Chapter no.16 Unveiling the Power of Cultivation

The sudden and jarring introduction of Yue Fei sent a wave of shock and apprehension through the assembled crowd. The air grew thick with tension, the unease palpable as they took in his imposing figure and the fury that radiated from him.

"I have been assigned to help you all transform into cultivators," Yue Fei announced firmly, his voice echoing across the wide expanse of the training ground. The area was surrounded by tall, ancient trees, their gnarled branches casting eerie shadows on the ground below. The wind rustled through the leaves, creating an eerie soundtrack that did little to ease the growing dread amongst the crowd. "I don't care about any of you, but I am determined to guide you on the path of a cultivator."

Yue Fei stood tall and imposing, his muscular frame accentuated by the black and red robes he wore. A black and gold sash cinched at his waist, drawing attention to his powerful, athletic build. On his back, he carried a sword that was as tall as he was, the dark metal seemingly absorbing light, giving it a mysterious, otherworldly appearance. The hilt was adorned with a black lotus flower, the symbol of the Black Lotus Cult, its petals spreading out like a sinister embrace.

Chen Jiao, a young girl with wide, frightened eyes, hesitated before raising her hand, her voice quivering as she spoke. "Master Fei, what exactly does it mean to be a cultivator?"

The sound of the wind whipping through the trees was suddenly drowned out by the sharp crack of Yue Fei's hand connecting with Chen Jiao's face. The force of the blow sent her tumbling to the ground, her cheek reddening from the impact.

"Did I give you permission to speak?" Yue Fei asked, his voice dripping with disdain.

Before anyone could react, Yue Fei's fist collided with Xie Dongyi's stomach, the androgynous boy doubling over in pain as the sound of the impact reverberated through the air. Tears streamed down his face, but he bit his lip to keep from crying out.

"The next time you want to feel anger towards someone, don't make it so obvious," Yue Fei said with a sinister smirk. The crowd fell into a tense silence, their eyes wide with fear and apprehension.

Lee Min with trembling hands, tried to speak up, but Yue Fei cut her off with a chilling proclamation. "While I speak, I don't want to hear any of your questions! Am I clear?!"

Everyone nodded at Yue Fei's orders, their gazes fixed on the ground as they tried to avoid drawing his ire.

"Well, let's start with the beginning. What is cultivation?" Yue Fei continued, his voice resonating through the training ground as the wind carried the echoes of his words.

With a deft snap of his fingers, Yue Fei conjured two orbs of flickering flame that floated above him, casting a warm, ethereal glow on his surroundings.

"In layman's terms," Yue Fei began, his voice steady and clear, "cultivation is the process of absorbing the manifestation of power that exists throughout the Heavens and Earth, binding the very fabric of our world together. Consider it the force that connects all things."

He paused, his eyes sweeping over the crowd, ensuring they were paying attention.

"This power manifests in the form of Spiritual Qi, which permeates everything. It is sometimes referred to as the blood of the Heavens, though there are many differing schools of thought across the vast Wuji Continent. Those who can perceive the true nature of the Heavens and possess the ability to absorb Spiritual Qi into their bodies are known as cultivators."

Yue Fei gestured toward the floating flames, their flickering light casting ever-changing patterns on his face. "Imagine these flames as the Spiritual Qi of the Heavens and the Earth. Once inside the body, they merge with an individual's own Spiritual Qi, creating a much greater power."

His words hung in the air, the gravity of the concept sinking in as the crowd contemplated the extraordinary path that lay before them.

With an abrupt, fluid motion, Yue Fei unsheathed his sword, the dark metal glinting in the flickering firelight. He turned towards a giant rock that stood nearby, its weathered surface bearing the marks of countless years. "Watch closely," he commanded, his voice authoritative and resonant.

As he moved his blade, it seemed to cut through the air with a sharp, slicing sound, the swiftness and precision of his movements leaving no doubt as to his expertise. His eyes glowed with an intensity that spoke of both power and purpose, and he exhaled a slow, deliberate breath. With a subtle twist of his hips and a fluid motion of his hands, he created a crescent of yellow aura that seemed to tear through the very fabric of the world around them.

I, like many others, found myself wondering if the spectacle unfolding before our eyes was indeed the manifestation of Spiritual Qi. As the wind pressure from Yue Fei's powerful swing surged towards us, I couldn't help but be taken aback, feeling the force of the air as it whipped past my face. Many in the crowd gasped and cried out in amazement as they watched Yue Fei's blade slice cleanly through the massive rock formation, leaving it in two perfectly divided halves.

With a practiced ease, Yue Fei sheathed his blade once more, the hilt clicking into place with a satisfying sound. He turned back to the shell-shocked crowd, his gaze sweeping over their wide-eyed faces. "This," he said, his voice echoing through the cavernous training ground, "is the power of Cultivation."

