Let's be friend with her

'Camilla, I know why you are doing this behavior with Adela. It is only because of me,' Francis's chest tightened as he took a deep breath, his heart hammering within his chest. His horse moved forward with purpose, carrying him closer to Camilla. His voice carried a blend of urgency and compassion as he addressed both Camilla and Adela, his words a delicate attempt to mend the fractures that had formed.

"Camilla, don't be angry." His voice resonated, laced with a sincerity that came from a place of concern. His eyes met Camilla's, and a silent plea for understanding passed between them. He then turned to Adela, his gaze steady and earnest. "And Adela, what is this? Can't Camilla just do whatever she wants? She wants to hunt a bear, so what's the big deal?"