065. Behead Luffy, Garp Runs

Sabaody Archipelago, Island One.

A large number of people and reporters are watching the big screen seriously.

"Hey, the attack of the jailbreak gang has been intercepted?"

"It's the White Gull Vice Admiral and the Black Crow Admiral!

"But, why did the Admiral black crow attack the tyrant bear, isn't that Shichibukai?

For a time, everyone was puzzled.

But soon someone guessed:

"It must be Bartholemew Bear doing something wrong!"

"Yeah, don't you think the Pirate Empress is a foreshadowing?"

"Leave it all to Admiral, the Straw Hat Crew ends here!"

"Come on, big sister in black uniform!"

"Come on Marine, kill all the pirates! 35

Gradually, the solidarity of the crowd came one after another.

Because Tanya started, he cut off Bai Tuan's escape route and eliminated many pirates.

Phoenix Marco, Pirate Empress, Demon Oz...

She was also cleaned up one after another!

This creates a kind of blind worship among the people: Tanya is right in whatever he does!

Marineford, on the execution stand.

Marshal Sengoku was scanning the battlefield anxiously.

However, no matter how much he looked, there was no trace of Garp!

Damn, that idiot can't grasp the situation, can he?

At this critical moment, don't do anything to me!


Suddenly, Ace, who was kneeling on the execution platform, struggled.

He scratched his neck and shouted at the Straw Hats:

"Luffy! Run, you are not her opponent!!"

Tanya in black uniform is a death star.

As long as she is staring at people, they can't escape the doom of death!

Ace doesn't want, Luffy's gang repeat the tragedy of Oz...

That would make him even more miserable!

But the Straw Hats who were caught once knew that they couldn't escape at all!

So, they all put on a fighting stance...

Luffy squatted down slightly, clenched his fists in front of him, and said in a deep voice:

"A woman with a problem in your head, are you trying to get in my way again?"

He stared at Tanya defensively, gritted his teeth.

I didn't expect to meet this crazy woman so soon...it's tricky!

Tanya said coldly:

"It's you who have problems with your brain. 35

call out--!

She suddenly disappeared and everyone's pupils shrank.


In the next second, a heart-piercing scream sounded:


Chopper, who turned into a strong humanoid, rolled his eyes.

It looked up in pain and opened its mouth wide.

There was a huge hole in the sturdy chest, and the blood was gurgling...

The inner heart was dug out alive!

The Straw Hats were suddenly shocked:


"damn it..."

"Hey, Chopper, are you okay?!"

Usopp hurried up.

However, Chopper in the form of a strong man fell to the ground with a plop.

Its mouth was difficult to open and close, its limbs twitched a few times, and finally it died...

"Hey, Chopper, Chopper, don't scare me! Hey—!!"

Usopp knelt on the ground and took a breath.

Suddenly, his eyes filled with tears and fear...

The proboscis youth trembled with his hands.

Keep pushing Chopper's shoulder, choking and shouting...

However, that innocent and cute little guy who likes to listen to his own bragging will never respond to himself again!

Its body is gradually degenerating into a reindeer state...

And across from Usopp.

Tanya turned around, black flames wrapped around her left hand.

She tossed her hand, a fresh heart that was still beating, and sneered coldly:

"It's rare that I saved your life, but it's stupid to have to run over to die!

After saying that, Tanya clenched his left hand hard.

Instantly burns the whole heart into nothingness.

Not even the ashes were left!

Hearing this, everyone in the Straw Hats was angry.

Zoro gritted his teeth viciously:

"When did you save us!!

He stared at Tanya like a demon.

"If I didn't kill you in Sabaody, it would save your life."

Tanya's face was expressionless, and with a flick of the magic sword, countless pieces of blade shattered...

Then, she waved at Zoro!


In an instant, thousands of shards dragging thunder light pierced through Zoro's body like a machine gun!

Limbs and bones, internal organs...

Even the heart and brain are not spared!

Zoro's eyes quickly diverged, and he didn't even have a chance to resist, he fell to the ground and died on the spot!


