067. Garp, the Summit War culprit!

Suddenly, the entire Marineford exploded.

On the execution stand, Sengoku looked shocked and gritted his teeth:

"Garp, you... idiot!!

Why is this bastard so worried?!

After the war is over.

As a marshal himself, he can naturally help him find his place!

But Garp just gave up his Marine status, how can he make up for it?

You know, Celestial Dragons would love for him to be wrong!

On the battlefield, many sailors and officers were also shocked.

"Garp Vice Admiral...why?!

"Hero Marine said no, am I dreaming?

"Hey! Don't be distracted, the pirates are coming!

For a time, Marine fell into a very passive situation, and the military was in turmoil.

On the city wall here, Belmaber was equally shocked, with a vibrato:

"Liar?! Garp Vice Admiral, don't scare me! 35

If Garp's backstage goes down, who should he and Kirby turn to?

Kirby was horrified:

"Luffy-san, Lord Garp... am I having a nightmare?"

Holding his head in his hands, he squatted down helplessly, clenching his teeth in pain.

Luffy's death, and Garp's choice, undoubtedly gave the teenager a great blow!

Kirby always feels like the sky is falling...

Under one of the turrets, "Two Sixty Zero" Aokiji had an icy expression on his face, gritted his teeth slightly:

"This fellow Black Crow..."

His lazy eyes lit up with anger, and he clenched the phone worm in his hand tightly, and the screw shell shattered inch by inch.

Will Tanya give in and die!

Do you have to force Garp-san until he jumps backwards?

She is still as cold-blooded and ruthless as ever!

Seeing the respected senior betray that justice.

The justice in Aokiji's heart also began to shake...

The wall outside the bay.

Crane Vice Admiral frowned and gritted his teeth hard:

"Garp...you've been an idiot from start to finish!"

She has worked with Garp for many years.

That fool does things, always reliable and outrageous...

Although it works well every time.

But it always brings a chain of troubles!

Luffy now has the same virtue as Garp back then!

This is the temper etched in the DNA of their family!

If I had known this earlier, Garp should not have been sent to the execution grounds, how good it would have been to release him to East Blue!

On the battlefield outside the bay, Akainu, covered in magma, stood on the city wall.

With a stern face, he couldn't help snorting:

"Hmph, is it still a betrayal after all?

swayed by emotions.

Abandoning a soldier's mission on the battlefield...

The legend of the hero Garp will end before Whitebeard!

Behind Akainu, there is a place of lava, all the remains of the Scuard Pirates...

The other party did not believe his own deception.

Then Akainu had to be cremated on the spot to save the coffin from wasting!

on the ice battlefield.

Hawkeye narrowed a pair of golden pupils, frowned and said:

"What on earth does Black Crow want to do?"

I really don't understand why it has to be infighting now.

Shouldn't the pirates be eliminated first and then deal with internal conflicts?

Bista, who was beaten down by him, gritted his teeth and said:

"Hey! Hawkeye, are you going to work for this Marine too? 35

Previously, Kuina and Tanya took turns to fight, which consumed a lot of his physical strength.

Now being attacked by Hawkeye with all his strength.

Bista is naturally unstoppable...

"Oh, sorry, I'm in a bad mood right now."

Hawkeye said politely, and then chopped more seriously...

It's rare to see a good seedling.

He was actually beheaded by Tanya in the face!

Moreover, Zoro is still powerless to fight back...

Hawkeye is really disappointed, is this also Roronoa's fate?

He is very angry now, and he can only ask Bista to bear it...

The pirates, however, began to regain their strength.

"Come on! Let's take the opportunity to break through! 99

"It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the hero Garp and the Black Crow to fight!

"There's nothing more reliable than ex-Marine heroes as teammates! Hahaha..."

"Ace, wait for us, we will definitely save you!


Straw hat Luffy's legacy will be inherited by them!

Seeing the pirates fight hard.

Tanya knows that she has to solve it quickly...

The girl in military uniform spread her hands and sneered:

"Heh, Garp Vice Admiral, are you serious?"

It wasn't that she couldn't understand why Garp had defected before the battle.

Humans are not creatures that rely solely on rational action.

When anger exceeds the threshold.

They will do all kinds of unreasonable actions!

Family, friends, interests, power, beliefs...

If you lose too much at once, you'll go insane!

Tanya has witnessed countless times in his own history.

As in the original, do not kill Admiral Zephyr.

Because his family was all mutilated, he began to hate pirates.

Joining Shichibukai because of the pirates who killed many of their own students...

Zephyr decided to quit Marine.

Established "NEO Marine" with the aim of annihilating pirates from all over the world!

The human will collapses, only in an instant.

