032. After all, I still chose Zhenxiang

Broken council hall.

Everyone's eyes turned to Jinbei.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

He was covered in extensive burns and was gasping for breath.

After a while, Jinbei raised his head, looked at Tanya, and said solemnly:

"I said that, even if I die, I will not participate in this mandatory call!"

There are only losers in this senseless war.

I will never participate!

Look at each other for a few seconds.

Tanya lowered her head and sighed:

"Oh, it seems that I made a mistake in the way I asked the question..."

She rubbed her temple with the two fingers of her left hand and said another way:

"If you refuse, you will voluntarily give up your identity as Shichibukai.

I can guarantee that tomorrow on the table of the Five Elders, there will be a report like this:

"The Sea Hero Jinbei and the Four Emperors Whitebeard colluded secretly, and all the pirates of the Sun Pirates have been completely annihilated by the Admiral Black Crow! 』"

Suddenly, Jinbei's pupils tightened:


To even threaten his own crew, Marine is so despicable!

"So, what would you choose?"

Tanya stared at Jinbei on the ground, and a dark and sinister smirk appeared on the corner of his mouth:

"To state in advance, I've been busy lately, and I'm very interested in playing hide-and-seek with your crew!"

Among the four Admiral.

She is the only Admiral with the strongest search for enemies.

Therefore, there has never been a pirate who could escape from Tanya's hands!

Anyway, back to Naval Headquarters, the grandson of Sengoku, will give himself a foot restraint order again.

It's okay to stay on The fish men island for a day or two more waves...

At this time, Prince Shark said shyly:

"That, Black Crow Admiral, please understand Boss Jinbei."

The second prince Huang Xing also echoed:

"Yeah, after all, the millions of residents of The fish men island are all thanks to Whitebeard's favor to live and work in peace and contentment, Mifasuo~~"

No one else dared to speak, including Neptune.

After all, he is the king, and if he is partial to the pirates, he cannot say it in front of Marine.

High authority, must be cautious in words and deeds!

But no doubt.

Most of the residents of The fish men island.

All thanks to that great pirate!

The kindness you have received from others should always be remembered in your heart.

If it is ungrateful, and even revenge for the kindness, what is the difference between it and the white-eyed wolf?

It is because of this that Jinbei refuses to become an enemy of Whitebeard!

This is a great insult to him!

"Please also understand my position."

Tanya said boringly, took off his military cap, glanced at the two mermaid princes, and asked:

"This time the Five Elders personally ordered it. I can't go home empty-handed, can I?"

She straightened her blond hair and dull hair, then put it back on, straightening her left and right sides.

"I know that Whitebeard is kind to you. I think you, Jinbei, have a good relationship with that old man, right?"

Having said that, Tanya glanced at Jinbei, and the arrogant eyes seemed to hide a bit of banter.


Jinbei pursed his mouth tightly and remained silent awkwardly.

Indeed, he frequents the Whitebeard Pirates.

But because of Shichibukai, it was all done in secret, and Marine didn't know it!

And this time I overreacted, and it seems that something has been exposed...

If Shichibukai is linked with the Four Emperors.

This is absolutely enough for Tanya to strip himself of the Shichibukai title!

That's why she saw through it long ago and threatened to destroy the Sun Pirates, didn't she?

Involuntarily, Jinbei secretly oozes a few drops of cold sweat.

It's a fear of being pinched...

The life and death of myself and the pirates are only in Tanya's mind!

It seemed that he realized something.

Tanya shook her head and said seriously:

"However, this public execution is the highest order of the government.

Don't say you are alone, even if all the Shichibukai protest together, there is no negotiation! "

Jinbei really thought that if he protested with his own life, he could stop Summit War?

That would underestimate the determination of the World government and Marine!

Tanya asks himself, let alone himself, even Sengoku can't stop this war!

When a person decides to have a tumor removed.

Whether it is benign or malignant, it must be cut off.

Don't give up because of pain and risk!

"So, it's just three things, I'll ask one last time."

Tanya showed murderous eyes, stared at Jinbei, and asked coldly:

"Do you accept the mandatory summoning order from the World government?"

This time, Jinbei was silent for a while.

It was not Marine's order, but the government's will.

The answer to never allow is to deny...

That's why the Five Elders sent the demon Admiral, Tanya, over here, right?

Once it does not agree, the government decides to obliterate itself and the Sun Pirates!

Jinbei sighed lightly and said helplessly:

"I see... I accept it!"

Since the war could not be stopped, and he had to protect the Sun Pirates, he could only accept it.

When this statement came out, everyone was very happy.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Tanya also silently withdraws, symbolizing the Mangekyō Sharingan of hatred.

She didn't bother to kill Jinbei unless she had to, and she didn't have any military exploits...

The task of the Five Elders is to capture, or (force) persuade.

And that's the goal of Tanya's trip.

After all, as a soldier, it is a duty to complete higher-level tasks.

If you screw things up...what's the difference with Kizaru?

But at this moment, Jinbei clutched his injured shoulder, staggered to his feet, and said:

"Just, if the Whitebeard Pirates are defeated and the world is in turmoil, what will you Marines do?"

He stared at Tanya, questioningly.

It is true that he accepted the call to protect the Sun Pirates.

But, Tanya said it so beautifully.

After destroying Whitebeard.

Wouldn't Marine leave a mess?

Then you might as well be an undercover agent and turn against the tide at a critical moment!

"Oh, of course, continue to destroy the pirates."

Tanya smiled disdainfully:

"As long as the pointer of the times is set back 22 years ago, everything will return to the way it was."

The fish men island will become barren because of the opening of the Great Pirate Age.

In desperation, we can only use pirates to deal with pirates, but not the root cause.

But as long as all the pirates are eliminated.

Murlocs and Mermaids of Ryugu Kingdom.

Naturally, you can live and work in peace and contentment.

The shot came out of nowhere and Whitebeard was just the first target.

After that, Kaido, Big Mom, Redhead, and then Shichibukai... one step at a time!

"Of course, short-term turmoil is inevitable, and then it's your Shichibukai turn to play."

Tanya glanced at Jinbei, then moved her shoulders:

"Our Marines will be very busy at that time. If I can spare some time, I can provide you with some help."

She just hates pirates, and ordinary people can generally help if they can, as long as it's not a slap in the face...

Moreover, killing pirates also increases military merit!
