Sea of shadow

Alfred's battered resolve crystallized into unwavering determination. The pain he had endured and the taste of his own helplessness fueled a fierce fire within him. He had to save his wife, Veronica, and his daughter, Adela, from the clutches of Draven's sinister plot.

The pieces of the puzzle aligned in his mind with chilling clarity. Draven's intention behind the expedition was clear—to remove both Alfred and Veronica, the last obstacles in his path. And then there was Adela, his innocent daughter, targeted for a purpose that Alfred dared not imagine.

As Alfred rose from his knees, his gaze locked on Draven with a mixture of defiance and calculated intensity. He understood that the time for subtlety had passed. Draven's control over him had been weakened, and he had to seize the opportunity before it slipped away.