It's never the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

Until then, the hard-working camels will carry their weights seriously...

However, when the last straw falls, it will collapse with a bang, and there will be no possibility of standing up!

Honestly, with Garp's wayward temper.

Last provocation at Impel down.

He didn't even run away.

Already in Tanya's surprise...

"Old man is now as you wish, you should be very happy! 55

Garp gritted his teeth, took off the cloak of justice, and threw it away like trash.

Of course he knew that Tanya was calculating on her own...

Garp endured it too, but he couldn't bear it, he's not a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle!

Unlike Tanya, a cold-blooded creature who can only think rationally.

Garp has always been spontaneous and alive!

If someone kicks his nose in the face, he will definitely beat him back!

To be honest, Garp has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time...

I will definitely teach this cold-blooded guy a lesson!

Suddenly, he gritted his teeth, covered his fists with armed colors, and punched him with all his strength!

Tanya sneered at the corners of Tanya's lips and said with a sneer:

"Of course, I couldn't be happier after all the corruption in Marine was caught!

Electric arcs erupted all over her body, and she threw her fists without giving in.


The two fists wrestled in the air.

A strong wind and momentum erupted.

Spread quickly in all directions...

Upon seeing this, several prisoners hurriedly picked up Usopp and took him away quickly.

"Hey, you scumbags let me go, let me go!

Usopp yelled and struggled.

Mother died of illness, father left home to become a pirate

You are an unwanted child!

Only Luffy and the others can accept themselves.

Even the gang left, Usopp has lost the desire to live...

At least bring yourself to that world too!

However, several vicious prisoners cried more than he did.

No matter how hard Usopp struggles, he has to take him away from this place of right and wrong!

At this time, Aokiji couldn't help it and shouted in a deep voice:

"Hey, Black Crow, stop insulting Garp Vice Admiral, he's not some corruption!""

Mr. Garp's military exploits were outstanding.

He refused to be promoted to Admiral many times, and was not bowed down by power.

Before the beginning of the great pirate era.

He, along with Marshal Sengoku, led Marine together...

Mr. Garp's achievements cannot be slandered by someone like Tanya!

As soon as these words came out, a group of generals of the moderate faction echoed:

"That's right! Garp Vice Admiral is not that kind of person!

"Garp Vice Admiral, stop it, we know you have to!

"Lord Black Crow, even if you don't have a good personal relationship with Lord Garp, please don't get in the way!""

As they all know, Garp Vice Admiral often says the wrong thing.

This time, I'm afraid it's just the angry words that I said when I lost my head...

These generals can understand, and now the main enemy is the Whitebeard Pirates.

When the pirates are eliminated, there will be time to bullshit!

On Tanya's side, he was fighting wildly with Garp.

Hear the refutation of a group of moderate generals.

She couldn't help laughing coldly:

"Oh, isn't it? Then you all listen to me..."

Tanya's voice, through the ionization, rang in the ears of the soldiers throughout the battlefield:

"Rescue Portgas D. Rouge back then and let the bloodline of One Piece be born.

The one who raised Ace...it was none other than Garp!"

Speaking of this, her tone became extremely cold:

"He caused you to risk your life to fight the Whitebeard Pirates... Monkey D Garp is the culprit in this war! 99

As soon as this statement came out, the entire Marineford was in an uproar.

"Liar, will Garp Vice Admiral save One Piece's bloodline? 95

"I can't believe Mr Garp wouldn't do this!

"But I remember that Lord Black Crow reported this matter back then..."

"Could it be because of this that their relationship 1.3 deteriorated?"

For a time, there were many opinions, and the soldiers' worship of Garp was also shaken.

On the execution stand, Sengoku gritted his teeth and said:

"Hey, Black Crow, now is not the time to talk about such things!"

Although the sound should be kept as low as possible.

But he knew that he could hear it in Tanya's sight!

You know it's on the battlefield.

Whether it's Garp or Tanya, there's something wrong in the fight.

Not to mention, the collapse of Garp's image will greatly affect Marine's morale!

Tanya scoffed:

"Is there any need to show mercy to Marine's traitors?"

This is what she wants!

Otherwise why wait until now?

Anyway, it was Garp who did it first, so he was a legitimate defense!


Sengoku gritted his teeth, unable to squeeze out a word.

Could it be that Tanya was sent to deal with the Pirate Empress before, is she still brooding about it?

Sengoku knows that once a soldier is listed as a traitor by Tanya, she will go to great lengths to remove it!

That's how she dealt with Saul's mutiny back then!

The tricky part is.

I have to watch Ace now.

There is simply no way to mediate the conflict between the two...

The battle is intensifying!