015, the wind is dead, the fire dance whirlwind


The golden boa roared towards Rayleigh.

Like a blue dragon swimming in the wilderness, the wind and thunder are everywhere, and the momentum is huge.

Rayleigh held the knife in both hands, his cloudy eyes narrowed sharply.

He aimed at the giant boa's seven inches, waved the huge sword light with murderous intent, and chopped up!

call out--

With a long howl that broke through the air, a sword cut across the giant boa, and the sword light hit the 100-meter giant tree.

boom! ! !

Dust and fire splash.

The golden giant boa wailed, and its upper body fell to the ground, twisting constantly.

Not waiting for everyone to breathe a sigh of relief.

Tanya snapped her fingers and smiled lightly:

"The attack is good, but unfortunately the anaconda has no body."

sigh la la la la la la la la la la-

The upper body of the giant boa is full of thunder.

Every blade fragment rotates at high speed and splits into hundreds of small snakes!

Their heads swept Emission.

The tail was pushed by a long thunder light.

Hundreds of golden Razers swarmed towards Rayleigh.

Hundreds of ferocious Shekou were opened at the same time!

Rayleigh's pupils shrank, and he hurriedly waved his knife to resist.

"Liuhuanhua, hook claw!"

Robin crossed his hands and closed his eyes to activate his ability.

In an instant, Tanya's right hand holding the knife grew six jade hands, and with a croak, he twisted it with all his strength!

At the same time, Luffy squeaked.

Jump to the opposite side of the same level as Tanya.

He gritted his teeth and slammed into Tanya's head!


"too slow."

Tanya dodged sideways, snapping his fingers with his left hand.

Whirring whirring--

Raging flames, along Luffy's long arms.

swept all the way to him.

The whole person is bathed in huge flames!

"It's burning to death, it hurts!!"

Luffy jumped away, rolled around a few times on the ground, and extinguished the flames.

Immediately afterwards, Tanya's right hand splashed lightning, smashing Robin's flowery hand.

Then she disappeared with a stab.

Here, Robin gritted his teeth slightly, his left eye tightly closed.

Although the number of hands is reduced.

Make precise strikes.

But the pain of the electric shock is still a lot.

However, soon, her pupils shrank suddenly, and a black figure entwined in an arc appeared in front of her...

Tanya stared coldly, raising her index finger on her left hand.

Like Enel.

Pointing at her head expressionlessly, the fingertips danced with lightning!

"Watch out Robin!"

Nami on the side slammed Robin away.

Tanya slammed into the air, and the lightning bolt screamed, setting off a huge explosion 100 meters away.

"have a finger in the pie!"

Opening his mouth coldly, Tanya kicked Nami's stomach.


Nami's eyes bulged slightly and he coughed in pain.

But Tanya grabbed the collar on her chest with one hand.

The current of more than 200 million volts is violent and raging!


Nami raised his head and screamed, and his pupils quickly diverged.

"The third."

Tanya spoke coldly, and threw her on the ground in disgust, half-cooked anger all over her body.


Robin yelled, and dashed up to him, crawling and running.


Franky dashed forward, screaming and slamming his iron fist.

But Tanya dodged with two graceful steps back.

Then, a golden light in the distance, Yuzu flew back home.

It was a small blade fragment.

At the tip of Tanya's raised index finger, he spins at high speed.

She manipulated the shards, and the lightning ripped apart the surrounding air, swooping at Franky!


The shards of the blade pierced Franky's sturdy body back and forth under the wrapping of lightning.


Countless golden lines, like threading a needle, darn the body of the transformed person.

Franky screamed in pain, and the sky was covered in blood.

His body quickly became riddled with holes, and he spat out blood with a wow.

Then, Tanya stepped forward and punched Franky in the stomach!

Before Franky was beaten away.

Turn over again.

Kick his head into the mud, his mouth full of mud!

"the fourth."

Tanya looked down at Franky, expressionless.

With another snap of his fingers, a huge thunderbolt fell from the sky, splitting Robin into charred black.

"the fifth."


Suddenly, a huge beast roared.

Tanya looked up.

A shadow of a giant beast that covered the sky and the sun faced him.

Chopper, like an ancient beast, punched in fury!

The corners of Tanya's mouth are slightly upturned:

"Fire-roasted civet cats might be a good dish."


She snapped her fingers.


Countless ferocious flames.

Like a wolf and a leopard.

Run around and bite on the behemoth Chopper!

Then, starting with the hilt of the thousand-bladed magic knife, Tanya recalled half of the pieces and assembled them into half a knife.

She jumped up, wielding a gust of wind swordsmanship...

Shhhhhhhhhhhh! !

The sword shadows in the sky will swallow the Chopper like a hill.

Finally, it roared and fell to the ground whining.

Chopper, bruised and bruised, bathed in blood.

Tanya floated to the ground.

Raise a thunder umbrella.

Blocking the sky, the drizzling rain of blood...


Before Tanya could finish speaking, Rayleigh slashed with his chopper!


An angry knife that wraps around Emission.

It pierced the heart of the girl in the military uniform.

It directly smashed her heart, and blood splattered everywhere!

Rayleigh gritted his teeth and said:

"What a ruthless means!"

His eyes were sharp, and he was really angry.

In front of him, Admiral killed six people in a row.

Rayleigh's old face, I don't know where to put it!

I can't accept the old...

Blood spilled from the corners of Tanya's mouth, she grinned slightly, and said with a half-smile:

"It hurts to poke me, bad old man!"

She kicked Rayleigh away, snapped her fingers again, and drove him away with raging flames.

Then, Tanya swung the knife, summoning back the remaining fragments of the magic knife thousand blades.

Kala la la la --

Broken blade restored.

Tanya's heart also repaired quickly.

Endless wind blades rose all over the body.

Her eyes were cold, and she turned into a thunderbolt, and suddenly rushed towards Rayleigh.

Steel slashing, stepping forward slashing, gust of wind dying...

clang clang clang clang!

After a series of life-threatening attacks, Rayleigh was forced to retreat, and he was finally blasted into the sky by a sword.

"Hu, hu, hu..."

Rayleigh gasped for breath and hurriedly adjusted himself.

Then, seeing the field below, Tanya swung his sword horizontally.

Her magic knife quickly ignited a burst of flames!

Endless wind blades rise from underfoot.

The wind helped the fire, and a huge flame tornado quickly took shape.

The magic knife has a thousand blades and four forms, a whirlwind of fire dance!

The corners of Tanya's lips twitched coldly, spitting out cold syllables:

"Come on, Pluton!"

Rayleigh's pupils shrank suddenly, and the flame tornado that covered the sky and the sun rolled over overwhelmingly.


The momentum was loud, and the giant earthquake resounded through the entire island, pulling down a mighty curtain for a generation of strong...