010. Tanya VS Tyrant Bear, Pluton Rayleigh debuts

Afterwards, Tanya divided Zhan Taomaru back by three and five.

Zhan Taomaru moved his shoulders and pouted:

"Do you need any help?"

This time, the boat capsized in the gutter, and I was unlucky.

Zhan Taomaru belongs to the Kizaru faction.

Admiral Kizaru is in charge of the scientific force.

The old man often said don't provoke the black crow, this guy is particularly vengeful.

I always thought that Kizaru was making a fuss.

But today he saw it...

Therefore, the black crow was never so kind and fought back.

This guy's heart is cut, it is absolutely 24K pure black!

Then she will definitely ask for help...

"Be optimistic about these two pirates, I'll clean up the Straw Hat Crew... eh? Hey, Tyrant Bear!"

Brows furrowed, Tanya turned into a thunderbolt and disappeared in a hurry.

Because in her mind.

An informative map of Sabaody Land.

The tyrant bear suddenly appeared and was about to collide with the Straw Hat Crew!

That guy's meatball fruit is buggy.

Not only can it take pictures of injuries, fly long distances, but also form a big explosion that bombards an island...it's all-powerful!

And it can move itself instantly by compressing the surrounding air!

The speed is extremely fast, and even Tanya's sight is difficult to detect immediately.

After finally solving 9 supernovas, only Straw Hat Crew is left.

If this lets the Luffy regiment go.

His glorious resume is about to add a big stain!

Not to mention, Garp will definitely laugh from ear to ear!

Tanya is absolutely unacceptable...


At the same moment, Island 12.

Boom-! !

The pacifists fell to the ground.

His eyes flickered a few times, completely dead.

On the battlefield in the wasteland, all the members of the Straw Hats were exhausted and bruised.

"Huh, huh, is this bastard finally moving?"

Sanji sat on a large rock, took off his cigarette, exhaled a long puff of smoke, and gasped.

Opposite, Zoro put down three knives and gasped:

"Huh, huh, huh... What the heck is he? It doesn't look like a Bartholemew bear!"

He clutched the wound on his abdomen, the blood and pus stained the bandages red.

A few days ago, the injury he suffered in the Dreadnought Dhow was not healed, so he was so embarrassed.

At that time, they were fighting one after another, Moria and Okuma from Shichibukai!

But compared to the tyrant bears I encountered before.

The transformed man in front of him is obviously not the body!

"Huh, maybe it's twins transforming people?"

Franky sat with his back against the broken wall, bold and grandiose, guessing.

After all, it is impossible for Bekapunk to create an identical human being alive, right?

Chopper slumped on the ground, stuck out his tongue, and said in distress:

"It's better to run away earlier than to fight with him..."

Now everyone's combat power is only two or three percent.

Even a Smoker could kill them all!

On the other side, the pretty Robin, with his left hand covering his right shoulder, said solemnly:

"No, the enemy that can be defeated is better to be defeated as soon as possible, anyway, they will still be hunted down in the end."

After fleeing for 20 years, she is well versed in the truth of cutting grass and roots.

Before meeting Straw Hat Crew.

Robin has always believed:

I'd rather be the world's people, don't let the world's people blame me.

If you can kill an enemy on the spot, don't be soft-hearted, or you will suffer endlessly!

Brook said:

"But it's finally defeated. If there is another one, my heart will stop beating..."

Speaking of this, he suddenly froze:

"Ah, forget that I don't have a heart anymore, yo hoo hoo hoo!"

As soon as he heard this, Usopp was no longer tired, patted the dust and stood up:

"All in all, hurry up and find a place to hide... woo ah ah ah, why are you coming again!!"

He held his hands high, his tongue swayed, and his eyes bulged out in shock.


The others were equally startled and turned their heads to look.

I saw the wind blowing on the hillside.

Tyrant Bear grabbed a purple fairy tale book in his left hand and strode forward.

Sanji was so frightened that he stood up immediately, with a solemn expression:

"Hey, what are you talking about?"

Usopp is out of breath:

"Brook, look at that crow's mouth!"

Brook is dangling:

"Ah, I'm so sorry, please don't shake me so hard, my old bones are about to fall apart..."

Nami covered her face, hot tears streaming down her cheeks, and said hoarsely:

"forgive me..."

Here, Zoro staggered to his feet, grabbed three knives, put them in his mouth and bit them:

"You are the body, right?"

His slightly divergent pupils stared at the tyrant bear.

Zoro recognized that the other party's breath was exactly the same as the guy from that day!

"Yes... if you were going to travel, where would you like to go?"

Bartholemew the big bear stopped, took off the glove on his right hand, and asked in a loud voice.

Immediately, the nerves of the entire Straw Hat regiment were tense.

Rumble rumble-! !

Suddenly, several huge golden thunders split a pitch-black dividing line of hundreds of meters.

Separate Tyrant Bear and Straw Hat Crew into two separate sides!

Usopp was taken aback:

"What, what happened?"

Brook guesses:

"Won't it be some horrible guy coming again?"

Nami scolded:

"Brook, please close the crow's mouth first!"

Sanji looked at it in astonishment:

"Is that... a young girl?"

I saw a golden lightning fall, and the white cloak fluttered.

A girl in black military uniform, wrapped in electric arcs, stopped in front of the Bartholemew bear.

Tanya raised her cold eyes, stared at the six- or seven-meter-high bear, and ordered:

"Tyrant Bear, get out now, I can still pretend that I didn't see anything."

Bartholemew's big bear urn retorted:

"What if I say no?"

The last surgery will be in two days.

He will disappear completely from this world.

Before that, at least he had to help Long, the worry-free son, escape from the island.

So, even if you offend Admiral at all costs!

"Hey, then I'll have to... tear you down to scrap metal!"

Tanya stroked her golden bangs with her left hand, and a frivolous smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

At the same time, countless golden thunders erupted all over the body.

In an instant, it swept hundreds of meters in a radius.

Form an ionizing field of absolute control!

It's just abusive food today, and it's quite boring.

Find a disobedient Shichibukai and exercise your muscles, it's a good proposal...

Moreover, the gift of "returning" Bekapunk has not yet been thought out.

Now it seems that the tyrant bear who was cut into pieces, he should like it very much!

The battle between the two was imminent.

The straw hats were as frightened as ants on a hot pan.

In a battle of this level, they are now courting death to join in!

A strong and steady voice came:

"Everyone calm down."

Everyone looked at them and exclaimed in unison:

"Master Rayleigh, why are you here!?"

Shouldn't he be coating the Sonny now, how could he be here?

Rayleigh came up with a flip-flop and said:

"I noticed something was wrong, so I came over to have a look."

To be honest, when the black crow arrived at Sabaody, his sight and appearance responded.

So hurriedly put down the coating work.

Come over to check out the Straw Hat Crew.

Rayleigh pulled out the long knife from his waist and grinned:

"Okay, hurry up and leave, I'm in charge of the rear."

Tyrant Bear and Tanya fight, it is a great escape opportunity.

Straw Hat Crew is too tired to run away.

Otherwise, wait for Marine's reinforcements to come.

Rao was the right arm of the One Piece himself.

It is also difficult to protect everyone comprehensively...
