019. Kizaru: What did you say you messed with her!

bump! !

Sengoku clapped the table first, shouting:

"Has the news leaked!"

He gritted his teeth and glared at the adjutant.

That look seems to be eating people...

The latter was stunned and immediately shook his head:

"No, the black crow Admiral specially hid this matter, and now the reporters from the outside world only know about the arrest of Supernova!"

After a moment of silence, Sengoku frowned and exhaled softly:

"Huh, that guy... is a bit rational."

He pulled out a chair and sat down, poured a cup of tea, took a sip, and his eyes were solemn.

This black crow is really a troublemaker.

Let you catch the straw hat Luffy, not let you kill the supernova, and let you arrest Pluton!

The public execution is still a week away.

If the news of Pluton's arrest gets out.

It's troublesome to recruit the remnants of the Roger Pirates...

Where the legendary pirates are now, it is difficult for even the CP organization to find out, let alone monitor trends!

There are a lot of monsters on the Roger ship.

Didn't see the intern Shanks, did they all get involved with the Four Emperors?

Just a few of them will cause great trouble for Marine...

"Let's list this matter as extremely secret for the time being, and we will consider handling it after the public execution."

Tsuru Vice Admiral crossed his fingers and made a proposal to Sengoku.

Now Marine is going all out for a possible big war with Whitebeard.

But there's no room for supernova and Pluton...

In addition to the straw hat Luffy needs special attention.

After all, who called his grandpa Garp?

The wayward Marine hero...


Sengoku nodded solemnly.

Once the war with Whitebeard is victorious.

The news of Pluton's arrest can be released logically.

After all, that year Marine claimed to have arrested One Piece.

The world has always thought that the Roger Pirates were all wiped out!

But actually Roger turned himself in...

If the world finds out, One Piece's right wrist is still alive.

It is inevitable to suspect that other One Piece crew members are also active somewhere!

This will cause a big blow to the credibility of the government, and the public relations department is definitely very difficult...

That's why.

Marine has been reporting that Rayleigh has been haunting Sabaody in recent years.

But there has been no reason to do anything to him!

Checking and balancing the Four Emperors is the limit.

Really can't get a hand to arrest a depraved Pluton.

But as long as the blood of One Piece is strangled.

Kill the Four Emperors Whitebeard again.

The news that Pluton was still alive but was arrested was easily accepted by the public...

Then, Sengoku looked at the adjutant:

"Did there be any damage when Pluton was arrested?"

The latter salutes back:

"Island 12 is half-destroyed, but because the area is a wasteland, it has little impact.

Because Black Crow Admiral was singled out, there were no casualties. "

Speaking of which, he changed his words:

"Just... mumble, Pluton Rayleigh's tendons and hamstrings were torn off, and he was stabbed hundreds of times all over his body.

According to the report... the injuries can only be described as appalling! "

The voice of awe fell.

The conference room was full of breathless voices.

After a while, Kizaru took a sip of the tea, his eyes narrowed slightly:

"That woman is really a monster, how scary does it have to be to give up?"

Even with three Admiral, if he wants to single out Pluton, it's hard to say that he won without injury and crippled the opponent.

But Tanya is an exception, she is immortal, and she is directly reckless!

With the achievements of Supernova and Pluton.

It is foreseeable that the future will be led by Tanya, and the world will be dominated by young warriors and hawks.

That old leftover girl, she really can't be provoked more and more... I have a headache, alas!

Aokiji, Tsuru, Sengoku and others could only remain silent.

They serve as the moderates among the Marines.

With Tanya it's only okay on the surface.

But there have been all kinds of entanglements in the dark.

Among them, Aokiji is the most serious.

Back in Ohara, Tanya killed his best friend Saul with his own hands!

Seeing Marine, she was gradually stained with blood.

Become a violent and bloody law enforcement agency.

The big hand under Aokiji's table could not help but clench tightly...

Of course, ghost spiders and other hawks were overjoyed.

With the great deeds of Supernova and Pluton.

As long as a week later, when fighting Whitebeard, reap some merits.

Are you still worried that you can't get the position of marshal?

They all burst into laughter in their hearts...

After all, in the past, Sengoku, Zephyr, Garp and others really suppressed them a little bit hard!

"Black Crow Admiral hasn't she come back yet?"

The ghost spider folded his arms and asked impatiently.

The feng shui turns, and since we want to work together to push Tanya to the position of the marshal, we must start to build momentum for her now!

"No, Admiral is escorting the arrested pirates to Impel down."

The adjutant said, grabbed a thick report handed over by his subordinate, and said solemnly:

"This time, the Black Crow arrested a total of 5,317 people, including a total of 177 large and small pirates.

There were also more than 200 pirates killed, most of them drowned... This is the action report! "

Immediately, he handed the report up and circulated it one by one.

Although it was just a quick glance at each.

But Tanya's terror deepened in their hearts.

Just look at it to understand:

In this siege operation, apart from the dozen or so sailors injured by Capone Bege, there were no casualties!

With the smallest loss, win the largest victory.

There is no more convincing feat than this!

As for the pacifists of Zhan Taomaru, the repair cost is calculated separately...

According to the report, it was Becca Punk and Zhan Taomaru on their own, and all losses were the responsibility of the scientific force!

And as the head of the scientific force.

Naturally, this account must be placed on Kizaru's head...

When seeing that string of astronomical repair costs.

Kizaru's eyes went black on the spot.

Zhan Taomaru ah Zhan Taomaru, what are you talking about you messing with her!