Chapter no.31 A Dance of Flames and Steel

[ Bamboo Forest - Alexander's Lab ]

Kunlan stood before me, his eyes piercing as he stared down at me. The tension in the air was palpable as I shifted nervously, fidgeting with the sack that lay at my feet. I had never done anything quite like this before, and even for me, selling a human body part was something new and unsettling.

Time seemed to crawl by, the silence between us growing heavier with each passing moment. Kunlan's patience was clearly wearing thin, his stoic expression giving way to irritation.

"If that's all, I'm leaving," Kunlan finally said, his voice cutting through the silence like a sharp blade. As he spoke, the air behind him crackled and swirled, creating a whirlpool of Spiritual Qi that seemed to suck the very air out of the room.

But I wasn't ready to let him go just yet.

"Wait, wait, wait..." I stammered, causing Kunlan to turn around and arch an eyebrow in annoyance. With a snap of his fingers, he closed the portal to the mirror world that had been swirling behind him.

"What do you want now?" Kunlan asked, his tone dripping with annoyance.

"You said that Alexander sold you corpses," I stated hesitantly, watching as Kunlan nodded in confirmation. "Well, what can I get for this?" I replied, pulling open the sack to reveal Ye Mo's dismembered arm.

Kunlan frowned, his expression darkening as he reached out to touch the arm. He studied it for a moment before turning his piercing gaze back to me. "Is this a joke to you?"

The confusion on my face was genuine. "No, I'm serious. I want to sell it," I insisted.

Kunlan sighed heavily, his eyes narrowing as he assessed me. "This arm belonged to someone weaker than you, and it's fresh. You didn't kill him fully."

My face fell, and I looked down at the ground. "I spared him to instill fear in the others. They will not mess with me. In addition, someone like Yue Fei wouldn't give me any trouble since I didn't kill any of his students," I explained, believing my plan was flawless. But Kunlan clearly didn't see it that way.

"What a pathetic excuse for a plan," he scoffed, his voice dripping with disdain.

"Pardon?" I replied, taken aback by his harsh words.

"You heard me," Kunlan continued, his voice rising in anger. "Not only did you alert those ignorant bastards when Yue Fei and the servants wouldn't take any actions against you, do you know what those children are going to do? They're going to pick up the slack and train. Your talents are nothing special, but the talented are quickly going to catch up. Your plan was nothing but a fool's gamble, and you lost by putting a target on your back."

As Kunlan spoke, I imagined the consequences of my actions, and I couldn't help but curse my stupidity. He was right.

"This place is nothing but a poison jar, and people fight to the death. If you spare someone, you're just giving them an opportunity to come back stronger and take you out. You're only ahead because of Alexander's journals. Someone with a stronger Spiritual Root could outclass you in every way. Don't forget that."

The weight of Kunlan's words hit me hard, and I felt my ego deflate like a popped balloon.

In the heat of the moment, my anger boiled over and spilled out of my mouth in a vicious shout. "What the hell do you want me to say? That I'm afraid to kill? Oh, please. What do you know about me? I've killed before!"

But my bravado was met with a mocking laugh from Kunlan, one that sent shivers down my spine. "Well, well, Mr. I've killed before. Your actions to not kill are going to come back and bite you in the ass."

I couldn't see where this newfound energy was coming from, but I could feel the intensity in the air. My fists clenched so hard that I drew blood, the metallic scent of it filling my nostrils.

Kunlan, leaned in closer, his eyes locking onto mine. "You need to learn that in this world, mercy can be a fatal mistake. By sparing Ye Mo, you've given him and his allies the motivation to grow stronger and seek revenge. Mark my words, you'll regret this decision."

His voice was so firm and authoritative that I couldn't help but believe him. The gravity of my mistake weighed heavily on me, and I struggled to find a way to fix it.

Should I go and kill them ?

"Brat," Kunlan growled, his voice rough and commanding. "Listen well, for I am about to impart to you a word of advice from the most handsome and intelligent creature in the world. This path of cultivation is not for the faint-hearted, nor for those who hesitate or show mercy to their enemies. In the Murim world, only fools and the strong become Saints. And tell me, brat, which of these two do you think you are?"

I felt the weight of his words settling on my shoulders, and I swallowed hard, unable to answer.