Luffy's eyes widened and he ran up yelling.

"Damn Marine(cjbd) Admiral!!"

Many prisoners and new shemales rushed forward and waved their blades fiercely.

"Get in the way!""

Tanya took back the thousand-blade fragments, cut out hundreds of sword lights, and killed them all!

At this time, Brook rushed up and pulled out the crutch sword:

"Hypnosis song・Round dance! 35

However, Tanya took a step forward and punched the dead man with a sullen face!

She stared at the broken bones on the ground, tears streaming down her eyes, and said:

"The dead will be reborn obediently, and strive to be a good whale in the next life. 35

Immediately, countless black flames swept through, burning Brook's entire body to ashes!

"damn it--!!

Franky charged forward, wielding a huge iron fist.

Tanya dodged sideways.

Then he rolled over and kicked his whole head into the ice!

"I hate perverts, and I hate remodeling people. You have it all... Let's give you a present!""

Tanya slashed back through Franky's chest, pinning him in place.

Immediately afterwards, she quickly drew a circle of a huge alchemy formation.

And then... the human body is refined!

The white light was dazzling, and there was a huge amount of pain and mourning.

Because there is no need to consider the success rate.

So on the spot, a monster that combines machinery and humans was refined!

Then, Tanya kicked the monster and snapped her fingers again...


The sky exploded with crimson fireworks, and sparks scattered everywhere!

Countless people were dumbfounded and shocked.

This is the thunder method of the black crow.

Once she executes the pirates mercilessly.

Such a bloody picture!

In the eyes of others, fear and awe...

In the eyes of the parties, it is incomparable anger!

Luffy gritted his teeth, crunching and grinding.

He is already furious!

"Rubber Rubber - Bazooka!!

Luffy started the second gear and smashed Tanya with both palms!

However, the latter's head swayed from side to side and directly avoided it.

She sighed lightly:

"It's very slow..."

Immediately, Tanya's magic knife wrapped around the black flame and waved it smoothly...

Luffy's two extended rubber arms.

Cut like a knife to cut tofu!


Luffy screamed in pain, his arms retracted.

His arms, scorched by Amaterasu's heat, failed to bleed.

The severe pain, the straw hat youth screamed in pain.

Rolling constantly on the ice, trying to extinguish the black flame...

However, the flame of Amaterasu cannot be extinguished at all until the target is consumed!

Just in time, Tanya stepped up.

She stared at Luffy who was rolling on the ground and said expressionlessly:

"Do you know why in Sabaody land, let you die? 35

Luffy just gritted his teeth and looked stubbornly angry.

He is now tormented by both physical and mental pain at the same time... There is no time to answer.

Robin is right, this woman is a devil!

Damn, if I have the power...

Definitely teach her a lesson!

If there is power, if... DAMN! DAMN! DAMN!

Tears of unwillingness flooded Luffy's eyes quickly.

Chopper, Zoro, Brook, Franky... can't be repaired!!

Look at his ugliness as a bereaved dog.

A mocking expression appeared on Tanya's face, and said disdainfully:

"Because then, you were still alive.""

If you kill him early.

Then Garp's hatred will be transferred to himself.

But a living Luffy.

But it can detonate the contradiction between Celestial Dragons and Garp...

Why not do it?

Too bad they didn't get to fight.

Really sorry for Tanya!

However, this idiot is stupid enough to escape from prison and run to Summit War?

Isn't this a thousand miles to send people's heads!

It really took a lot of effort for Tanya to stop laughing!

Reckless, reckless, over-comprehensive, and trying to live as he pleases...

I really can't see the coffin without crying!

You saw your companions die one by one.

Then in pain and self-blame, bite your back molars and die!

Immediately, Tanya wrapped his left hand around the black flame and clenched his fist.

The cold eyes of the girl in the military uniform.

Sweep towards the Straw Hats, Usopp, the last partner in the field, and punch him hard!


