Chapter no.143 Cosmic Zodiac Beast Art

The sky was filled with a swirl of the shards of souls as the frenzied beasts clashed, their chaotic movements rending the landscape around them. Leviathan, with its multiple parasitic heads, launched at Maelstrom, who retaliated with a surge of water so powerful that the nearby earth was soaked and left crumbling in its wake.

In contrast, the sound creature, Klangvolles Ungetüm, emitted piercing frequencies, disrupting the pattern of reality around it. They clashed against the geometric defenses of Verdrehte Formel, causing the area to warp and distort like a painting under a heavy rainfall.

Suddenly, the howl of Zerrissene Fratze cut through the melee, a scream so chilling it sent waves of dread through the monstrous entities. It seemed as if time itself stood still, the creatures halting their movements in response to the terrifying noise.