"The Murim world is not a place for the weak-minded," Kunlan continued, his eyes scanning me. "It is a world filled with monsters who wage war and commit genocide of Kingdoms in the Human Realm over petty conflicts. Even as an observer who has witnessed generations of the Murim World, I can tell you that it is still full of mysteries. To thrive in this world, a cultivator needs time, time to grow stronger and understand the Dao of the Heavens and Earth. Talent may help one reach their true potential, but only the strong and ruthless survive."

I felt like I was drowning in his words, struggling to keep my head above water.

"Even the strongest cultivators can only live up to five thousand years, not because that is their limit, but because their power and wealth eventually attract the greed of others who seek to challenge them. Eventually, the strong will fall, and others will take their place. Tell me, brat, who do you think is most likely to survive this cycle?"

I shook my head, unsure of the answer.

"The answer is simple," Kunlan said with a wry smile. "The one who survives is the one who is the most ruthless. You think sparing an enemy's life will make them leave you alone? No, their fear of you will turn into hatred, and that hatred will fuel their desire to end their nightmare - you."

His words hit me like a ton of bricks, crushing my spirit.

"Killing isn't something that disgusts me," I admitted. "But I'm always hesitant, always unsure of myself."

"That's your problem," Kunlan snapped. "You need to embrace the darkness within you to become a true cultivator. For now, focus on surviving. This place may be a poison jar, but you are in the backyard of a monster's den. Nurture yourself and grow, so you can survive."

As his words echoed in my head, I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread settling in my bones. This world was cruel and unforgiving, and I wasn't sure I had what it took to survive it.

"How powerful is black lotus cult?" I asked, my voice trembling.

"In the world ranking, the Black Lotus Cult is ranked in the middle," Kunlan replied. "But that's only the surface of the Murim world. The truly strong monsters are hidden in the shadows. Nurture yourself in this poison jat as much as you can, because when you enter the world of Murim, you'll be nothing more than a stepping stone for the talented."

I took a deep breath and replied, my voice fierce.

"I reject that notion," I said, determination filling me. "If a genius takes one swing of his sword, I'll take a thousand more. If a genius can run through the path of cultivation, then I'll walk. And if I can't do that, then I'll crawl until my last breath."

Kunlan smiled, his eyes glinting with amusement.

"Many talentless trash like you have come before, thinking they could defy their fate and not become a stepping stone in the Murim world," Kunlan sneered. "And what happens to them? They end up dead or worse, enslaved to those more talented and ruthless than themselves."

I gritted my teeth, refusing to be intimidated.

"But I'm different," I said firmly. "I won't let myself be a stepping stone for anyone. I'll fight with everything I have to become stronger and survive in this world."

Kunlan's eyes narrowed, and he stepped closer to me.

"Prove it ?!" Kunlan said, his voice low and dangerous.


The clearing was shrouded in a thick mist that clung to everything in sight, making it difficult to see beyond a few feet. The air was damp and heavy, suffused with the scent of earth and decay. In the center of the clearing stood a colossal tree, its trunk wider than any other tree I had ever seen. Its bark was rough and gnarled, and its twisted roots snaked through the ground like writhing serpents.

The tree's branches stretched out like grasping hands, their gnarled fingers curling and flexing like they were alive. They were covered with old, withered masks, each one twisted in a grotesque expression of agony. The masks were made of human skin, and the sight of them sent shivers down my spine. They looked like they had been there for a very long time, and I wondered what kind of horrors had taken place beneath its boughs.

The tree was covered in talismans as well, their symbols etched into the bark like scars. The talismans pulsed with a faint glow, and I could feel their power resonating through the clearing.

As I gazed at the tree, Kunlan walked forward.

He plucked one of the masks from a branch and tossed it towards me, and I jumped back in surprise. But as the mask hit the ground, it transformed into a zombie, its eyes glowing with an unnatural light. The zombie was twisted and grotesque, its skin stretched taut over its bones like a drumhead. Its movements were jerky and unpredictable, and its jaw hung open in a grotesque parody of a smile.

" If you can kill it, I will consider you worth something. But if you fail, our connection is gone, and you will be on your own in this world."

