Chapter no.23 Obstacle Course

The training fields were bustling with activity, the air filled with the sounds of clanging metal and grunts of exertion as the children trained. Dozens of young martial artists moved in unison, their bodies twisting and turning as they executed their various techniques. The air was thick with the scent of sweat and determination as each child pushed themselves to their limits, striving to master the martial arts that would one day make them formidable cultivators.
As the children trained, one red-haired child stood out amongst the rest. He was a picture of intensity, his purple eyes narrowed in fierce concentration as he wielded a war saber, its curved blade glinting in the dim light of the cave. But what made him truly exceptional was the fact that he was not just using one martial art technique, but two. The intricate and powerful Seven-Star Saber technique, alongside the lightning-fast Thunder Hummingbird technique, the latter from Alexander's vast collection of martial arts.
The purple-eyed child's movements were fluid and deadly, his strikes hitting with a force that was unmatched by his peers. Each swing of his saber seemed to carry with it the weight of his determination, the force of his desire to survive in this hellhole.
His fellow students watched him with a mixture of awe and envy, secretly wishing that they too could possess such skill and power.
As the training session came to an end, the children's faces were etched with exhaustion, their bodies slick with sweat. But that was not the end of it, Xu Wen'an, announced the next exercise with a grin. "Hurry and finish up your sets," she called out, her voice carrying over the sounds of the training field. "It's time for your favorite exercise of all, the obstacle course."
A collective groan echoed through the field as the children prepared for the grueling obstacle course that lay ahead. They knew all too well the challenges that awaited them - the wall climbs, rope swings, and balance beams that would test their strength, agility, and endurance to their very limits.
With weights clasped to my limbs, I moved, each step a deliberate defiance against the resistance they provided, in the vast field echoing with the melodious clanging of practicing martial artists. My red hair, a flaming beacon amidst the sea of diligent children, garnered attention, yet it was my unwavering determination, visible through my fierce, concentrated purple eyes, that truly distinguished me from the rest. Even with the acknowledgment that my low-grade spiritual roots were a palpable limitation, my resolve did not waver; strength, in all its manifestations, was my quest.
As I stood in line for the upcoming obstacle course, my closed eyes were not a sign of rest but of another form of training. My spirit reached out, attempting to sense the spiritual Qi around me. Even though I had lower-grade spiritual roots, my control over QI was greater than even Lee Min and Chun Jiao.
The obstacle course stretched ahead, nested in an open field, cradled by towering trees whose rustling leaves whispered encouragement. It was a brutal yet ingenious creation of our instructors, ensuring that our youthful bodies and determined minds were pushed to their extremities.
My weighted steps approached the quintuple steps of smooth, worn stone, leaning towards a clear, inviting water pit at a precarious 45-degree angle. Each step was a mini battle, the weights demanding surrender with every movement, yet I advanced, embracing the refreshing chill of the water as I passed through the pit. My resolve, silently acknowledged by the steep hill ahead, did not budge. My ascent, amidst compact dirt providing a deceitful assurance of stable footing, was relentless, each step a whisper of rebellion against my physical limits.
The suspended oak log that awaited at the hill's crest presented a deceptive challenge, its rusted rail track and moss-covered surface hinting at an aged stability that contrasted with its wavering under my controlled steps. Conscious of the force flowing through me, I proceeded cautiously, ensuring my strength did not betray me, unleashing destruction upon the course. The unstable bamboo bridge that followed demanded a careful dance, where balance and composure were paramount, especially with the added challenge of my additional weights.
Then came a series of vertical poles, each capped with a platform barely sufficient to host a child, demanding precision and strength, the latter of which threatened to snap them like twigs under my potent grasp. Every leap and landing was a practiced restraint, ensuring my power did not shatter my path.
Ascending the cold, slippery salmon ladder required a careful modulation of strength, my muscles rippling visibly with each controlled pull, cautious not to warp the metal with my prowess. Then swinging across the metal bulbs that followed required a keen awareness of my grip, preventing the bulbs from being crushed like fragile eggs in my palm.
Every subsequent obstacle, from the narrow, slippery balance beam to the dauntingly curved warped wall, demanded not just my physicality but a continuous conscious control of the explosive power that simmered beneath my skin.
And as I sprinted—weighted yet unbowed—across the final stretch, crossing the finish line with a controlled explosion of speed and power, my breaths were even and spirit unbroken. Xu Wen'an's voice, announcing my fifth-place finish, was met with jeers from ignorant peers, oblivious to the constrained tempest that resided within me. Little did they know that this course, which pushed them to their limits, could be shattered by the mere whisper of my unrestrained strength. I could conquer it in a mere minute, a hundred times over if I wished, but ostentation had no place in my journey towards unbridled power amidst a sea of self-absorbed individuals.
Ye Mo, amongst the onlookers, felt a sense of anger and frustration boil within him. He felt the urge to prove himself, to show everyone why they should never underestimate him.
Ever since his humiliating defeat, the leader Chun Jiao had ignored him, resulting in his ostracization within his own group. He yearned to demonstrate that he was strong and shouldn't be underestimated.
With fury in his step, Ye Mo approached Xie Dongyi, a meek and timid boy who always seemed to be at the receiving end of everyone's ridicule.
Ye Mo wrapped his hand around Xie Dongyi's shoulder, a gesture that was meant to appear friendly, but Xie Dongyi could feel the tightness in Ye Mo's grip, making him uneasy.
"Hey there," Ye Mo greeted with a slow, tricky smile. "How about joining my group, huh?"
Xie Dongyi stuttered, his eyes wide in shock at the unexpected invitation. "W-what?" he mumbled, fear and bewilderment dancing in his eyes.
Ye Mo kept the sly smile, leaning in slightly, his voice a gentle, coaxing whisper. "Yeah, but you gotta do something for me first," he continued. As he spoke, he masterfully wove his words to shake Xie Dongyi's grasp on reality. "Look, everyone thinks you're a pushover. They all laught about it when you're not looking. But I see something in you. I think you could be tough under my wing."
Xie Dongyi's eyes flickered with vulnerability, hesitating yet yearning for a sense of belonging, he nodded faintly.
Nodding slowly, Xie Dongyi felt the seeds of doubt, sown by Ye Mo's deceptive words, begin to sprout within him.
"And hey," Ye Mo added smoothly, "Chun Jiao told me secretly that she misses you. But she can't show it openly 'cause everyone will mock her for caring about someone with your weak spiritual roots. But if you take down that red-haired jerk, she told me she can openly take you back. How about it?" He draped an arm around Xie Dongyi, his smile sly and inviting, further entwining him in a web of deceit and manipulation.
"A-alright, I'm in," he mumbled, his voice a faint thread of sound.
Little did he know, this decision would change the course of his life for the worse, entangling him in a web of deceit and mind games that would leave him questioning his own sanity. And all the while, Ye Mo would continue to pull the strings, using Xie Dongyi as a pawn in his quest for power and revenge against someone who they shouldn't have tried to mess with.