True Manifestation

London, England,

Department of General Fundamentals,

"Yo wassup retards, can you share your feelings with us right now? Really, tell me. How's it feel to get fucked so hard the table breaks?"

Complete silence befell the lecture hall, students, prodigies and failures alike, were left speechless by the crude, vulgar yet all too familiar sounding words of the man standing at the podium, one hand on his cane, the other on his chin, a teasing grin plastered on his face. Dressed in a black suit with golden buttons, he was here today for one specific reason.

"Why the silence? Are you perhaps nervous? Why, though? I don't bite."

Roman Trambelio Hauth, a magus who had... once been a fellow student, one they didn't recognise as such and belittled... They knew his nature intimately, certain female students more intimately than others.. Why? Disabilities aside, he was attractive and his personality certainly left an... impression... Ehem, that aside, he was also infamous for his pettiness.... and tendency to hit people with his cane.

"Heh..." Roman sneered, staring at the 'students' with a grin that simply refused to go away, their paling complexions were a sight for sore eyes... As magi, they had an easier time grasping their situation, "Want me to take a gander?"


Bluntly put, they knew full well they were fucked and as such remained silent in a bid to even slightly lessen the sheer scale of what was coming.

"Meh.. nevermind, I'm bored." Roman shrugged, lazily raising his free hand, getting angry or holding a grudge against these people wasn't really something he could do, they were just born retarded... Anything they'd ever done to him had been repaid in full.. Their mockery was just verbal after all.

"So then, you must be curious as to why I gathered all you kids here today."

His 'audience' wanted to remind he was a 'kid' too... He wasn't, they just thought he was.

Stomping a foot down, the Magician held out his hands, staring up diagonally, "We must resolve the issue of your treatment..." He put a hand over his chest, "My name can't be tarnished can it? What will the other families think of me if I simply forgave you?"

Here it came, the punishment for their folly.

The young magi drew in sharp breaths, what was it going to be? Fines? Punishments? Expulsion?! As the new Lord of the Department, he could very well expel every single person studying in the department right now and without at least a few years in General Fundamentals, one couldn't enter any other Department... It would be a dreadful thing for everyone.

"And so, you're all forgiven."


"Just be careful next time."

The Magician laughed loudly as indignant shouting broke out in the hall, a few magi even comically fell over, unable to handle the words he spoke and some even passed out, those were the ones who had thought too much into it.... Many lost their strength, recoiling in sheer awe.


Saluting a bit, Roman simply treaded off-stage, humming to himself as chaos ensued, visibly enjoying what was happening.. He was all about the zero accountability life, or rather, his amusement came from simply messing with people, in any and all forms, be they annoying or beneficial.

Well that and he'd fixed 'bugs' in the homes of certain nobles, ones that stood to benefit from the expulsion of all students, and their reactions were being recorded live as he walked, opened the door and stepped out to meet the shocked gazes of passers-by who'd stopped because of the immense and sudden noise.

Still, those gazes were almost instantaneously lowered, none daring to meet the eyes of the man staring at them with an eerily large smile... How could they? Roman had gone from being the object of disdain to a prodigy perhaps on par with or stronger with the 'Queen' of the Clock Tower and he, had a bone to pick with everyone.

"Was that really wise?"

"Of course it was.." Roman smiled... actually genuinely smiled as he waved a hand to dismiss the question, "I can't just cripple an entire generation because they mouthed off and got torn into." Not to say the magician didn't hold grudges, oh he did, but the demerits were too much this time around.

"I see...."

"That and I can't just mess with the mentally retarded, even I'm not that much of an ass."

"......" The person he'd been speaking to deadpanned at him, wasn't he still disrespecting them?

"More objectively speaking though..." Roman looked out the windows to his side, observing the grey cloudy skies of London, he didn't halt his steps though and those in his way scurried to the sides, afraid of getting caught up in his pettiness, "If I just cleared out the department, the other 11 would try to 'depose' me..." Not that the other 12 lords were truly relevant, he would simply camp outside the door and dare the Mage's Association to make him move, something they couldn't afford.