With a gulp, I nodded as I felt my heart racing faster and faster as I knew I needed to take this seriously or something as valuable as a connection with Kunlan will be gone.

"What about the crystal of reincarnation?" I asked, my curiosity piqued as Kunlan held back the zombie like it was a toddler.

"Didn't I give you the items?" Kunlan asked, a note of impatience in his voice.

I paused, trying to remember. "Yes, you did, but what about the pledge?"

Kunlan's face darkened, and he glared at me. "It will be annulled," he said curtly. "You can exchange another item unless you can prove to me that I am not wasting my time investing in someone as worthless as you."

I felt a jolt of anger at his words, but I knew that he was right.

I took a deep breath, steadying myself.

"I'll prove it to you," I said firmly. "I'll become stronger and more powerful than anyone else. My fate isn't to become a stepping stone."

Kunlan studied me for a long moment, his eyes cold and assessing. Then he nodded, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his lips.

"Good," he said. "I look forward to seeing what you can do."

As Kunlan let off of the zombie, the air was filled with tension and uncertainty. I watched as the zombie's hands erupted in blue flames, and I felt a chill run down my spine as my senses screamed at me.

Those flames were dangerous.

I focused my attention on the zombie, analyzing its movements and trying to anticipate its next attack. Its movements were jerky and unpredictable, its blue flames burning with a fierce intensity.

As I faced off against my opponent, I hesitated for a moment before deciding to abandon my usual Seven Star Saber Arts. Something about the jerky movements of the zombie told me that relying on the fluidity and graceful exploitation of my opponent that the Seven Star Saber Arts provided would be a mistake in this scenario. Instead, I made the split-second decision to utilize the Thunder Hummingbird Art, relying on the lightning-fast strikes and unpredictable movements of the style was a better choice.

The creature let out a fierce howl and charged towards me, but I swiftly dodged to the side and countered with a powerful kick that sent it flying backwards. As I stood there, panting and assessing the situation, I couldn't help but marvel at the raw strength I possessed - a strength that was no match for this creature. It was then that I realized just how powerful my opponent truly was, as its own physical might proved to be on par with mine.

The zombie was relentless, its blue flames burning with a fierce intensity that seemed to consume everything they touched. I dodged and weaved, my feet barely touching the ground as I moved with lightning-fast speed, launching a flurry of strikes with my thunder hummingbird sword style.

The Winged Fury technique emulated the rapid wing-beats of a hummingbird, allowing me to overwhelm the zombie with a barrage of speed and unpredictability. My sword traced intricate patterns in the air, each movement carefully calculated to exploit the creature's weaknesses.

The zombie countered with a sudden burst of blue flame, the intense heat washing over me like a tidal wave. I felt my skin prickle and sweat as I narrowly avoided the deadly inferno. The blue flames seemed to cause unspeakable pain to anything they touched, and I couldn't afford to be caught in their deadly grip.

I launched a Flutter Strike, a quick, darting strike that mimicked the rapid movements of a hummingbird in flight. My sword flashed through the air, the silver blade glinting in the eerie light cast by the zombie's blue flames. I aimed for unexpected angles and exploited gaps in the zombie's defenses, each strike landing with devastating precision.

The zombie countered with a powerful swipe of its claws, the jagged talons cutting through the air like knives. I barely managed to dodge in time, the wind from its attack ruffling my hair. Its movements were jerky and unpredictable, a constant reminder of the danger I faced in this battle.

I launched a Rising Hum, a swift upward strike that mimicked a hummingbird's ascent as it rose to higher branches or flowers. My sword struck true, slicing through the zombie's arm with a sickening crunch. The zombie howled in pain, its blue flames flickering and dimming for just a moment.

But then, something unexpected happened. The zombie's blue flames surged back to life, brighter and more intense than ever before. The flames were so hot that they began to melt my sword, causing the metal to warp and bend. Panic bubbled up inside me as my weapon became useless.

I stumbled back, my eyes widening in shock. I had never seen anything like this before. The zombie seemed almost invincible, its blue flames burning with a fierce intensity that threatened to consume everything in their path.

I knew that I had to act fast. I took a deep breath, steadying myself. I summoned all my strength and launched a powerful Blossom Burst, a sudden, explosive attack that imitated a hummingbird's sudden burst of speed as it darted from flower to flower.

