023. Impel down, great harvest of military exploits

Calm Belt, a majestic city, stands tall.

It is like a crouching dragon.

It is divided into three layers inside and outside surrounded by huge walls.

There are 12 warships surrounded by clouds and mist, which is extremely majestic.

The cold sea tide, the waves and clouds are treacherous.

From time to time Sea Kings rushed out to sea, roaring in rage.

Here is the world's largest underwater prison: Impel down!

The door of justice rumbled open.

Eleven large warships entered in a mighty manner.

At the front port, the deputy director Hannyabal waited for a long time with a group of subordinates.

They stood in line, saluting respectfully.

Everyone watched Tanya, and his adjutant Kuina stepped down from the lead ship.

Hannyabal held the black iron trident and looked down at Tanya with a gloomy face:

"Welcome to my Impel down... bad, saying 'mine' shows ambition!"

He was so frightened that he immediately covered his mouth with a look of panic.

"Even if you don't say anything, your ambitions are clearly written on that stinky face."

Tanya put his hands behind his back and walked over to each other with a look of indifference.

Hannyabal followed with a smile and said with a smile:

"Don't be so vicious, my sister Tanya... ah, I'm so sorry, I'm showing my ambitions again!"

Boom-! !

A golden thunder.

Chop his whole body to charcoal.

With a thud, it plunged into the sea, and Gululu sank to the bottom...

"Deputy Director!!"

Several guards shouted, and hurriedly called for the strange orangutan Brugri to go to sea to rescue...

Tanya shook her left hand with a look of disgust:

"It's the biggest shame in my life at the same time as you!"

She held up her military hat, and her figure quickly disappeared into the shadow of the city gate.

In the back, Commodore Hughes in a suit, froze in place.

He turned his head and asked Kuina:

"That... does Black Crow Admiral know this deputy director?"

He was coming to Impel down for the first time, so he didn't know much about it.

Kuina smiled with shame:

"It is said that during the military academy, Hannyabal, who was also a student, confessed to Lord Tanya 100 times, and every time he was beaten by the other party, his nose was bruised..."

She had asked Tanya about their past.

This is what the other said:

"If it weren't for the strict military discipline, he would be taller than me!"

Hughes was a little speechless:

"Is he really persistent?"

Changed to myself, the first confession was rejected, so I had to find a crack to get in.

But Hannyabal still hasn't given up yet!

Kuina said helplessly:

"Maybe it's a first love complex..."

The more you ask for it, the more desperate you are.

Not to mention that Tanya has always looked like a girl!


Here, Tanya strode into the city.

The surroundings were eerie and terrifying, and from time to time bursts of prisoners' mourning could be heard.

The so-called hell is not a vain name...

Suddenly, a group of people in front trotted over.

The leading female officer stood up and saluted in front of Tanya:

"Sister Tanya, welcome to Impel down!"

She has wavy blonde hair and burgundy glasses.

Rao is Impel down's uniform uniform, which can't hide his hot body.

Domino, the deputy head of the Impel down, is a big-breasted beauty with an elegant temperament!

"How are you?"

Tanya paused, the corners of her mouth curled slightly, and asked.

"Hehe, thank you for your concern, Senior Sister, I'm business as usual."

Domino put down his saluting hand, and a charming smile spread across his pretty face.

"It's hard for you to work in a prison full of perverts."

"Senior sister, please don't make fun of me..."

"That's the truth, what about Magellan?"

"He's going to the toilet and can't come to receive him for the time being. Do you need me to urge him?"

Tanya flicked her hand, crossed the other side by mistake, and said with a dull expression:

"No, I'm too lazy to see that scumbag, so you can handle the prison formalities."

Domino was stunned for a moment, and then a gleam of white teeth blossomed on the corner of his lips:


Afterwards, the two went to the living room together.

Domino called the jailer chief Sadi chan, the cell chief Sarudes, the four jailer beasts, and many prison soldiers.

They ordered them to push the pirates on the ship into the city one by one, and create a file and record the information.

"Help me put Supernova, Pluton, and a bunch of bounty criminals in jail first."

On the sofa, Tanya crossed Erlang's legs, took a sip of the original coffee, and said:

"Other pirates with no bounty, throw them into Crimson Hell on the first floor, and then you can deal with them slowly!"

Only the bounty criminals have military merit, and as for the other unknown pirates, she doesn't care whether they are dead or alive.

If more than 5,000 pirates create a file together, it will not be completed in a day or two.

Tanya is not interested, staying at Impel down for so long...

On the side sofa, Domino nodded:

"Well, I will order it."

She poured herself a cup of coffee and respectfully said:

"Speaking of which, Tanya-senpai, you are really generous.

Caught 11 supernovas in one go, and the legendary Pluton...

The bounty of these people, all add up to nearly 3 billion! "

Tanya gently blew the heat in the cup and sighed helplessly:

"How can I grab military money if I don't? I have a bunch of people to support, and I can't afford to hurt."

Unlike bounty hunters, there is no bounty for soldiers to arrest pirates!

Instead, military merit, military spending, and various preferential policies...

Each quarter, the generals of each faction of Naval Headquarters.

They will all quarrel in order to divide more military spending!

After all, they are all responsible for their subordinates.

If the army is not paid enough, the supply of weapons is not in place, and the warships are in tatters...

Why let people die for you?

Everyone came to be Marine, not only for the sake of blood and justice, but also to eat and save lives...

Afterwards, Tanya and Domino chatted in the living room.

About an hour later.

Supernovas and bounty criminals have been searched, archived, and imprisoned.

And then be assigned to all layers of hell!

On Tanya's side, he also saw all the data in real time through the system panel.

A total of...more than 3.11 million military exploits!

Counting the original more than 3 million, Tanya already has more than 6 million military merits.

Immediately, she chanted silently and upgraded the S-class Conqueror's and Three Tomoe Sharingan together!
