Chapter no.43 The Skinwalker's Martial Skeleton

[ Black Lotus Cult - Skull Island ]

[ The Lotus Library ]

A company of youthful companions, led by a one-armed adolescent,Ye Mo, stood in wonderment before the ancient library that lay before them. Their faces were marked with awe and respect for the ancient edifice that towered above them, its weathered walls a testament to the passage of time. Yet, their wonder was soon to be interrupted by a sudden and violent commotion.

From amidst the trees, there came a thunderous blast, as a furious warrior strode forth. It was Lü Bu, he was raging with anger, his eyes blazing with an intensity that caused the young companions to shrink back in fear.

"Where is she?!" he bellowed, his voice echoing through the trees and across the land, causing birds to take flight and small creatures to scurry away in terror.