Is this our end?’

As the shouts grew louder, their urgency and authority undeniable, Elisa's mind raced through her options. Her eyes darted around the library, searching for a way to hide and escape the attention of the guards. She turned to Simon, her expression a mix of fear and determination. "We can't stay here," she whispered urgently.

With Simon at her side, Elisa moved quickly, her instincts guiding her toward a corner of the library where a heavy tapestry hung on the wall. She slipped behind it, her heart pounding in her chest as she pressed herself against the cool stone wall. Simon followed suit, his agile form finding refuge beside her.

From their hidden vantage point, Elisa peered through a small gap in the tapestry, watching as the library's entrance came into view. Her breathing was shallow and her pulse quick as she tried to make sense of the situation unfolding before her.