028. Killing Kulaken in seconds, Kuina's sword skills

The deep sea is an ethereal, cold and magnificent world.

Countless species of fish, jellyfish, turtles...

Travel leisurely in the blue sea.

A large, coated warship.

Riding the turbulent current.

Sailing at high speed through the darkness of the deep sea.

On the warship, a group of sailors were extremely fascinated and exclaimed:

"It's a beautiful view, the bottom of the sea is really beautiful!"

"Yeah, as if roaming in the night sky, enjoying the shining of the stars..."

"It's all big men, what kind of literary youth are you pretending to be?"

"That's it! I'll just say it straight... FUCK!"

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Hundreds of sailors on the deck burst into laughter.

Suddenly, a cold voice interrupted:

"Don't think of it as a tourist vacation. It's not time to relax, danger is coming!"

Tanya, who was floating in the air, rested her cheek with her left hand, reminding her with a dull expression.

In an instant, many Marines came to pay attention:

"Uh, Lord Tanya, what's the danger?"

"Yeah, is it the Sea Kings?"

Tanya's mouth twitched:

"Worse than Sea Kings."

As soon as he finished speaking, he encountered a giant underwater waterfall.

A huge yellow octopus.

Pounce with claws and claws!

"Damn, how can there be such a huge octopus!?"

"It's the North Blue monster, Kulaken!"

"Look, there are many pieces of the pirate ship around, and the corpses are floating... they were all sunk by it!"

"Lord Tanya, hurry up and save us!"

Seeing that the ship was about to capsize, hundreds of sailors panicked.

Although not running around, shouting.

But by Marine's standards, this was a major gaffe!

After all, people are always afraid of the unknown...

Tanya was too lazy to pay attention to them.

Just when a few huge octopus' claws were about to pounce on the warship.

A sudden shadow burst out of soap bubbles.

She slashed with a knife, slashing out dozens of gloomy sword lights.

In an instant, the five or six octopus' claws were cut into eight pieces!


Immediately, the North Blue giant monster Kulaken roared, and the remaining octopus claws began to frantically tear the ocean current!

The sea was turbulent, and countless sea tornadoes began to brew and wreak havoc...

click -

in icy sea water.

With a knife in one hand, Kuina assumed Zoro's slashing stance.

Time seems to have slowed down dozens of times...

She bulged her cheeks and held the air in her mouth, looking a little cute.

But the whole body gradually exudes a terrifying momentum.

The beautiful and slender body surface of the royal sister.

There is a constant flow of wind and Emission.

The ocean currents that drive the whole body begin to dance mysteriously...

Suddenly, Kuina's beautiful eyes glared, and she suddenly waved her knife!

One Blade Flow · Silent Sea Tornado!

He Daoyi character, swinging a large arc close to 360 degrees.

Like a turquoise oriental dragon whirling and roaring.

Drive the sea, roll out the roaring sea tornado, and swallow the giant octopus.

Suddenly launched hundreds of kilometers away.

crashed into a deep sea crater.

A piece of turbid water rises, covering the sky and the sun!

Seeing the crisis lifted.

Kuina, a Moonwalk, jumped backwards back to the deck of the warship.

As soon as it hit the ground, a golden grid passed by with a thorn.

The seawater on her body was also ionized and evaporated.

"Thank you, Lord Tanya!"

Kuina raised her eyes in surprise and said with a smile.

"The swordsmanship is good, and it has already surpassed me."

Tanya put down her left hand for casting spells and commented, with admiration in her eyes.

It is different from your own comprehensive development.

Kuina is specialized in one.

Plus daily hard practice.

It is inevitable to surpass oneself in swordsmanship.

Do not go beyond to prove that she is a waste!


Kuina's eyes curved, and the corners of her lips blossomed into a mouthful of teeth.

Can get the master's affirmation.

It is the greatest honor of a disciple!

The sailors on the warship breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huh, I'm finally out of danger!"

"No wonder the pirates who went to The fish men island couldn't reach 70% of the time. It turned out that they encountered such a monster!"

"Turn the rudder quickly, maybe at some point, that monster will catch up again!"

"Don't worry, the North Blue monster was cut off by half of its tentacles by Kuina Vice Admiral, and its movement speed has been greatly reduced, so it shouldn't catch up!"

"Yeah, maybe even survival is a problem! Hahaha..."

Just when the sailors laughed.

Tanya poured a basin of cold water on her head:

"That's an octopus, tentacle regeneration is commonplace!"

Suddenly, a group of sea soldiers widened their eyes and exclaimed:

"Eh——, really?!!"

Could it be that it regenerates tentacles in 10 seconds, and then rushes at Mach 20... that's horrible too!

Tanya rolled her eyes:

"For so long in New World with me, how many monsters have you seen?"

The sailors all looked at Tanya and nodded in agreement.

Indeed, there are too many monsters in this world!

Boom-! !

Tanya struck the lightning with a dark face, knocking them all stunned!

call out----

Suddenly, in the darkness of the deep sea.

A giant axe flew at high speed and attacked Tanya fiercely!

The girl in the military uniform narrowed her eyes.

He raised his hand and grabbed the axe blade with a snap.

But soon, there are several giant weapons, smashing violently!

Tanya threw the giant axe, grabbed the handle, intercepted them with a bang, and knocked them all down!

Below, Kuina caught all these weapons so as not to accidentally damage the deck.

She leaned all her weapons against the ship's side, raised her head and asked:

"Who dares to shoot Marine?"

Tanya's knowledge was fully open, and it directly enveloped the entire sea.

She looked cold and said:

"It's nothing, an insignificant scumbag."

Can throw weapons in the deep sea.

Only the murloc who ate the target fruit.

In fact, the target is not himself, but he was accidentally injured...

Just thinking, come from afar.

What to give to the murloc king as a gift.

The prey is delivered to the door...

Really dozed off to send pillows!

"Watch the boat, I'll go buy some presents."

Tanya threw the axe to Kuina, stabbed and disappeared.
