041. Terminator Tanya

Calm Belt, Amazon Lily.

A mysterious island surrounded by Sea Kings.

The island is rich, harmonious and beautiful.

There are hard-working and capable female warriors everywhere, with straightforward personalities...

They have experienced hundreds of battles since childhood, fighting against beasts in the primitive jungle.

The women of Nine Snakes are basically Haki users!

Males are absolutely forbidden, it is the iron law of the daughter island.

They disdain to like men.

The sissy is even more disgusted!

If a man sets foot here...

Only three legs will be broken and thrown into the Calm Belt to feed the fish!

In the jungle, dusk and dusk.

Margaret and his party shot a giant wild boar.

The three women gathered around and pulled out their arrows to retrieve them.

"Huh, it really took a lot of effort!"

The young girl with short blond hair wiped the sweat from her forehead and sighed lightly.

If you want to follow Lord Snake Ji on his expedition to the sea.

This strength is far from enough...

Gotta keep practicing!

Margaret thought to herself.


Suddenly, a piercing scream cut through the sky.

The three of Margaret were startled, and immediately jumped away from each other...

Bang-! !

A huge bear paw smashed the hanging wild boar, and the flesh and bones splashed...

The surrounding jungle trembled!

In the face of dust and blood.

With a lazy yawn, Yoyo said:

"I finally logged in, it's really tiring..."

Accompanied by a thunderous whistle.

All the dust and stench were dispelled!

A girl in military uniform sitting cross-legged on a corpse was revealed.

The blonde Margaret, covering her face with her hands, frowned slightly:

"Who is this girl? It doesn't look like a child in the village."

The tall and beautiful Aphi Landora glanced at her and said in a beautiful voice:

"It looks a bit like you..."

Margaret was surprised:


The sturdy Stowby shouted:

"Hey! Why are you sitting there?"

The eyes of the three defenders of the country were all focused on Tanya.

She stretched, stood up, and asked back:

"Why, I still have to put on a Terminator pose?"

The three were stunned:

"What is the terminator?"

"She looks like she's wearing Marine's uniform!"

"Who the hell are you?!"

Saying that, they all bent their bows and arrows, aiming at Tanya.

Since he is from Marine, there must be no good thing in coming to this pirate country!

"I have no obligation to answer your questions."

Before he finished speaking, Tanya suddenly disappeared.

The pupils of the three female warriors shrank suddenly.

Didn't wait for a response.

Their abdomens were severely hit...

boom! boom! boom!


Margaret coughed and fell heavily on a big tree, unable to slide down.

A bloody magic knife.

on her neck.

Tanya looked down and asked coldly:

"Where is the Pirate Empress?"


Nine Snake City, a city surrounded by dense forests.

It is built on a high mountain.

There are nine petrified serpents, coiling fiercely.

Inside is a beautiful village.

Houses of various colors are lined up in rows, creating a hustle and bustle.

Countless beautiful and brave women, working at the sunrise, and breathing every day...

The cheering performance hall was packed.

The two women in the ring are fighting desperately.

On the bulletin board, the odds of both sides are hung...

This is the most popular sport on Daughters Island.

Only strong women are beautiful and worthy of worship!

Of course, the thousands of women in the audience didn't care much about the fight in the ring.

They were all obsessed with worship, looking at the three Hancock sisters on the ladder.

Those three powerful women are the most beautiful beings on Daughters Island!

Hancock, in a red cheongsam, sits high on the emperor's chair.

She had Erlang's legs crossed, her right hand resting on her cheek.

The beautiful eyes were half drooping, looking down at the two female warriors who were fighting for her.

It seems to be because of my own spectator.

They all played the spirit of 12 points and fought hard.

It's really... boring!

Hancock is in a bad mood right now.

Not interested in seeing anything.

The pretty face is so cold that it seems to be dripping cold water...

All because of the government's mandatory summons!

Her two younger sisters were also in a bad mood.

The fat Marigold leaned into Hancock's ear and whispered:

"Sister, tonight is the deadline, if you don't agree again..."

She didn't dare to go on, because that would touch her sister's inverse scales!

Once Shichibukai's identity is stripped away.

Daughter Island will be reduced to an ordinary pirate country.

At that time, the government will definitely send troops to encircle and suppress it... The people on the island are in danger!

"I know!"

Hancock bit his thumb nail, his eyes gloomy.

One side is the security of the country, the other side is the government's order...

No doubt she was in a dilemma!

If not for this country.

Hancock does not need to cooperate with the government at all.

Use the identity of Shichibukai to protect the people of this country.

If it's an ordinary compulsory summoning order, that's fine.

She can still work hard...

But this time the location of the execution is public.

It was at the feet of Mariejois!

This undoubtedly made Hancock extremely jealous.

At the same time, there is a deep fear in her heart, which is suppressed by her...

Once bitten, twice shy.

This sentence is the most appropriate to describe Hancock!

"Okay, Marigold, don't push my sister."

Sandersonia, with green hair, patted her sister on the shoulder and shook her head.

I didn't have the identity of Shichibukai before, isn't it the same as a pirate?

Although in recent years, the government has had warships entering and leaving the Calm Belt at will.

But since being selected as Shichibukai, it undoubtedly proves the strength of my sister!

As long as Admiral doesn't take action, the usual Marine will come here, just to die...

clang clang!

At this time, the victory and defeat have been divided below, and the bell is ringing.

There was not much applause.

There were few voices from the crowd, preparing for the next battle.

Just then, a few black shadows suddenly fell from the sky!

Touch, touch, touch!

The three of Margaret, who were scorched black by the electricity and rolled their eyes, fell one after another into the center of the ring.

The three Hancock sisters frowned, and the surrounding auditorium was surprised.

"Hey, what's going on?"

"Are these three people protecting the country?"

"Margaret... Who the hell did it!"

A middle-aged woman with purple eye shadow, Kikyo, suddenly stood up from the auditorium and shouted angrily.

As the captain of the national protector, these three girls are all her subordinates.

Being attacked at this moment, I am naturally angry...

Stab it--!

Suddenly, a golden thunder fell from the sky.

The girl in the black military uniform fell under the ring.

dah, dah, dah, dah...

She came up step by step.

The military boots seemed to be in the dark, stepping on ripples.

The invisible deterrent, like the bell of death, swayed in all directions...

In the audience, one after another female fighters rolled their eyes and fainted!

Gradually, countless unconscious women collapsed in the auditorium.

Finally, when Tanya stepped into the ring.

Only less than 10% of the women on the martial arts field are still struggling to support...

"Hey, cheer up!"

"What is this, Conqueror's?"

"Who is this girl in black military uniform?"

Everyone's eyes were focused on Tanya, and deep vigilance and fear rose in their hearts.

Tanya, who was standing on the ring, held the handle of the magic knife in his left hand.

"Sorry, a little bit of deterrence, but I didn't expect you to be so weak."

She opened her mouth coldly, raised her icy eyes, and glanced at the three Hancocks on the ladder.

As if being targeted by a demon, the three sisters immediately became nervous.

Marigold looked astonished and muttered:

"Haki like my sister..."

Sandersonia's eyes were full of black lines, and she gritted her teeth and said:

"No, far above my sister!"

On the emperor's chair, Hancock rested his forehead with three fingers, his eyes were solemn, and he clenched his teeth lightly:

"Marine Admiral Black Crow... Is this a dismount?"

The corners of Tanya's lips twitched into frivolity, and sneered:

"After all, this is the only language pirates can understand."