051. Kizaru: I'm bound to!

Then, time goes back to the present...

Prison break gang with hundreds of new shemales.

All the way from Lv.6 Eternal Hell, to Lv.4 Blazing Hell, it's like breaking a bamboo!

Zoro fights with the three shoddy knives he has stolen.

The resurrected Pluton Rayleigh is invincible!

Crocodile shot a curved moon-shaped dune, killing more than a dozen jailers...

"By the way, what kind of constitution do you two have! Arlong?"

Following Nami who was running, he spit out a word.

Just now, they rested for half an hour in Newkama Land at Lv.5.5.

During this period, Luffy and Brook drank many bottles of milk.

Not only Brook's broken bones, but all restored.

Luffy's broken teeth have all grown out!

It's just like the murloc dragon!

"Huh? Isn't this normal?"

Luffy and Brook spoke in unison, questioning incredulously.

"Normal ghost!!"

Nami and Usopp cursed in unison.

At this time, Ivankov, who was running with the team, guessed:

"Maybe life is returned."

I heard that the straw hat boy was abused by his grandfather Garp when he was a child.

Not only thrown into the abyss, exiled to the dark forest, but also tied to a balloon and released into the sky...

Under the experience of so many terrifying environments.

Perhaps the genetic lock has been broken.

Resilience is no longer at the level of humans!

"By the way, Luo, your medical skills are really amazing, you can recover from that kind of injury!"

Chopper, in the form of a reindeer, glanced at Luo next to him as he ran.

Although it uses Op-Op Fruit, it can sew up all the muscles.

The blood of two prisoners was also drawn to bring Rayleigh back to life...

It's a miracle medicine!

"It's just a hasty treatment, it's not as good as the original body anyway."

Luo, who ran with a knife, responded coldly, not taking credit.

He just rehabilitated roughly.

More importantly, activate Rayleigh's own self-healing ability.

Overspeeding self-healing in such a short period of time will undoubtedly consume a lot of the patient's life...

There will definitely be a series of complications afterwards!

Rayleigh, who was facing thorns and thorns in front, smiled lightly:

"It doesn't matter, it is enough to restore 80% of the original combat power!"

He raised his hand and waved a sword light, defeating hundreds of jailers along the way, and passed out in all directions.

Eighty percent of the strength is enough to send Luffy and others out of Impel down!

"But it's still amazing, so handsome!"

Chopper looked at Luo with admiration.

"Yeah, can you treat Zoro and my injuries as well?"

Usopp nodded again and again, rubbed his hands together, grinned and pleaded.

Luo was too lazy to look at them, looked ahead, and said coldly:

"My ability needs to consume physical strength, and I have no time to waste it on you."

Handsome? For life!

He had been tortured by Sadi chan to such an extent that he had little energy left.

To really bring Pluton back to life.

Luo also took his life to activate his abilities and heal!

It is conservatively estimated that at least more than a year of life has been consumed...

The reason why he can still act now.

All thanks to Ivankov's high hormones!

And, in the next public execution.

I have more important things to do.

You can't just waste your energy.

Otherwise, it would be embarrassing to die suddenly on the spot...

And just when the jailbreak gang was in full swing.

Prison guards were withdrawn in large numbers.

Magellan opened the poison giant and blocked the door of the stairs...


View back to Naval Headquarters.

The Young Officers Report:

"Although the director, Magellan, has gone to the crackdown.

But in the absence of Warden Shiryu, I'm afraid the chances of winning are slim... mumble. "

He swallowed and said with a heavy face:

"So, Deputy Warden Domino, ask Marine for more reinforcements!"

The voice fell, and the faces of all the senior Marines were sinking.

A public execution is imminent.

There is another riot in Impel down, which is undoubtedly adding fuel to the fire!

If not handled properly, Marine's face will be lost!

But who should handle it?

The crowd was silent for a moment.

Sengoku let out a sigh of relief.

He looked seriously at Tanya and said:

"That black crow you..."

Click! !

Saw him speak.

Tanya immediately pulled out a thousand blades.

Upside down on the long table!

