021. Running away from home Kuina

Meanwhile, the bottom prison of the warship.

The promenade is lit with oil lamps.

Da da da...

Light footsteps, Kuina carried the folding chair and walked gracefully.

Surrounded by iron cells, crowded with bruised and bruised pirates.

When the female officer passed by, the pirates, who were sighing, suddenly lit up.

"Oh—what a beautiful woman!"

"Hey, Miss Soldier, talk to us for a while~"

"Yeah, it's too crowded here, can you help us untie the handcuffs?"

They flirted with excitement.

Soon, the entire cabin was noisy, close to a riot...

"Shut up for me!"

Kuina scolded coldly and punched the button on the wall next to her.


"Ah ah ah ah ah--!!"

Countless thunder and lightning slammed down the cell, and there was a scream like a pig.

After a while, the burning fragrance filled the air, and the entire ship's bottom prison was quiet.


Kuina turns on the exhaust fan.

Then, she walked to the end of the corridor and sat down on a chair.

"Have you been more than half awake, do you feel okay?"

Kuina interlaced her fingers, leaned her chin, and asked with a smile.

In front of him is the imprisoned Straw Hat Crew, most of whom have been treated by military doctors.

But most of them looked listless, and one by one was badly injured.

"...Who are you?"

Nami, with his hands shackled behind his back, stared in pain and asked with a frown.

"Hehe, let me introduce myself: my name is Kuina, Marine Vice Admiral, Admiral's Admiral Crow."

Kuina smiled gently, like a blooming white rose, extremely dazzling.

Immediately, Brook was heartbroken and dared to ask:

"Miss soldier, can you show me your fat times?"

Kuina squinted and smiled:

"If you say it again, I'll cook you soup and feed it to the dog~"

Although the smile is like a flower, the voice is like a nine secluded cold spring, which makes people shudder...

Brook: Depressed.jpg

"Kuina... I remember you seemed to be Zoro's duel target?"

Nami spoke feebly and glanced at Zoro.

The other party is now wrapped in a bandage into a zongzi, and is in a drowsiness...

That Marine Admiral named Black Crow is really ruthless!

Kuina looked at her sideways:

"Hehe, did he tell you?"

Nami nodded:

"Yeah, the 2001 battle was completely lost, he went to sea just to experience, and to fight with you..."

Speaking of this, she sighed her beautiful lips:

"Honestly, why would you follow a guy like Black Crow?"

Nami reflected Kuina's eyes with deep doubts.

The beautiful woman in front of her should be like Zoro's sister, right?

From her body, you can feel a kind of gentle breath.

A separate prison for myself and others, without crowding.

She should have arranged it separately for Zoro's sake, right?

Such a gentle person should never have a relationship with that kind of demon warlord!

"This is..."

The index finger tucked her pretty face, Kuina rolled her eyes, tilted her head and said cutely:

"Because I ran away from home~!"

Nami was stunned:


Kuina smiled meaningfully:

"When I was young, I was actually a very strong girl..."

Her eyes drooped slightly, her eyes fell on the floor, and her clear eyes were nostalgic.

10 years ago, Kuina was the strongest disciple of his father's gym.

She prides herself on the sword, and has developed skills that even adults can't resist, and dreams of inheriting her father's gym one day.

However, no matter what, he couldn't get his father's approval.

"Kuina, girls can't be number one in the world!"

Koshiro's words gave her a huge blow.

That day, Kuina rushed out of the gym with tears in her eyes and ran aimlessly through the village.

Accidentally overheard the villagers discuss the news that Marine's general, Black Crow, was enforcing the law in East Blue...

"Have you heard? Leader Crick was crusaded by Marine!"

"Really!? That pirate overlord with 5,000 subordinates and 50 pirate ships was actually executed? How many troops did Marine dispatch to encircle and suppress?"

"There is only one warship, destroyed by a group of teenage blonde girls!"

"It is said that she cut across the main ship with one sword, splitting it into two halves, and the Creek Pirates were frightened and collapsed on the spot!"

"Cheat! Is that something a human can do?"

"It's true, that girl's code name seems to be Black Crow Vice Admiral, or Admiral..."


At the time, Kuina was utterly shocked and at the same time vaguely disbelieving.

How can manpower split the ship with one sword?

And it's a girl!

A few years older than me!

With this doubt, Kuina went home.

It happened that Zoro was looking for a duel with herself, she easily defeated the opponent, reconfirmed her own strength, and made a promise.

Then he packed his luggage, took the word Hedao, secretly poked and ran away from home...

When Kuina found Tanya, she saw that the other side cut off a hill at will.

She was so shocked that she knelt down on the spot and worshipped the other party as her teacher.

"As long as you can teach me this kind of swordsmanship, I can do anything!"

This is the promise Kuina made through gritted teeth.

As long as he learns this sword skill, his father will definitely agree with him!

She was so sure in her heart...

Tanya can do it, and she can do it too. Who says women are inferior to men? !

After that, Kuina followed Tanya and entered the New World.

She has worked hard to improve her swordsmanship from the battlefield, and step by step in the Marine...

Kuina from 11 to 21 years old.

This is the most important time of my life.

All are shaped under the influence of Tanya.

Naturally, her character became as black-bellied as the other party...

She also has great respect for this officer who is also a teacher and a friend!

Of course, Kuina is still that stubborn girl.

She has never been home once in the past 10 years!

Only oneself becomes Marine Admiral.

Get enough dazzling results before you can go home and leave your father speechless!

However, this does not mean that Kuina does not value his father.

Every year, she would ask someone to go back to the village to check on her father's current situation, and leave an anonymous purse...

For Zoro, who has fallen into a pirate and brought shame to the gym.

Kuina will also get angry and teach him a hard lesson!
