039. Doflamingo the Clown

Smoker was furious:

"What a joke!!"

How dare this public execution eve.

Grandly mess up at Naval Headquarters.

How unscrupulous is this Heavenly Yaksha!

With Shichibukai's identity, you can do whatever you want, right?

Doflamingo grinned:

"This is the reality, Smoker, furfurfurfur..."

When the government uses the influence of pirates.

When dealing with pirates.

It was already a shame and lost home!

Shichibukai is the government's lackey?


We pirates can do whatever we want!

Under Doflamingo's manipulation.

The other two Marine Rear Admiral have already entered the crowd!

One of them was stopped by Shi Yu when Tashigi was carrying it, but it was very difficult and laborious...

There is also a Rear Admiral, like a tiger into a flock, rushing into a pile of marines.

He slashed several sailors with a knife, gritted his teeth with tears in his eyes:

"Yeah, Doflamingo!!"

The Rear Admiral struggled, but couldn't resist the manipulation of Parasite String.

He waved his knife without hesitation and stabbed his colleague who fell to the ground!

clang--! !

Suddenly, a shadowy figure stopped with a knife.

The two knives sparred in the air, and they were evenly matched.

"Kuina Vice Admiral?!!"

Rear Admiral gasped for breath, a little cold sweat oozing out of his forehead, and he was in a trance for the rest of his life.


Kuina opened her mouth softly, lifted her hands up, and pushed him away with the knife.

Then, she braved the strong wind and turned into an afterimage.

A beautiful woman, roaming the battlefield, cut out hundreds of sword shadows...

One Blade Flow · Longyou Flurry Dance!

Faintly, there was a low-pitched dragon roar.

Wherever the blue dragon passed, all the threads of manipulation were torn by the dragon's claws!

Kuina squatted to the ground, stood up and turned around, smiling slightly:

"Aren't you hurt?"

Two or three meters across from her.

Tashigi was sweating profusely, holding a knife in both hands.

The short-haired girl with glasses gasped for breath.

But her pretty face couldn't help but burst into joy:


Tashigi and Kuina are also old acquaintances.

Because the two look alike.

The date of birth is only half a month apart.

So we hit it off seven years ago and became a good girlfriend who can talk about everything...

Involuntarily, Tashigi breathed a sigh of relief.

Now that Kuina has appeared.

That means the Admiral Crow is here!

Sure enough, the crowd of marines here tacitly separated to both sides.

The sassy figure of the girl in military uniform walked out of it and said coldly:

"Doflamingo, you also want to be stripped of your Shichibukai identity?"

She raised her cold eyes and stared at the blond man with Erlang's legs crossed on the balcony of the high-rise building.

"It's still as scary as ever, furfurfurfur..."

Doflamingo grinned and jumped three stories down.

He copied his pockets with both hands, strode forward arrogantly with a flamboyant outer eight-character pace:

"I don't have that kind of thinking. Shichibukai's identity is still very useful, but it's just boring and boring."

Even with an official background.

Close contacts with the government.

Doflamingo didn't dare to give up Shichibukai's identity either.

The more you know, the more afraid of the characters above...

As long as there is no use value, it will definitely be the first to be stabbed by the government!

Therefore, in front of Admiral, he is still more obedient.

"Really? Then why don't I have a fight with you? It just so happens that the venue is also available."

With that said, Tanya put his left hand on the thousand-blade magic sword hanging on his waist, and pushed the hilt away with his thumb, revealing blood and cold light.

As the naval forces on the square retreated one after another.

Between her and Doflamingo.

Empty an open space, like a green brick arena!

The sight of the two sides clashed in mid-air.

The smell of gunpowder in the air is getting stronger and stronger...

After a few seconds, Doflamingo grinned, raised his hands, and gave a Gallic military salute:

"Forget it, I want to live a few more years."

Unlike Aokiji and Kizaru.

Once you fight with the black crow, it will definitely be endless!

Doflamingo can't be confident enough to fight Admiral...

"However, I would like to make a deal with you. I wonder if you are interested?"

He leaped a hundred meters and landed in front of Tanya with a friendly smile.

Tanya didn't speak, just gave him a cold, contemptuous look.

This was taken by Doflamingo to mean "go on".

Immediately, he leaned down, leaned beside Tanya, and lowered his voice:

"Help me get to the Impel down and get Luo out, okay?"

Tanya's face was cold, and he said:

"As a king, you won't negotiate with the government?"

The night before, Sanji was redeemed by his father.

Money can turn the devil around.

Plus the status of a king.

It's easy to do some shady PY deals with the government!

"Furfurfur... just because it can't be done."

Unlike Sanji's trash.

Luo Ke ate Op-Op Fruit worth 5 billion!

Obviously, the government also knows his value and refuses to let go...

"If you help me do this, open it up if you have any conditions."

In an extremely seductive tone, Doflamingo whispered like a bloody demon:

"With my connections, there are many things I can do for you!"

As a big guy who eats both black and white.

The resources in his hands, even the Four Emperors would be tempted!

"Really? I have something I really want, but I don't know if you're willing to give it to me."

Tanya raised her eyebrows slightly, pretending to be mysterious.


Doflamingo answered immediately, with uncontrollable urgency in his voice.

As long as he can get the Op-Op Fruit, he can be Tanya's pony!

Moreover, if you take the line of the black crow.

In the future, my business will be more smooth and smooth...

"Your life!"

Suddenly, Tanya drew his sword and swung away!

Doflamingo's pupils shrank, then jumped backwards.

The murderous sword light brushed past him...

Slit the air all the way and penetrated the top of a watchtower in the distance!

Doflamingo gritted his teeth and squatted down to the ground more than ten meters away.

His right hand rested on the floor, a few drops of blood fell from his slightly twitching face, and he fell to the ground...

Tanya turned around, raised her chin slightly, stared at Doflamingo on the ground, and said contemptuously:

"Place me in my place, scum of the sea!"

She warned coldly, raising the blade, the blade pointed coldly at Heavenly Yaksha's head.

It seems that if he dares to move again, he will immediately do his best to take his head off!

At this moment, a messenger ran quickly and saluted seriously:

"Lord Black Crow, Marshal Sengoku is here!"

Tanya frowned slightly:

"Huh? I see."

She put away the magic knife, gave Heavenly Yaksha another scornful look, turned and strode away.

In the open space of the square, only Doflamingo was left.

In the eyes of hundreds of sailors who were three-pointed in fear, seven-pointed in joy, and ten thousand in schadenfreude, they were tormented!

He gritted his teeth, wiped the scar on his cheek with his thumb, and put it to his mouth to lick the Bloodline.

Black Crow, the taste of humiliation, I wrote down...

After a while, Doflamingo stood up and disappeared.

The marines present immediately cheered:


"Hahaha, is this Shichibukai Heavenly Yaksha? Like a mourning dog!"

"What Shichibukai, it's just a pirate!"

"Dare to go wild at Naval Headquarters, deserve it!"

"Long Live the Black Crow Admiral!!"
