2) Shopping and Crazy Woman

It was the next day and I slept till 5:25 pm which is surprising as I've never slept this long before. I get up walk to the bathroom wash up brush my face and teeth I've decided to go the to market even though it's raining I'm immune to it so I will still take an umbrella as to not be sus. So I went to my room put on some comfy clothes which was swear pants and white T-shirt and a big over sized black hoodie(with a zipper so aka Jacket or something)and head down to the kitchen I was hungry at the moment to I took a blood bag and drank it then I walked to the living room grabbed my umbrella which was by the door but on my rain boots, grabbed my phone,keys and wallet then put my hood on and walked out of the house with a mask on to.

As I step out onto the porch underneath the little heading above my door to block the rain I see the streets almost flooded with Red Rain. I open my umbrella and step out under the rain as it hits my umbrella top, I start walking. After 10 Mins of walking I make it to the market and I noticed that they still had it open even if it's raining and there seems to be people inside so I walk up to the sliding doors and it opens automatically for me. I see at least 30 People in the store maybe more in the back I didn't feel like counting somehow I just new by instinct. I continue to walk around after grabbing a cart to push around ignoring all the strange and lustful looks I get from men mostly. I start looking luckily I made a list in my head of the things I need, but it sucks I don't have a car so I'm just gonna have to have it delivered or something, on my list is


1. Canned Food


3. Lots of Water and other drinks

4. Personal items such as Bodywash,deodorant,shampoo, conditioner,etc

5. Meat and lots of it

6. First aid kit which I can probably get on line or whatever

7.Frozen Foods and Ovenable Foods(Stuff you put in the oven/toaster oven etc)

8. Lots of instant noodles

9. Lots of rice

10. Sea food lots

11. Any other Korean/Chinese foods that I'll need I can also see if there online or not

I think that was all I needed. I first make my way to the meat section first, as I looked at all the meat I was practically drooling just thinking about the blood I could be drinking right now but thx god...or is that to wrong cuz I'm not human anymore so what thx Hell then, meh whatever I'm just glad I had my mask on or people would have been looking at me weirdly enough as they already do. As I look at all the meat I start putting them into my cart since I can cook any type of meat perfectly thx to my good ass cooking skills I got from my mom ofc.

I look at all the beautiful meats in front of me I'm just putting them into my cart and moving on to the canned food section and I see a lot there so I begin putting more shit into my cart, then off to the rice area where I see loads of it so I pick out three giant ass bags of white rice.

Then I go to the noodle section

And see lots of my fav noodles so I start putting them into my cart. After that I realized my cart was full so I went to the cashier and said,

"Hi I would like to leave my cart here do a bit I'm going back for more shopping is that alright?" I said in my honey sweet voice that I didn't even know I have till now. I looked at the girl who seems to be blushing madly says, "Y-yes you can s-sir I'll keep and eyes on it!" She said stuttering ever so stupidly if you ask me. "Thx very much" I said already walking away from her and got my second cart ready for more shopping. I go to the section for personal items are at, i see the body wash and they have lots of good types that smell really good cuz I can smell them even with there lids closed. I put 40 Body wash bottles 20 shampoo and conditioner bottles. 20 bottles of hand soap and hand sanitizer cuz we all still need to be extra careful and clean the fuck.

After getting those things I head to the other sections on my list get what I need then troll back to the cashier to cash out.

"Hello I would like to cash out now" I said looking at the young girl who is again blushing as soon as she saw me. "Y-yes sir" she said stuttering makes me feel like laughing actually. She starts to bunk everything and back them into bags I tell her, "I want my stuff deliver asap alright" I said pulling out my card "y-yes sir right away!".

She goes and calls someone saying there is a delivery to be made asap so she comes right back to me checks me out with the card I gave her and I start walking out the sliding door only to get stopped by some crazy woman standing in front of the sliding doors. "Are you crazy! Why are you walking out there are you fucking dumb or something?!" She yells into my face while blocking the door.

"Um excuse me I'm perfectly fine, second I'm not fucking crazy but maybe you are and third because I'm ok with the Red rain and I have an umbrella so ok with walking out in the Red Rain thx you very much" "so if you can plz move before I force you to move or we will have problems" I said in Avery annoyed voice hoping she realizes not to fuck with me right now.

The crazy woman flinches and scoots away looking severely frightened for whatever reason, though I don't think I'm that scary...am I? I ask to myself in my head but didn't bother with it and just started walking out of the market to home.