062. Skyfall Prison Escape Gang, Luffy Execution Plan

Meanwhile, on the Moby Dick.

Whitebeard looked down at the bloody corpse of Oz.

His heart was full of emotions, and the vicissitudes of syllables were brewing in his throat:


Although I have already advised this rude man.

Don't come to this war.

So as not to be a living target...

But since he is here, there should be no regrets and no regrets in the battlefield!

However, Oz is also his own son.

Tanya killed in front of the whole world and kicked the corpse in front of him...

This is undoubtedly a great provocation!

When did the dignified Four Emperors suffer from this kind of qi?

Whitebeard raised a pair of old eyes, and a cold light flashed across the cold blood.

He stared at Tanya high in the sky and said coldly:

"Wash my neck and wait, devil kid!"

Wait until you free Ace.

Absolutely pull this demon to be buried with you!

In the sky, Tanya put her arms around her chest, looked down at Whitebeard, tilted her head and chuckled:

"Heh, who wouldn't speak ruthlessly?

In the words of Misaka Mikoto:

Don't play around there, there's a kind of face on me!

Just when the two faced off.

A huge shadow rushed out.

"You're showing your flaws, Whitebeard!!"

The giant Vice Admiral wearing an iron mask jumped up with a big axe and slashed at Whitebeard's head.

Take advantage of this old man's distraction and take his head in one breath!

Just kill the Four Emperors.

Presumably the Admiral position in the headquarters.

There will also be a place for giants...

How could Tanya, a human chick, steal all the limelight?

Just now, the humiliation of the giant army being slashed back by the devil step by step is to be washed away by myself!

Facing the roaring giant axe.

Whitebeard backhand is a punch!


The atmosphere shattered, countless cracks spread, and the "260" steel giant axe shattered into dozens of pieces on the spot!

Immediately after, Whitebeard gritted his teeth.

He suddenly raised his hand and grabbed the other's head.

Pressed firmly on the bow of the whale, the majestic vibrational power is brewing...


The iron face is broken, and the giant Vice Admiral is covered in blood.

Several teeth collapsed, and the whole head shook violently... I rolled my eyes and passed out on the spot!

For a time, many Marines were stunned:

"Ronse Vice Admiral!!!

Countless sailors were shocked and looked at the killed giant Vice Admiral from a distance.

"You actually defeated the giants with one blow?!"

"This is the Four Emperors, the same terrifying existence as the Black Crow Admiral..."

"Damn, don't let your guard down, it's not time to cheer for victory!"5

As if a basin of cold water was poured head-on, all the sailors and generals broke out in cold sweat.

It can be foreseen that once this monster starts to act, it will definitely be a catastrophe!

Whirring whirring--!

Whale bow, Whitebeard waving for weeks to cut clouds and hunt for wind.

Then, with the sharp black blade pointed directly at the execution stand, he shouted loudly:

"Don't let Oz's death be in vain, all assault!!

The huge sound waves spread throughout the battlefield.


In an instant, countless pirates roared in response, and the fighting spirit was ignited again.

"Let's go together, we can't be crushed by Marine!"

"Yes, we still have Daddy!"

"Use Marine's blood to see Oz off!! 35

The vicious pirates, like being beaten with blood, charged desperately.

under their suicide attack.

Marine instead finds it difficult and has to close the line...

Sabaody Archipelago, in front of the big screen.

Countless people and reporters were sweating.

"This battle situation is really twists and turns..."

"Yeah, Whitebeard killed the giants with one move!"

"Fortunately, he hasn't charged forward!"

"Yes, if he rushes into the battlefield, the Marines will surely suffer many casualties.

"After all, it's the head coach, isn't Marshal Sengoku also taking action?"

Everyone was talking and watching the live broadcast of the battlefield with all their attention.

The pirates' counterattack made many people worried.

Some military family members even burst into tears.

Because their husbands, fathers, fell badly wounded on the battlefield...

"Damn pirates, won't you just admit defeat and be done? What a bunch of bastards who will only cause trouble!

I don't know who said such a sentence, which resonated with many people.

This war has entered a white-hot stage...

Watching this battlefield fall into a stalemate again.

Tanya, who was watching the battle in the sky, rubbed his temples with his two fingers, and got a headache again.

Damn, it's rare to beat the arrogance of the pirates.

As a result, Ronse, the second person, even ran up to boost his morale... Your uncle!

