His hands burn

Draven's cry of pain reverberated through the grand hall, cutting through the chaos like a knife. He clutched his burning hand, his face twisted in agony and confusion as he demanded answers, "What the hell is it? Why is my hand burning?"

As the searing pain coursed through his fingers, Draven's grip on the immortal stone faltered, and it slipped from his hand, falling towards the cold marble floor. In that critical moment, Camilla's reflexes kicked in, and she reached out, her hand moving with a speed that defied human capabilities. With a deft and almost ethereal touch, she caught the stone before it could land, her fingers closing around it like a vise.

Draven narrowed his eyes, his gaze locking onto Camilla, suspicion swirling within them. He couldn't comprehend how Camilla had managed to snatch the stone from mid-air with such grace and precision. It was as if she possessed powers beyond mortal understanding.