048. Hawks Hand Warmer, Impel down bad news

After a while, the two of Tanya walked to the conference room.

Compared to a few days ago, the room was full of moderate officers.

Today's conference room is full of dragons and tigers!

On the left are all moderate generals:

Aokiji, cranes, Momousagi, tea dolphins, fire mountains...

On the right, all hawk generals:

Akainu, Dauberman, Kongming, Dalmesia...

The two sides are like water and fire, tit for tat!

As for the neutrals headed by Kizaru, they see the needle and bet on both sides.

Because it is still dominated by Sengoku and Garp.

So this old fritter, sitting next to Aokiji.

Dignified Admiral, but pretending to be a little transparent...

This product is really to understand the workplace!

Marshal Sengoku, on the other hand, sat in the deepest seat with his fingers interlaced, presiding over the overall situation.

Dozens of legendary officers gathered together.

It is simply a grand scene!

If Kirby was here, I'm afraid he would be so frightened that he would kneel on the spot...

Because the two sides are arguing with each other!


Akainu slammed the table hard and roared:

"It's ridiculous! A Marine Admiral was transferred for a mere Shichibukai!"

The kobold Dalmesia is equally irritable:

"That's right, what if Whitebeard took the opportunity to sneak up on Impel down!"

Momousagi, who is directly opposite, scolded with a pretty face:

"Why are you yelling so loudly! Impel down has natural dangers and Magellan's poison, it's completely easy to defend and difficult to attack!"

The neighbor, the tea dolphin with a cigarette, hurriedly agreed:

"Momousagi is right! Whitebeard is going to kill himself if he dares to attack, hehe..."

Aokiji, the leader of the moderate faction, with a pair of rough hands hugging his chest, said lazily:

"And at that time, isn't Black Crow free? Seeing her young, she should have more experience."

Dauberman's face was full of anger, and he pointed at his nose and cursed:

"Fuck your mother! Why don't you go?"

First take out Supernova and Pluton.

Go to the deep sea again and bring Jinbei over.

In the blink of an eye, Sengoku urged Tanya to settle the Empress...

The donkeys of the production team have to take a breath!

Dauberman really feels bad for Tanya...

Opposite, Crane Vice Admiral interlaced his fingers and said in a deep voice:

"At that time, Aokiji made a battle plan with me, and when I was free, it was Black Crow and Kizaru."

At the time, Kizaru, who was next to her, immediately excused himself:

"Ouch, I was still dealing with things in the science unit at the time. If I were there, I would have to be defined!"

Everyone: "..."

God TM is duty-bound!

Who doesn't know you are a little fisherman?

The officers present were all looking at him with contempt...

The above is what Tanya saw as soon as he entered the door.

At this crucial moment in the showdown with Whitebeard.

The sudden outbreak of such a big quarrel is not accidental!

According to Kuina, preparations began as early as Akainu returned to the headquarters...

Sengoku arbitrarily directs Tanya to do tasks.

Undoubtedly, they rubbed their hawkish faces on the ground!

In addition, the generals of the hawks in the past have been suppressed by their moderates, and their anger has been accumulated for a long time...

Akainu was thinking about putting pressure on Sengoku together when all the officers gathered together!

Seeing the public execution imminent.

At this moment, the joint attack will undoubtedly make Sengoku in a dilemma.

With the style of the moderates, they will definitely fall into the inferior position and even make concessions!

Of course, Akainu doesn't really want to break up with Sengoku either.

Hawks do not have the courage to face off against moderates.

But taking the opportunity to hype, there is still the courage to export evil spirits, and it is very big!

The reason behind this undoubtedly warms Tanya's heart.

Akainu is worthy of being a hawk's hand warmer!

With them building up momentum, it's easier to launch attacks on your own...

Just when everyone was speechless.

Kong Ming of the hawk camp, said leisurely:

"A public execution is enough to see what Shichibukai is all about."

He gently shook the pure white feather fan, showing a sinister and cunning smile:

"In my opinion, why don't you take this opportunity to get rid of a few..."

Whether it's Heavenly Yaksha messing around in the headquarters.

Still Jinbei and the Empress who refused to accept the mandatory summoning order.

I heard that the tyrant bear was in Sabaody land seven days ago, and he was still unruly...

The Shichibukai system is really the biggest failure of the world government!

It would be a blessing if I could take advantage of the opportunity to fight with Whitebeard and eliminate a few...

At this time, the first Sengoku spoke in a deep voice to mediate:

"Don't say it, Kong Ming, this is not something we can call the shots!"

The Shichibukai system was decided by the Five Elders and the World government.

As a soldier, your duty is to obey the orders of your superiors!

Now is the crucial moment for the decisive battle with the Four Emperors Whitebeard.

Can't use such a crooked brain...

How to say Shichibukai is also one of the three major forces!

"Oh, I think that what Kong Ming said is not unreasonable!"

At the right moment, Tanya sneered and stepped in.


"Black Crow?!"

"You're finally back!"

For a time, the generals in the entire conference room were all watching, some people were happy and some were worried.

Sengoku was startled:

"Black Crow... have you completed the mission and returned?"

He squeezed out a pleasant smile.

The corners of Tanya's lips evoked a touch of frivolity and revenge:

"Yeah, thanks to Marshal Sengoku! Now let's settle the books, shall we?"

As she said that, she held the magic knife Qianblade on her waist with her left hand, and her eyes gradually turned cold.

Sengoku squinted and pretended to be stupid:

"What account?"

Tanya's face was cold, and she gritted her teeth:

"Don't tell me you have Alzheimer's..."

Crane interrupted immediately:

"Okay, Black Crow, it's 11 am now! What's the matter, we'll talk about it after the public execution..."

Suddenly, a young officer rushed in, panting saluting and reporting:

"No, Marshal Sengoku, Impel down has an unheard of jailbreak!"