The awe-inspiring display sent murmurs rippling through the crowd, their voices hushed yet animated.

"What? How?" one whispered.

"Did you see that?" another questioned in disbelief.

"Unbelievable..." someone else muttered.

Yue Fei seemed to pay no heed to the awestruck expressions and whispered exclamations. Instead, he forcefully stomped his foot into the ground, the impact resonating throughout the training area and silencing the crowd. His voice boomed as he continued his explanation.

"Think of Spiritual Qi as an invisible energy that permeates throughout the Heavens and Earth. However, if you worthless fools want to harness this power, you must first build up your foundation. Why?" He paused for a moment, allowing the tension to build, then dramatically raised his hand toward the sky.

A bubble of Spiritual Qi formed around the sphere of flames, its shimmering surface reflecting the flickering light. Yue Fei's voice took on an urgent tone as he explained, "Spiritual Qi is stored inside an individual's body, but you must remember that if your body is unable to contain such extraordinary power, then..."

The Qi bubble surrounding the flame suddenly exploded, the force of the blast causing the crowd to recoil in shock. The message was clear: they needed to be strong enough to contain the power of Spiritual Qi.

Yue Fei continued, his voice unwavering and determined. "For your frail, mortal bodies to contain Spiritual Qi, you need a solid foundation. And to establish this foundation, you must be able to physically endure the burden. So, until I say 'stop,' you will run laps around this training ground." His eyes glowed with an intensity that brooked no argument as he issued his command. "Right. Fucking. Now."

The crowd hesitated for only a moment before the urgency of Yue Fei's words spurred them into action.


As the children labored to complete the task, Yue Fei's sharp gaze scanned the group, searching for those who possessed the potential to walk the arduous path of cultivation. He could see the determination and willpower burning in the eyes of a small handful of children who had refused to give up, and he felt a flicker of satisfaction deep within him.

The sun had dipped lower in the sky, casting long shadows across the training ground as the wind rustled through the leaves of the ancient trees. The air was thick with the scent of sweat and determination, punctuated by the heavy breathing and footfalls of the exhausted children.

"Stop!" Yue Fei's commanding voice echoed through the area, bringing the children to a halt. He swept his gaze over the small group who had persevered, his expression unreadable. "Hmm, it appears some of you possess the potential to walk the path of cultivation," he announced, a note of approval in his tone.

Turning to face the children who had succumbed to exhaustion, he continued, his voice stern and unyielding. "As for you, there will be a similar test tomorrow. If you cannot demonstrate the will to even run this course, then don't bother attempting to walk the path of a cultivator."

His words struck a chord within the hearts of those who had faltered, causing some to cast their gazes downward in shame, while others gritted their teeth in frustration. They had survived the hellish ordeals of their lives up until now. What right did this man have to tell them they weren't worthy of becoming cultivators? Yet, deep down, they recognized the truth in Yue Fei's words. If they were unable to withstand this small trial, how could they possibly hope to conquer the formidable challenges that awaited them in the World of Murim?


As the children dispersed, fatigue weighing heavily upon them, Xu Wen'an approached me with a towel in her hand. Her eyes were filled with concern as she handed it over, watching as I wiped the sweat from my brow.

"Master, do you want me to help you up?" she inquired, her voice soft and tentative.

I, along with a few others, had been running for hours on end, and she worried about the toll it had taken on my body.

"No, I can manage on my own," I reassured her, my voice firm.

"I think I'll take a stroll in the forest to clear my head." I had developed considerable stamina during my time in prison.

Xu Wen'an hesitated for a moment before addressing the subject that had been weighing on her mind.

"So, what happened last night?" she asked, her cheeks flushing a delicate shade of pink.

"Nothing," I replied honestly. "You passed out, and I would never be the sort of person who takes advantage of someone in their sleep." Xu Wen'an swallowed hard, visibly relieved.

"So, should I prepare myself for tonight?" she ventured, her voice wavering slightly.

"No," I replied gently, sensing her apprehension. "Don't worry, I'm not upset. I just want to enjoy a little peace and quiet, so I'm going to take a stroll."

With that, I turned toward the bamboo forest that lay just beyond the training ground.

As I ventured into the tranquil woodland, I was immediately enveloped by the soothing sounds of rustling leaves and swaying bamboo stalks. The lush, green canopy overhead filtered the sunlight, casting dappled patterns on the ground below.

I pulled out the map that Xu Wen'an had drawn for me, studying its intricate details as I navigated the forest. The sound of my footsteps was muffled by the thick layer of moss and fallen leaves that carpeted the earth beneath me. The air was dense with the smell of damp earth and the distant murmur of water flowing through a nearby stream.

The serenity of the forest washed over me like a balm, soothing my frayed nerves and rekindling my determination.