With a punch through the chest, the black flame directly burned the heart and half of the lungs, extremely hideous.


Luffy coughed and gritted his teeth.

He stomped on his horse, tensed his muscles, and blocked Tanya's black flame fist with his back!

Just like the Akainu fist that Ace blocked for him in the original book!

Usopp, who was kneeling on the ground, suddenly shrank his pupils:


With tears in his eyes, he shouted loudly.

Heart-wrenching cries resounded through most of Marineford!

This scene fell into the eyes of countless pirates, officers and soldiers, the people of Sabaody, and reporters.

Everyone was astonished!

"Straw Hat Luffy..."

"Ace's brother, why don't you run!

"The mere rookie wants to face Admiral, so reckless!""

On the one hand, the pirates hate that iron cannot become steel.

Ace told you to run away, why did the Straw Hats fight against Tanya?

Are the two brothers really arrogant?

On the Marine side, they were all excited.

"Straw Hat Luffy was killed!"

"How could the pirates who were targeted by Lord Black Crow escape!

"Quick! Take this opportunity to push the defense back!"


Suddenly, there was another saturated attack, and the artillery fire continued!

On the execution stand, Ace ran wild.


He shouted, gritted his teeth, tears of pain streaming down his face.

The hands are constantly struggling with the shackles, the skin is open and the flesh is ripped apart!

Damn, damn, damn...

So please don't come, Luffy you idiot!!

"Don't move, Portgas!

With an order from Sengoku, the two executioners immediately went up and pressed Ace's head.

Although Ace was still struggling, it didn't make much waves after all.

Sengoku looked in Luffy's direction, his old eyes solemn.

Has the bloodline of a big villain been terminated?

This is indeed a blessing...

But Sengoku was not happy, and picked up the phone bug and ordered:

"Cut me off the OB bug!""

On the icy battlefield, Luffy's mouth gushed blood.

He looked at Usopp, who was kneeling across from him, his face full of tears and pain.

Luffy's brain was starved of oxygen, and many thoughts were surging.

Although there is still a lot to say, as a last word, it is really a waste of time...

He knew that his life was running out!

So, Luffy just grinned hard.

The black-haired boy rolled his eyes and revealed a natural smile:

"Sorry, Usopp, I'm dying."

This smile is exactly the same as when he was executed by Buggy in Logue town...

Usopp, grief-stricken, shouted:

"Stop talking about these bad words! Come with me, I'll take you to Luo!"

He rolled over and grabbed Luffy's shoulders.

Pulling back hard, he pulled out Tanya's black flame fist.

Luo's medical skills are very good, since he can resurrect Rayleigh, he can also resurrect Luffy!

I will never let you die!

You are the captain of my Usopp-sama!

Usopp's tears tickled to the ground, tears streaming down his face.

His heart hurts so much...

Why, why do you only leave me alone?

Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Chopper, Brook... leave me one by one!

Why leave me alone?

Just because I run away every time? How can I fix it!!

"Do you think you can run away?

Tanya, who folded his fists, spoke quietly.

She threw the magic knife and a thousand blades, and the thunder light splashed...

The golden giant anaconda roared, occupying the whole world in the eyes of Usopp!

Let's give the Straw Hats a grand funeral.

Tanya asked herself, she is still very generous...

However, the giant anaconda roared in the face of thunder.

Usopp stood straight with his legs, gritted his teeth and shouted angrily:

"I can't run! This uncle is...a brave sea warrior!!

Tanya couldn't help but sneer:


You are still a man before you die.

She waved her hand mercilessly, and the thunder and lightning giant boa roared down!


Suddenly, a pitch-black steel fist smashed off the big head of the anaconda.


A burly old man in a white military uniform fell heavily in front of Tanya.

His eyes were full of black lines, and he gritted his teeth.

Squeeze out the cold bytes from the gap between the teeth:


Seeing this, Tanya raised her eyebrows slightly, and a sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Has the hero Garp finally appeared?

Sure enough, heroes like to be late!

But old man, you are a little too late...