Do giants have holes in their brains?

Tanya thinks about it carefully, it seems to be the case!

Dorry and Brogy from Little Garden.

For the little girl's words, they fought for a hundred years.

Casey and Oymo of Enies Lobby.

The government just lied, and it has been a door god for 50 years...

The most outrageous is Little Oz.

He is the same age as Whitebeard, both 72.

And, little Oz is two months older than Whitebeard!

As a result, he actually called Father Whitebeard...

How do you say that?

From today onwards, I'll call you brother, you call me dad, and we'll talk about each other...

The brain circuits of the giants are really unconvincing!

At the same time, pirates outside the bay are constantly pouring in.

Because just now, Oz broke through Marine's defense line and tore a big hole!

He took off a corner of Crescent Moon Harbor.

The military defenses along the way are scattered and unorganized...

The Pirates under Whitebeard.

They all seized this opportunity and filed in to aid the battlefield in the bay!

"Quick! Fire, hurry up and consolidate the line of defense!

"Can't let them break through here!"

"Once you form a synergy with the Whitebeard main group, it will be extremely tricky!"

The commander of the school, the navy running, the Vice Admiral returning to the defense one after another, and the artillery fire on the battlefield...

However, in the other corner of Crescent Moon Harbor.

A steel icebreaker rushed in with a bang.

Smash the concrete wall into a big hole!

"That's... Ice Witch Whitebee?!

Many sailors looked at each other and couldn't help but be shocked.

The pirate ships should have all been wiped out by the black crow Admiral.

How can the ship still move?!

On the icebreaker, Waidibe, with long ice-blue hair, sighed softly:

"This ship is almost done..."

She looked around her steel icebreaker for a week.

Although half of it is cast steel.

But it was still destroyed a lot by the Shenming Temple.

Now it hits hard again...it's almost falling apart!

"Okay everyone, go all out to the ground! 35

The Ice Witch Whitebee, turned her head and shouted at the crew and other pirates under the father's command.


In an instant, another big loophole caused countless pirates to flood in.

Inner Bay Battlefield at Marineford.

The pirates continue to reinforce, and the morale rises one after another!

"Cut Marine and save Ace!

"Go to hell, bastard sea soldier!

"Don't underestimate the pirates under the Four Emperors!!

Swords, lights, swords, shadows, the pirates counterattack one after another.

The other side, Marine's side, was similarly aroused.

"Don't be afraid, what we want to protect is the peace of civilians and the world!"5

"What kind of family are the pirates talking about, go to hell!"

"That's right, justice will win, open fire!! Luo

The artillery fire continued, and the Marines were on guard, roaring loudly.

On this battlefield where the smoke of gunpowder is everywhere, and there are fights everywhere.

There is no peace no matter where you flee!

In front of the bay, several Shichibukai are still watching the play.

"Hee hee hee, the number of corpses is growing rapidly, Splashy! 39

Moria clenched her hands constantly, eager to try, and wanted to end up practicing her hands.

Beside, Doflamingo sneers:

"Fufufufu, justice will win? Of course, after all, the winner is justice! 35

Throughout the ages, history is written by the victors!

The current World government is also the product of this despicable victory.

If Mariejois' secrets are exposed, Furofuram...

The world will be turned upside down!!

With a bang, he manipulated the silk thread, turned over and rushed into the battlefield.

After watching the show for so long, Doflamingo's hands are also itchy.

Since the Whitebeard Pirates can't stand up.

Then use your lives to relieve my boredom!


Jinbei gritted his teeth and looked uncomfortable.

Watching the Whitebeard pirates continue to be annihilated by Marine.

I can't do anything myself...

And, on this battlefield, no tricks are allowed.

Hancock is a foreshadowing!

It's really...a hell of a lot!

Seeing the pirates look like rainbows.

Constantly pouring into the battlefield in the bay.

On the execution stand, Sengoku narrowed his old eyes and snorted softly:

"Thinking of a frontal breakthrough? What a stupid pirate. 99

He grabbed the phone bug and contacted Crane Vice Admiral:

"Ms. Crane, you can prepare for that battle!""

Now the pirates are madly pouring into the bay.

It's simply self-defeating behavior!

There's no need to even release fake news...

Also, Tanya destroys all the pirate ships.

Now Sengoku can be confident: the advantage is mine!

"I know, but that thing..."

Crane Vice Admiral replied in a deep voice, his pale brows slightly wrinkled.