The cracks are along the long solid wood table of more than ten meters.

All the way "Kara La" spreads in front of Sengoku!

in his astonished eyes.

Tanya had a dark face, staring at him coldly.

The pupils of the girl in the military uniform, with blood-red pupil rings...

From a glimpse into the future.

She had seen Sengoku's next words.

Seeing that Summit War is coming.

Want yourself to wipe Impel down your ass? There are no doors!

As long as Sengoku dares to open his mouth.

She jumped back on the spot and caught Blackbeard.

Free all prisoners on the sixth floor of Impel down.

Then, run to New World to grab Whitebeard's turf and take its place!

Seeing that the table was about to split in half, Marine broke inside.

Sengoku hurriedly squinted his eyes and changed his words with a smile:

"I mean, you don't have to go!"

His mind hurriedly pondered countermeasures.

The hawks can't be provoked now.

Whether it is Tanya or Akainu, there is a posture of "no matter how much you dare to suppress you, I will fight with you".

On the moderate side, Momousagi, Chadou, and Aokiji can't be sent there either...

The strength of the first two is still almost, if you send Aokiji over, no one can be used by yourself!

Moreover, Summit War is the best battle for military merit.

If Aokiji is absent.

Then retired.

How dare you recommend Kuzan to take over?

Not to mention, the riots on the Impel down side were handled with little military success.

If you don't handle it well, you'll get a slap in the face!

So...it's up to you, Kizaru!

Finally, Sengoku took a deep breath, looked at Polsalino, and said seriously:

"Kizaru, go suppress this rebellion!"

Under his death stare, Kizaru hesitated.

"Uh, I..."

He undoubtedly wanted to shirk.

Dealing with Impel down is a dirty job!

An old fried dough stick like him can usually be pushed away...

However, Kizaru's excellent sense of sight sensed the strangeness of the conference room.

Now the hawks and the moderates are competing against each other.

He is a wall-riding faction, but he is no longer a human being!

If you want to not offend both sides, then you can only take this task...

Unable to help, Kizaru took a deep breath, squinted his eyes and smiled slyly:

"I am bound to!"

Then, Sengoku asked him to temporarily hand over command of the science unit to Tanya to appease the hawks.

The military situation is urgent, Kizaru will set off immediately...

Sengoku stood up and said solemnly:

"Okay, let's end the meeting, if there is anything unimportant, we will talk about it after the execution!"

Then, he took a group of generals from the moderates and neutrals and slipped away.

Don't give Tanya a chance to continue attacking...

"Hey, is this slipping? Just say it if you admit it!"

"That's right! After the execution, he will be able to figure it out!"

"When the time comes, I will be busy with a bunch of things, and there will be no chance to continue talking about things!"

"When I think about it, it's the year of the monkey and the month of the horse..."

"As expected of the marshal, the trick of dragging characters is very good!"

The hawk generals were indignant, and each complained a few words.

At this moment, another messenger came running.

Out of breath, he announced that Blackbeard had disappeared and had arrived at Impel down...

In this regard, people's expressions are different.

But there is no doubt that Kizaru is more likely to be unlucky!

Previously, Kong Ming took advantage of the chaos to do away with a few Shichibukai's proposals, which also won the support of many people...

Of course, Tanya was too lazy to get involved.

First, there is no military merit, and second, it is easy to offend the Five Elders.

Just let Akainu and the others play around slowly...

"Kuina, take Hughes and two teams of marines to the power room."

On the way to leave, Tanya put his hands behind his back and ordered coldly:

"When Kizaru's warship enters the Uzumaki Current, it will be banned in my name.

All internal personnel will be withdrawn, and no one will be allowed to enter until the public execution is over! "

The next fight with Whitebeard, she didn't want any flies to come and make trouble.

"Yes, I understand!"

At the crossroads, Kuina took orders seriously to leave.

Tanya walked in the other direction and whispered to herself:

"Then, while there is still a little time, prepare a big welcome gift for Whitebeard..."

The girl in the military uniform had murderous eyes, and a frivolous sneer appeared on the corner of her lips.
