugging at the edges of her consciousness. It was as though a veil was being lifted, revealing layers of complexity that had been hidden beneath the surface.

In that eerie moment, the boundaries between Camilla and Anesthesia blurred, and Adela's intuition sensed a haunting transformation. The idea seemed impossible—absurd, even—but the changes in Camilla's eyes were undeniable.

Adela's heart quickened, a mixture of concern and disbelief flooding her senses. Was it possible? Could Anesthesia's malevolent spirit somehow seep into Camilla's very being? The thought sent a shiver down Adela's spine.

Camilla's posture remained tense, her silence echoing with the weight of unspoken turmoil. It was as if a battle was being waged within her—a battle between her own soul and the remnants of Anesthesia's darkness.