I am sorry, Camilla

Her casual acceptance of his proposal, combined with her unshakable spirit, left Francis in a state of introspection. She was a remarkable woman, one who faced her circumstances with strength and determination, qualities that drew him to her despite the complexities of their relationship.

Camilla turned and began to walk away, leaving Francis standing there, grappling with the tangled web of emotions and intentions that defined their engagement. He wanted to say something, to offer her an apology, but the words eluded him.

With a heavy heart and a sense of regret, Francis lowered his gaze and whispered softly to the empty garden, "I am sorry, Camilla."


The grand engagement party had concluded, and the palace's opulent halls began to empty as guests made their way home, bidding their farewells to the royal hosts. Among those who remained were Adela and Ian, who had chosen to stay behind a bit longer with David.