Smirking, the Trambelio cast a gaze at his 'follower', "Fuck are you doing here, brat?"

"I was to inform you that Lord Kayneth has died... His suite had a gas leak... We, Edelfelt, suspect that it was the work of-"

"It was Karmagliph,..." Roman smiled pensively, amused even further as proven by the slight spring in his still limping steps, "That wimp actually did it. Damn." He was rather impressed, the Head of the Neutral Faction was a well known self-deprecating coward.

"Correct, Karmagliph Meluastea Deluc, possibly to affirm his lordship over the Department of Mineralogy." The blonde brushed hand through her hair, arms crossed under her chest as she followed behind Roman with slow, powerful steps, "Should we do anything?"

"Nah, let him be." Roman dismissed the idea with a closed eye, Karmagliph could enjoy his victories for now, there wouldn't really be any more chances once Roman made his next major move, "Keep an eye on the El-Melloi though."


"Still, strange how you lot are respectful all of a sudden."

"Of course, the Edelfelt recognise you as our Leader, Lord Trambelio."

"Pft-.... Come back when you're older."

Chuckling to himself, Roman walked off leaving behind a confused and unamused Luviagelita.


"Hmmm... nice, nice... Took them around three days but nice."

Curiously, Roman circled the glass, liquid-filled, incubation tank used for producing homunculi, he'd ordered for one to be readied according to the data in the Einzbern catalogues so he didn't mind the wait, the parsing would take time.

Of course there was the fact that most Einzbern homunculi were female and most of the data was about them too..., "A fetish I can approve of..." The Magician nodded sagely, ignoring the tired gazes of the two people standing behind him..

He'd absorbed the Einzbern crest into the Trambelio one he had on the back of his right hand and so, all their centuries of research was his.... Irisviel wouldn't be interested and even if she was, she wouldn't be getting the crest, it was the price for a full human life and freedom from her household.

Roman eyed the thinly built homunculus inside and slightly scowled, "Is that the so-called swimmer's build? What's with that pale ass skin and the..." He released a strange noise from his throat, "Ugh, white hair.... red eyes... Mein Gott!" This was absolutely .... disgusting.

He himself originally had a healthy coloured skin, pitch black hair and golden eyes coupled with a somewhat broad well-built frame thanks to his genes, and that was more than enough!

Still, there was nothing more attuned for housing Deities than a homunculus.... He'd augment it right after, that appearance was too wimpy and punchable for his taste.

As for taking it on as a vessel, that came as instinct....., "Godly instinct."

"....Master, why must I be here? I must best that accursed Iudex Gundyr!" Kagetora shouted, a hand raised in protest, she didn't have a moment to waste! Not after she found Roman's personally created stash of games, games and consoles not available in the 20th century made through magic when he was bored.

"Love how you talk about that like it's not a game." Roman's tone was sarcastic, this woman had way too much liking for battle.... Who knew that could translate to games too, "Anyway, I have a bit of a gift for you two too." While he couldn't tread on the domains of the other True Magics without expending insane amounts of prana because there was no understanding to be had in the first place, it didn't stop him from just using them when convenient.

Taking on a spiritual form, Roman entered the white haired homunculus that would be his vessel... And with a vessel, he could truly exhibit his abilities as a Deity with nothing held back....

After all,

Gods could only use their true might once they acquired suitable vessels in the Age of Man.

Tamamo, who'd been only observing silently so far, couldn't help but shudder as the admittedly thin and frail looking opened it's- nay, his crimson eyes, HIS lips parting into a particularly strange smile that reached from ear to ear....

At the same time, the floor under them crumbled.... it was


The depraved and corrupted aura of All The World's Evil made even the two Goddesses step back.

Only now could it truly be said that Angra Mainyu had truly manifested.


Lmao, Roman hates the typical webnovel fic mc build.


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You can find up to 7 chapters ahead at