I launched a powerful strike, combining all the strength and speed of my hummingbird sword style into a single blow. My sword struck true, slicing through the zombie's body with a thunderous impact, causing it to stagger backward. The force of the blow sent a shockwave through the ground, shattering the earth beneath our feet and sending debris flying in every direction.

But I had forgotten one crucial thing – my saber was already melting from the heat. As it made contact with the zombie, it bent and twisted, becoming useless in my hands. Seizing the opportunity, the zombie lunged forward and bit into my shoulder, its blue flames erupting on my skin, causing an indescribable pain to radiate throughout my entire body. I felt the zombie's memories of pain and anguish surge through my mind, threatening to overwhelm me.

Die !

Give Up !

Join us !

[ Shut up! ]

A voice shouted in my head, breaking me out of the zombie's last moments of anguish. I battled through the pain, my resolve hardening. I grabbed onto the zombie's body and, using what little strength I had left, tackled it to the ground with my hands pinning the creature down. The force of our collision sent a cloud of dust and debris billowing into the air around us, choking the atmosphere with a thick haze.

Yet the flames still licked at my body, searing my flesh as I gritted my teeth against the agony. I reared my head back and, using every ounce of my strength, bashed the zombie's head again and again and again. Each impact sent a spray of gore and ichor splattering across the shattered ground, and with each strike, the flames on my body dimmed until they were finally extinguished.

Exhausted, I found myself lying atop the headless zombie, whose head had been reduced to a gruesome mess of gore and crushed bone. I gasped for breath, the acrid scent of burnt flesh and decay filling my nostrils. I could feel the cool sting of the breeze as it brushed against the burnt skin of my shoulder and back, a bittersweet relief from the pain that still lingered.

Slowly, I pushed myself to my feet, my legs trembling from the exertion. I turned to face Kunlan, who had been watching the entire battle unfold with a mixture of shock and awe. I wiped the remnants of the zombie's gore from my face, a grim determination etched into my expression.

"So, am I worth your time or not?" I asked, my voice hoarse but unwavering.


[ Author Note: Hummingbird Sword Style ]

The Hummingbird Sword Style is a highly agile and acrobatic sword-fighting technique that emulates the speed, agility, and unpredictability of a hummingbird in flight. This style relies on swift, sudden movements and evasive maneuvers to keep opponents off-balance and unable to predict the swordsman's next move.

[ Named Techniques ]

Winged Fury: A flurry of lightning-fast slashes that mimics the rapid wing-beats of a hummingbird. This technique is designed to overwhelm opponents with speed and unpredictability, leaving them disoriented and vulnerable to follow-up attacks.

Nectar Dance: A series of evasive movements that imitates the darting flight of a hummingbird as it feeds on nectar. This technique allows the swordsman to dodge incoming attacks while simultaneously positioning themselves for counterattacks.

Flutter Strike: A quick, darting strike that mimics the rapid movements of a hummingbird in flight. This technique is especially useful for striking at unexpected angles and exploiting gaps in an opponent's defenses.

Whirlwind Hum: A spinning maneuver that creates a hummingbird-like buzzing sound, distracting opponents and throwing off their timing. This technique is designed to create openings for follow-up attacks or to escape from tight spots.

Blossom Burst: A sudden, explosive attack that imitates a hummingbird's sudden burst of speed as it darts from flower to flower. This technique is especially effective at catching opponents off-guard and breaking through their defenses.

Rising Hum: A swift upward strike that mimics a hummingbird's ascent as it rises to higher branches or flowers. This technique is useful for catching opponents off-guard and striking from unexpected angles.

Nectar Thief: A deceptive feint that imitates a hummingbird's behavior of stealing nectar from other birds. This technique is designed to trick opponents into dropping their guard, allowing the swordsman to launch a surprise attack.

First Circle: A powerful technique that combines a swift kick with an upward sword strike. The swordsman lashes out with their foot to strike their opponent, using the momentum of the kick to follow through with a sweeping motion that transitions into an upward sword strike. This technique is named after the hummingbird's ability to generate thunderous sounds with their wings, and is designed to deliver a devastating blow that can knock opponents off their feet and send them flying.