Before that battle, Whitebeard must be ruined!

Sengoku self-confessed:

"Don't worry, Akainu has already done it...

To be honest, there is a question mark on whether it can be provoked now.

After all, Tanya is so brutal to kill.

The Whitebeard Pirates have become monolithic...

Of course, that's just a bonus.

As long as the Whitebeard Pirates, all disappear from this world.

Then this name can only be a legend forever!


After speaking, Vice Admiral changed the hotline and started to contact Rear Admiral and Commodore.

The entire Marineford battlefield.

One after another, the call of the phone bug rang out!

And the Whitebeard Pirates.

Although keenly aware, something was wrong with Marine.

But they were busy fighting and breaking through.

But I don't have time to go into it, what are the Marines' battle plans...

Tanya was high in the air, holding the back of her head with both hands, very leisurely.

From time to time, she shoots a bolt of lightning and saves a few sailors...

Although the battle situation is getting more and more fierce, as long as we obey this development, the final victory is already at hand.

As long as the surrounding wall is activated, he and Akainu join forces to attack.

All pirates will spill blood in the bay...

Tanya can guarantee that the scene will be bloodier than Dolphin Bay!

There may be a few fish that slip through the net, but killing them one by one is...

Just as Marine's side was busy preparing for the battle, an accident happened!


Suddenly there was a loud bang in the sky.

A huge warship fell at high speed from the afternoon sun!

The screams in the sky attracted the attention of countless sailors and pirates.

"Hey, look! What the hell is that?

An ordinary sailor pointed to the sky and shouted.

"A warship fell from the sky?!

On the battlefield, some pirates cut Marine open and looked up, a little stunned.

"It seems that there are pirates on board... where did they come from?!

On the city wall here, Kebi looked up at the sky in shock, full of puzzlement.

"Aren't they all prisoners of Impel down!?"

Bellmaber took off his sunglasses, his small eyes were full of doubts.

"Damn it! Really, didn't Kizaru Admiral go to suppress it?

In Marineford's square, a Rear Admiral was shocked.

This variable has attracted the prying eyes of countless people.

In Marine's camp, Aokiji is in command of the battle.

"Hey, what the hell is that Kizaru doing? 35

He frowned slightly, looked at the thousands of escaped prisoners in the sky, and muttered to himself inexplicably.

Impel down is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

How did Kizaru let out so many pirates?

Just paddling normally.

Drop the chain at such a critical time...

He doesn't want a career anymore?!

"Straw Hat Luffy and Crocodile, what the hell is this?

On the icy battlefield, Smoker clasped his hands, tapped his shoulders, and frowned.

This pair of enemies will reconcile in prison.

It can't always be for love-and-peace, right?


Garp covered his head with his hands and yelled in annoyance.

How did you get out of Impel down and get here?

This is a world-class battlefield...

Not to mention, Tanya, the devil, is here!

On the execution stand, Sengoku yelled at the rear:

"Hey! What the hell is going on?!

Seeing that the battle situation is about to establish the victory, the outcome will be decided.

How come there are so many variables all of a sudden?

Thousands of vicious prisoners!

Not to mention, there are Sand Crocodile, Ivankov, Luffy, Luo and other capable people!

The messenger was startled and hurriedly saluted:

"Report to the marshal, after our preliminary confirmation, Impel down's escape gang, except Pluton Rayleigh, are all present! 99

He grabbed a document, swallowed his saliva, and said with difficulty:

"Also, we can't reach Impel down and Kizaru Admiral right now!"5

If it's just being cut off, that's fine...

I'm afraid something will happen to Kizaru Admiral!

For a time, Sengoku gritted his teeth and clenched his strong fists.

Impel down, what happened?

High in the sky, Tanya watched the warship fall, her expression indifferent.

He clearly banned the power room.

How come jailbreak gangs still exist?

Kizaru guy, just paddling at Summit War.

Going to Impel down to suppress also paddling?

Do you still want to increase your salary from 9 to 5?!

Of course, it was Luffy who got in the way the most.

The halo of his protagonist is really dazzling!

Like a dog skin plaster.

Wherever there is trouble, just stick it...you can't get rid of it!

But ah, you will kill your grandfather like this.

Tanya rolled up her golden bangs with her left hand.

A wicked smile gradually appeared on his pale cheeks.

An extremely dark thought quickly formed in her heart...